Thursday, July 30, 2009


Lately I have have been thinking about the experiences we have had over the past 32 years of our marriage. We have all had ups and down, which are just a part of life. Some days it seems like everything would be easier to just throw in the towel and made major decisions that would change our lives. Sometimes we are dealt a hand that is difficult to bear. But most of the time, we have realized the the blessings come after the trials. And that isn't always easy to see while the trials are there. You just have to keep going.
There have been many times when we wondered if our prayers are being heard at all, when we felt that something wasn't right. You know, those times when you aren't getting what you want or feel you want or deserve at the time. We have looked at those times and wondered just what we needed to do to "deserve" or be blessed with our desires. Our desires were righteous desires, and we just didn't understand what was keeping us from getting some kind of answer. Any answer at all. It was at times like that we would have a "husband/wife" council and look at our lives. We would find one area where we would put more effort into living the gospel better. I remember one time during our early marriage we knew we could be better at paying our tithing. We really worked that on and have been faithful tithe payers since then. We have noticed many blessings coming from that commitment. Another time it was reading the scriptures so we started getting the kids up earlier and read the scriptures every morning. It helped to make the days go better, not perfect but better. And I think our children had better teenage years because of it.
The past week I have needed to take a look at myself again, and see what I can do to make some major changes or adjustments in my life. Since Garth and I aren't home in the mornings together (he leaves for work at 4:00 am) I need to read my scriptures better by myself.
I have the set of books "Your Study of The Book of Mormon Made Easier" by David J. Ridges, which is very good at explaining word by word what each scripture means. I don't have any problem with comprehending what the verses mean, but I enjoy the added details that are included.
I was reading in Alma 8-9, the story where Alma meets Amulek, which is a well-known man in his community. Alma was told to go back to the city that had treated him so badly, and he was told to "Rejoice". He had been rejected, spit upon, and thrown out of the city, and the angel told him to Rejoice! The angel's message was that no matter what circumstances or people do to you in a negative way, what really counts is how you stand with God. Alma had been faithful, so he had reason to rejoice.
The verse that always stands out as Alma and Amulek teach is Alma 9:13. "Behold, do ye not remember the words which he spake unto Lehi, saying that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord." How many times do we feel that our answers aren't coming? That is when we need to re-evaluate our lives and see what we can do to live a bit better. Even if we think our lives are in tune with the gospel teachings, there is usually somewhere we can improve. Pray more often by yourself, family or couple prayer. Pay tithing. A true fast. Home and visiting teaching. Scripture reading. Helping someone else. Making it a point to do it and report back to the Lord in prayer helps us see what we are doing to improve ourselves. It is our own evaluation so we might be like Alma and be told that we have reason to rejoice even with all the negative things that are happening around us, or the prayers we feel aren't being answered.
My challenge to you is to find one thing, one area, where you can put forth a little more effort, not to perfection but just a little bit more. Work on that one thing for as long as you need, informing the Lord what you are doing and why you are doing it. Look for the blessings that come as you work on this one little thing. It will soon bring big blessings in your life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Fun

We have experienced some fun days with our grandchildren this summer. It started with Tyler and Nancy coming for a few days. We had fun playing at our house, then we went to SLC, picked up the Gale kids and spent a day together. We went to the aquarium and rode on the carosel at the mall. Then we went to the new temple.

We flew to Missouri for 6 days with Barrett, Chantel, and the kids. It was so great to have time to visit with them. We went to Penguin Park and had fun, even though we were sweating. I thought it felt really good, just a little wet. Grandpa and Grandma got the chance to take Max and Morgan to Chuck E. Cheese one night and we had a ball. We watched the mushroom growing on the front lawn, and looked for fireflies. We are so glad to have the chance to visit with them. Now, before everyone lets me know I have spelled "Mushroom" the wrong way, I know it! But it is a pain to go back to the slide show page, fix it, then repost it here. So live with my spelling, please. (asked politely)

Chantel and the kids were able to come to Utah and we met up for a visit to the aquarium with the Gales and Aunt Nicky. They were so excited and all in different places at the same time. With the dark lighting it was hard to get pictures of them all together. But here is an overview of their excitement. After the aquarium we ate a quick lunch at Murray Park, then we all headed our separate directions. It has been a good summer for us.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Forty Year Old Memory

Forty years ago someone told me I would remember that day for the rest of my life. It is true. Although I don't recall all the details of exactly what I was doing, I do remember some. I remember it was a Sunday. Back then Sunday afternoon was filled with friends gathering to share a few hours of time together between Sunday School in the morning and Sacrament Meeting at night. I remember my friends and I were at my house. Although it was usual for the girls to be together, I remember some of the boys our age there as well. We were downstairs and ready to go out the door and up the steps, but decided to stop and watch the small TV sitting next to the doorway. I remember thinking that I didn't want to miss this day in history so I waited to see the images coming back from space. I wondered if the first man to step onto the moon would sink like in quicksand, or would it be solid rock with no dirt. I remember watching as the cloud of dust came up as the lunar lander decended, giving us the fact that there was dirt or dust on the surface. We watched with butterflies as the figure emerged from the lander and took that first step. I remember it was exciting and scary to watch, not knowing what would happen. I was amazed with the pictures and couldn't get enough. But was over and we went on with our day.
So much happened during those first years of the space age. I remember the first man in space, sometime close to my birthday one year. I was very young then, but considering only a few years later we were on the moon, it must have been a time of great discovery. Not much has happened to such a great degree since then. We do get better pictures from space, and there have been many major setbacks, but nothing as exciting to me as that first step on the moon.
I remember that day.....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I know, I know....

I need to update my blog. But I have been working hard to keep myself busy with other things. We went to Missouri and have a fun 6 days, which I will update later when I finally get around to downloading my camera and phone pictures (with Sara's help on the phone thing.)I am now unpacking the things in my room, which is a big pain. Most people pack so they can move. Not me. I pack EVERYTHING and move it all out and then bring it back 2 months later. Not fun. Hope I can remember where it all goes. But I am getting rid of a few things. Hope to get rid of move when I tackle the filing cabinets again. Didn't have to pack up the things in them so I can go through them as I want. (Never.) Trying to get up the energy to do something besides just those things I can do sitting down because I am having trouble breathing and moving at the same time, AGAIN. Waiting for more tests to come back. Anyway.....more later.