Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Barrett. Isn't he a cute little boy? He was the long-awaited-for first boy born in the Rue Ware family. He was a very good little baby, slept well as far as I can remember. He enjoyed things like falling asleep in ant beds, flushing wash rags down the toilet, milking cows, wandering around in the corrals between the cows legs, all kinds of little boy things. Later in life he took up golfing and was quite good, as far as I know. He has always been a very good student, one of those naturally smart kids who just seem to get it. He is following his dream to become a doctor, now starting his third-year residency at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. His very first diagnosis was when he was young (little-league football age). He had been having pains in his lower leg, so we took him to Dr. Heiner who x-rayed it. Dr. Heiner always brings in the x-rays for the patient to view, so when the x-ray technician put up the film and left, Barrett looked at it very closely and pointed out a dark spot on the bone. He said "That is a tumor, but it will be alright." Dr. Heiner walked in, looked at the picture, and said "That is a tumor, but it will be alright." Talk about self-diagnosis! We went back for several months to keep watch on the "tumor" but it never grew and eventually faded away. I don't know if he remembers that experience, but his parents knew he would make a great doctor someday. He is a great father and son and we love him lots. Happy birthday.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

To all the wonderful Fathers in our lives, have a nice day. Relax.....don't do any work you don't need to. Besides Fathers Day it is the Sabbath, so honor the Father of us all and go to church as well. That is all I can say today. Oh, and I have to give the Relief Society lesson today, of all days, which is on the life of Christ. One of the best quotes in the lesson says that Christ did what He did because he wanted to honor his Father. That is what we should do, as well.