Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What To Do When You Can't See the Light

A few weeks ago I picked up a book at Deseret Book written by Wendy Watson Nelson. She is a marriage and family therapist who was single most of her life. What would she know about marriage and family? A few years ago she married Elder Russel M. Nelson. I have admired her work for several years and have read many of her books and articles. This particular book has really helped me to find different outlooks into my own personal problems.

This book, Rock Solid Relationships, has helped me to center the solutions to my problems with the Savior and the scriptures. I will just mention a few things right now that struck me again this morning as I looked back through the notes I took when I started reading. Here is a paragraph from her book:

"When we don't know the next step to take, when we can't see any light at the end of our relationship tunnel, the scriptures--the word of God--are the "iron rod" that we can count on and hold onto. The wisdom contained in the scriptures will guide us over the mountains of misunderstandings, through the dark nights of betrayal, and around the mine fields of destructive traditions and legacies of lethal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. And all we have to do is be willing to seek their wisdom. "Yea; we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall ....lead the man (and woman) of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery" (Helaman 3:20--even that gulf of misery that is created by unhappy and stressful relationship."

She goes on to explain that the scriptures hold to keys to everything, but sometimes we need to keep reading and look before we find it. But we are promised we will find it. "Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you ALL things what ye should do." (2 Nephi 32:3)

I know when I was in my deepest depression nothing anyone said helped me at all. Looking for answers from others just didn't work. I never felt that angels were sent to help me. That only happened to other people. I felt I was never good enough, never worthy, that God didn't know me and didn't care about me. I felt so alone and of no worth. It took a long time of looking, reading, trusting on the word of others that the scriptures were true, trusting on the word of others that God did know me, and did care. Sometimes even now I slip back into those thoughts and I have to struggle to keep my head where it should be. I just needed to remember that my husband, children, grandchildren, and all my extended family needed me to be my best, however difficult it was each day. I guess it was a "fake it until you make it" type of thing. They deserved happiness, and I was trying so hard to be the one to give it to them.

This book has helped me see what I need to do as I work on my eternal relationships. I still struggle with thoughts of not being good enough. I think it will always be a struggle, but I can say it is worth it because I love my family. They are worth everything I can possibly put into our relationships.

Turn to the scriptures, turn to prayer, turn to Christ and you will receive ALL things what ye should do..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

One of my earliest memories is of buying a new Easter bonnet to wear to church on Easter Sunday. Not only did you have to have a bonnet, but little lacy white gloves as well. I remember trying on the bonnet. It was very tight and was squeezing my head, but I loved it. My students asked me what an Easter Bonnet was. How sad that some traditions have gone away. This is just a fast post to show what Easter in the early 60s was like. Ruanne and I in our Easter bonnets, gloves, and dresses, along with Mom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Birthday

Happy birthday to Alexis. We hope you have an exciting day. I have a gift for you here at home and I will get it to you this weekend. I'll be calling you sometime during the day. Make it a fun day for yourself!

For grandchildren's birthdays this year we have decided to give a gift that they can enjoy all year long. I am finding magazines that children would enjoy and purchasing a years subscription for the birthday child. If parents have any wishes please let me know. Otherwise, I will choose myself. Lexi is getting a subscription to Discovery Girls, a magazine for preteens all about things young girls are interested in. Hope she enjoys it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pictures from Arch Coal Awards

Wish I could remember the order of the names. I'll give it a try.
Left to right: Tom Nedreberg-VP of UEA;Janiece Tuttle, Richfield; Ashlee Larsen, Monroe; Lori Labrum, Orangeville; Karen Hansen, Gunnison; Bonny Dahlsrud, Salina; One of the many officials present from Arch Coal (wish I knew exactly which one to give him credit). They were all such nice people.
My family that was able to be there: Julie (my sister), Nancy (daughter), Me, my wonderful husband Garth, Nicky (my daughter). I so appreciate all their support, love, and trust in me. I know other members of my family would have liked to be there, but circumstances made it impossible. We missed them, but know they were there in spirit.
The men in this picture are some of the few I will actually take orders from! If they suggest something I need to do, I'll do it to my best ability. Garth (my husband), Jed Jensen, (Elementary Supervisor from the District Office), and Kirk Sitterud (Superintendent). Kirk hired me to teach at Cottonwood Elementary 26 years ago. He showed great trust and faith in me, and has continued to do so during his years as Elementary Supervisor and now as Superintendent. Jed has been a friend since high school. He give us the latitude we need to do our jobs without too many restrictions, giving us support in whatever we feel we need. My husband is always there to support me and knows why I spend so much time at school. I truly love him with all my heart.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thanks for the Nice Day

Yesterday was a very nice day, a day when I felt contentment and satisfication with myself. Those days seem to be very few and far between lately, so I really needed yesterday to boost me up to meet the next days.

I spent the day with my wonderful husband, two of my daughters, and one of my sisters, along with many other people who were there experiencing the same thrill with their loved ones. We were in Richfield for the presentation of the Arch Coal Teacher Awards.

Arch Coal owns and operates coal mines in 5 states. There are four counties in Utah with ties to Arch Coal. There are five awards given out in Utah each year. These counties are included in the Arch Coal Teacher awards. Each year citizens of the counties are asked to nominate teachers for this award. The person nominated is sent a very lengthly application to fill out. Instructions must be followed to the "T" with specification of exactly how many lines per page, how many pages for each section, etc. I have received the application for the previous two years and have been awards a runner-up status each year. When the application came this year, I nearly tossed it in the garbage. Then I thought better. Someone appreciated my work and they deserved the honor of knowing I cared about them. I wish I knew who had nominated me, but it really doesn't matter. So, I went ahead and sent in the application forms again. (It really wasn't hard because I just tweeked what I already had on the computer.) You are asked to submit three letters of recommendation that have been written sometime during the past three years, so I picked three from the past two years nominations and used them.

According to the Arch Coal people, the application forms go through quite a lengthy process of grading by many teachers outside our area. The top five scorers are given the award.

I was really impressed with the Arch Coal Foundation. They had everything organized and in detail. The second-in-command official from West Virginia was there, as well as many officials of the company. The vice-president of UEA was there, representatives from our state government, and many other dignitaries. It was nice to see our superintendent Kirk Sitterud and our Elementary Supervisor Jed Jensen there as well. There were several people from different media outlets, including our own ETV and Emery County Progress. I wasn't too happy about talking on-camera with Josie Luke for ETV-10. I love talking with Josie, but not that camera. And you all know me, I cry too easily, so you know what you got!

We were given the awards at an assembly at the K-2 elementary in Richfield. There was a very nice trophy and a plaque, along with a check for $3,500. What a nice appreciation gift! I met with Patsy Stoddard and Josie Luke who both wanted to do an interview, then with another person from another radio station. It was kind of out of my league to be an impromptu speaker. Haven't done that since high school with Mr. Jo.

After the awards were given, we went to a local restuarant for dinner. There we listened to representatives from Congressman Chaffetz, Congressman Matheson, and Senator Hatch. We received personal letters and a flag that was flown over the US Capital Building. (I know, for a total of 5 seconds! But it is the thought that counts.) I have also received letters in the mail from the same congressional leaders. I thought it was kind of funny when the lady from Chaffetz office started to talk. She said "All but one of the award winners is from our district, but we will give her a flag anyway." Wonder who that was? ME! I am a Matheson fan, through and through.

In all it was a very nice day. But the humbling part is knowing that there are so many great teachers who deserve the same award. I look in other classrooms and see so much going on and just hope I am able to do the same fun things with my students.

The other day in my classroom one girl asked for help with an answer. One boy sitting next to her said, "Mrs. Labrum doesn't give you the answers. She asks you questions, then you answer the question, she asks another question, you answer. Pretty soon you have figured it out all by yourself!" I guess that is what teachers do, ask the questions and help the students figure it all out themselves. I hope they can do some of that by the time they leave my classroom.

I'm waiting to see if my daughter took some good pictures for me. The ones from my camera aren't too great. They show my terribly disfigured legs due to the long ride over and water retention. If I get something that I like better I will post it here. But don't hold your breath!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Josh

Wishing Josh a very happy birthday. We hope he enjoyed his weekend in the cold, and hope he has a great day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Chantel

A happy birthday wish to Chantel! Hope you are able to celebrate your birthday with happy times. I'm sure your husband and kids will make it a great day, as great as they are able to. We hope all your dreams and wishes for the next year come true. We are so excited to have your family moving back to Utah so we can be together more. (That means steal your children from you :) Thanks for putting up with us the times we have come to visit. And, as usual, your gift is in the mail! (Really, it is and might even be there today.)