Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year in Review

I am typing this at my daughters on her laptop so I am not responsible for any typographical errors!

1.What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before? We watched our son graduate from medical school. Never did that before and never will again. Watching him receive his doctoral hood was quite exciting. Actually brought tears to my eyes if you can imagine that.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't remember any new year's resolutions from last year so I don't know if I kept them. But knowing my personality, I am sure did I didn't think about them after making them. Will I make more for next year? Probably not. But I did read a good suggestion.....Make one word resolutations like.... patience, forgiving, kindness.....service This makes the resolution more flexible while still accomplishing the same goal.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? A few neices and nephews had babies, but no "close" babies in this family.
4. Did anyone close to you die? My good friend and family member Connie Ware died this past year. I have missed her so much, especially when I am at school and need someone to talk to. Another person to leave this life was my cousin, Leslie. It is difficult to think of someone that young just dying one morning. Her passing showed me that we need to take our life serious and live to the fullest. Other people who passed away include a life-long girlfriend's father, several people in town, and parents of acquaintances who played important parts in the lives of our family members. I can't forget the passing of President Hinckley, who was such a strong example of what is good.
5. What countries did you visit? I didn't visit any countries at all. But we did take three trips out of the state of Utah, which is almost unthinkable for us, who never leave the state. We took two trips to Missouri, one for graduation and one to move Barrett and Chantel back to Kansas City. And we took one trip to Arizona to spend Tyler's birthday with him. I almost feel like I might be able to go through airport security and the whole airport scene myself, if the need ever arrises, which I pray it won't.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More time with my family. Better health. More self-control to get things done.
7. What date from 2008 will be etched in your memory and why? I can't think of any certain date that was so important during the past year.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? I finished Maxwell's Christmas stocking! And I was asked to crochet some altar cloths for the temple. In my "education life" I was asked by the teachers to organize a workshop and teach them how to use their smartboards. They were so kind to tell me that the things I taught them were more beneficial than other workshop. Sometimes our peers are our hardest critics.
9. What was your biggest failure? I don't feel that I am doing enough for some of my students. I wish I could get more done during the day at school and see more improvement in my teaching.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Last winter was the worst ever for my asthma. I suffered all winter long and most of the spring with a horrible cough and difficulty moving because of constricted lungs. My lung capacity was down to extremely low numbers. My leg was also having a hard time healing from the three surgeries the past year. My husband had two shoulder surgeries and a knee replacement, so we really did spend a year trying to recouperate.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My husband's truck! I am so happy that he enjoys his truck. It makes pulling our trailer so much easier. I just hope we can use the trailer more this next year. Is that a resolution?
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? We are extremely happy that Josh is doing so well. Everyone in our closest family seems to be getting along quite well. (Long distance relations seems to work well :) We are so proud of our all children and love them all so much.
13. Whose behavior made you appaled or depressed? I wish everyone had the chance to get to church each week, but that isn't appalling, just something that I pray for each night. I don't get depressed about it because it is a personal decision. I just see the gospel as an important part of my life and which it could be for all my family. But I love them all unconditionally.
14. Where did most of your money go? To fill up my gas tank! Seriously, to others: the grocery store, family, utilities, mortgage, name it, it took my money.
15. What did you get really, really excited about? Having 5 of our 6 grandchildren at the zoo, and see the other grandchild in Arizona.
16. What song will remind you of 2008? "We Thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet" You might think that is a dumb choice, but I can't think of any songs!
17.Compared to this time last year are you much happier,richer, nicer? I hope I am nicer. I know I am not richer with money but with blessings I feel my bank is overflowing.
18. What do you wish you had done more of? Spend time with my children, grandchildren, and sisters.
19. What do you wish you had done less of? Worrying about things I have no control over.
20. How did you spend Christmas? Very quietly at home with just my husband and myself. We watched the kids on the webcam, but didn't leave the house for two days.
21. Did you fall in love in 2008? I fell in love with my husband, children, and grandchildren all over again.
22. What was your favorite tv program? We enjoyed watching Survivor, Celebrity Apprentist, The Amazing Race, and we learned to like watching Cold Case. And I still Tivo Dr. Phil and Oprah.
23. What was the best book you read? Reading the Book of Mormon for Sunday School is always a must. But for my enjoyment I read several books from Deseret Book that I can't remember the exact titles, but Gerald Lund's book about Hearing the Voice of the Lord, Tadd Christensen (?) The Ultimate Atonement, James Ferrell The Holy Secret,
the last book in the Great and Terrible Series by Chris Stewert. Andrew Skinners Gethsemany (how do you spell that?)/ I also fell in love with Jodi Piccoult books especially Nineteen Minutes, Plain Truth, and I am almost done with Change of Heart. Looking back on that list, for someone who doesn't have time to read, when did I read all of these books?
23. What did you want and get? To see my kids and for them to be happy.
24. What was your favorite movie? I don't think we rented a movie all year, and I know we didn't go to the theatre. If I didn't see a movie on TV I didn't see one. I can't remember any movie except a few Lifetime movies I might have watched on Saturday afternoon.
25. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? I don't think we did anything on our birthdays (we share birthdays one day apart.) I know we went to Moab the first weekend in May, but it didn't fall on our birthdays. We spent our fifty-second birthdays at home working. Aren't we romantic and sentimental?
26. What one thing would have made your life immeasurably more satisfying? I would love to be able to attend the temple more often. I would love to sit in a temple session with each of my children, either one at a time or all together. I would also love to see all of my sisters in a temple session together. Of course, just going to the temple with my husband is wonderful, and I would love to be able to do so more often this next year.
27. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? I started out the school year down two pants sizes and I was so excited about that. Then after being on the prednisone for a few months, went right back up in sizes again. Now I wear what I can get on. I need to invest in some better fitting clothes, but I hate to go shopping for myself. I would like to feel like I look like I have clothes to wear.
28. What kept you sane? My husband. He keeps me grounded when I feel like running away and when I feel my world exploding in on me.
29. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy most this year? I appreciated all Mitt Romney did to show his morality during the presidential campagne. I think he did a great job of showing what a man of the priesthood represents. Even if others didn't feel the same way about him, I think that he represented our church very well.
30. What political issue stirred you the most? I got most upset about the things people said about our church. They are so misinformed but think they know so much. Some of them wouldn't listen to reason, only believed what fit their preconceived image of Mormons. I wondered how so many people said they didn't know anything about the Mormons when we have so many missionaries and members out there. Are there really people who have never met a missionary or a member? Are we that transparent that people don't know who we are, yet they know all about us? How can that be?
31. Who did you miss? I miss my grandchildren. I miss visiting with my dad and my sisters. I miss my children. I miss my mom. I miss my grandma. I miss my husband's parents. Professional...I miss Jill Pappas, who made me feel like I was a good teacher. I miss her stopping in my classroom just to visit. I miss her beautiful smile and kind words.
32. Who was the best new person you met? I am not sure I have personally met any new person this year. I have crossed paths with a few people I didn't know, but not anyone I would say is the best new person of the year.
33. Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2008? I learned that it is a very fine, undefined line between being caring and concerned, and being nosey. And that line can only be decided by someone else. It is from the other persons view, so my caring is at the mercy of what the other person thinks. So it is sometimes easier to just care from a long distance. But I learned that for me, when it comes to others showing they care about me, I want them to talk with me, visit with me, ask me questions, tell me that care. I have learned that accepting their concern helps me really see that people do care and that they aren't always judging. For those that want to talk to get the gossip to spread to others, they don't matter anyway. Hiding my head and saying it doesn't exist doesn't make the trial go away. I need my support from my friends, family, and ones to love and care about me. I have learned that actions do speak louder than words, and louder than words not spoken. Unspoken words, and no actions are worse than negative words or negative actions. When no one speaks and no one shows any love, concern, or caring, feelings just become dead. I wish I knew what I could do to repair some of these dead feelings in people I care for. That is one thing I pray for direction with this coming year.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Maxwell!

I wish I could be with you to see your happy smile on your third birthday. I laugh just thinking of your big smile and happy laugh. You have brought such happiness to us in your three short years. You are so cuddly and fun to tickle. You are so sweet to sit on our laps and play with us. We love having you around and being with you. Right now we miss you so much. We love to talk with you on the telephone and see you on the webcam. Grandpa misses playing with you and your trains, trucks, and tractors. He thinks it would be so cool to play basketball with you. Hopefully we will be able to some time this year. You are getting to big! Your dad said you had a great time using up your gift certificate at Olive Garden. When your mom told me you loved eating there, I knew just what to get you for your birthday. And it sounds like it was a real hit. We are glad you liked it. We love you and your sister, your mom and dad so much. We send you kisses and hugs across the miles. We love you, Max, and Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Thanks to everyone who read my story on Ldspublisher. You helped me receive the most votes. (Although, apparently David Woolley thought it missed the mark, but then, I couldn't get through the first book of his series, so wht does his opinion matter to me? Just kidding!) I am sure someone enjoys his books. Anyway, is anyone leading the music in Primary these days? I will share my new book with you!
Thanks again, everyone. I will spend the holiday "revising" my writing. :)

Monday, December 22, 2008


"The storm seems to be getting worse, Ed."........Where is that quote from? If you know, then you know what the third grade at Cottonwood Elementary is doing this afternoon. Very appropriate because it is snowing outside! The students are crazy to be outside making snowforts. We made wrapping paper, wrapped up our poem books, recipe books, and Christmas traditions book into one package.
I am happy for some snow for the Christmas spirit, but wish I had all my kids here. We are still kind of up in the air about what we want to do for Christmas, stay home by ourselves, go to SLC in the snow, just what. It just doesn't seem like Christmas without kids.

I am going to the doctor today. My peak flow meter just isn't getting up there. The past two weeks I am down to 200, way into my red zone, so it will probably be back to the prednisone. But then, I will feel better. I am sick of coughing and the pain in my chest after walking down the hallway. Breathing is important

Have a happy Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Voting for Story

Thank you all who have made comments on my story. Remember that voting STARTED on Sunday. Any votes posted BEFORE Sunday morning at 12:01 a.m. will not be counted. You are free to visit and vote again if you feel so inclined. Also, remember that writers take a little bit of "writer's priviledges" and all the details might not be 100% correct (time does something to memories) but the main idea is the same. Thanks again, everyone.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Story Contest

NOTE: Voting takes place between December 14 - 19th. Your comment on the story must state "I am voting for this....."
Someone sent me a link to a Christmas story contest from LDS Publishers. I recalled the story I wrote for a personal experience in a class from Rose Card while I was working on my Masters Degree. She told me she thought I ought to submit it to the church magazines, or the newspaper story contest, or something on that line. So when I got this link I thought, why not try7 They are taking votes all of next week, so if you feel inclined to follow the link and cast a vote...... I am sure anyone from "home" in the olden days will recognize who the character in the story really is. Here is the link to LDS Publishers and look for Christmas #11. Voting takes place beginning Sunday, so be sure to vote after that. And you must mention "This is a vote" in your comments. Thanks!

Friday, December 5, 2008

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I used to love to spend time wrapping beautiful gifts and making fancy bows, but haven't had time for YEARS! Bags are easier.

2. Real tree or Artificial? I have lived through both eras. I loved my mom's real trees and have great memories of the family going to cut down the tree. But I hated to see my tree get so dried out so quickly. I love my beautiful artificial tree and when the candle is burning it still feels like Christmas, and I can enjoy it for so much longer after Christmas. I just might leave it up until Valentines Day. (If I even get it up before Christmas!)

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the weekend of Thanksgiving. We finally got the small one in the living room up Wednesday. Hope to do the big one this weekend.
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually on New Year's Day, but see answer to #2 above.

5. Do you like eggnog? NO! but my wonderful husband does!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Has to be the year we got a piano for Christmas. I remember the piano in the corner with a card from Joan Snow saying that Santa had arranged for piano lessons for Ruanne and I. I am still enjoying that gift.

7. Hardest person to buy for? Everyone! I'm just not good at picking out gifts.

8. Easiest person to buy for? No one! I just can't seem to make it personal.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Where is mine? We have the little white ceramic one under the table top tree. Looks pretty good. After reading about all my children's nativity scenes, I might put that on my list to GIVE for next year!

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Do I have time?

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Can't think of one. But to clarify others that have been mentioned!!! I will not be mean to Kenny. He did the best he could....but when Tammy got that speller game (or whatever) it was kind of sad. She was about 16 or 17 and they had her name. A little game with flip up letters.....

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....could it be "The Night They Saved Christmas"? I will see it again in a few weeks.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Am I supposed to shop? I will probably start when it is too late.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I love the raisin-fill cookies so I will ahve to visit Linda.... and my cheese ball, Ruanne's Oreo cookies, Julie's candy.....turkey and potato salad

16. Lights on the tree? Yes. White. But I also like all colored ones.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Of course President Sharp singing The Innkeeper's Song. And I wish I could find my CD of the Celtic Women Sing Christmas Songs.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I didn't like to travel on Christmas, but I will to see my grandchildren!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Does Santa have reindeer?

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Why does that angel have a smile on her face?

21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Any time but I need new pajamas...I wonder if anyone will buy me some? No, wait, I will pick out my own, thank you.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Students who don't do their work. Students who take the "fun" out of Christmas for others because they think they know someone that no one else knows and they want to tell everyone.

23. Favorite Ornament theme or color? My mom had a white flocked tree with gree decorations. I love our peach and blue tree, but I am also partial to the red and gold one upstairs. But no tree is complete without my icicles!

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Food

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I want to be able to sing the Christmas songs. It seems like I am always hoarse for Christmas and can't sing anything. I also want everyone else to have a great Christmas.
And I want phone calls and phone calls and phone calls!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Time

I just have a few minutes while to post a few pictures from Thanksgiving at the Gale's house. Hopefully I will be able to write more about my feelings at Thanksgiving time, but right now I am needed elsewhere.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Color Blind

Did someone forget to tell Matt Hall that his team is white and blue, not white and red?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Last Year at the Big Game

And what were you doing last year for the big game? We were in Hyde Park for the weekend. We went to the Christmas fair (looked at train cars I believe), Morgan and Chantel had tickets to The Nutcracker (was that it?) and we stayed home to watch the game. But Barrett didn't get the game at their house? What to do..what to do. Call the Elwoods and see if they had it next door. Happily for us, they did, and they invited us over to watch it. Didn't realize they were having the whole family over to make gingerbread houses. What a fun tradition that we probably won't be able to do. Anyway, it was a great game, full of excitement. But they are all Ute fans, and wasn't too happy about the last few minutes. I remember wanting to cheer really loudly, but kept my composure as we quietly thanked them for their kindness and walked out the door, waiting until we got into Barrett's house to yell with excitement. Hope it is an exciting game today. How can it not be?

Friday, November 21, 2008


We haven't done anything fun and exciting at all this week, but live hasn't been boring. We have just been busy going to work/school and living an uneventful week, which is a nice break for us. The most excitment came while sitting by the stove watching Survivor! Wasn't that a great show! I bet that goes down as one of the best episodes every. I loved the look on Randy's face when he found out the idol wasn't real! It was a classic. Now we have to wait two whole weeks to find out if Bob is telling the truth about the other idol being hidden somewhere on the island. Is it a lie to lead people's attention in another direction, or is he trying to get a stronger alliance? It will be interesting to see what happens. But nothing will beat getting Randy off the show. I don't think I have ever disliked a player like I dislike him. I don't understand how he ever made it this far. So, that is our exciting lives.

This week in school we had our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, but we made it a little bit nicer. We had "real" chairs, not the benches at the tables, place setting, centerpieces, the whole nine-yards. The pie was already set at each place setting and we asked all the kids to dress up a little bit. The teachers all wore dresses, except Mr. Winn and Mr. Jones, who had on nicer shirts and ties (yes, and pants as well!) Mr. Jones met us at the door and took us 8 at a time to the tables to be seated. The teachers sat with their class where we all practiced our good manners. We had talked about table etiquette (I had to look up that word), how the boys should help seat the girls, using your napkins, asking for rolls, butter, etc. Everyone had to wait until everyone had been served before they could start eating, then they had to stay in their seats until everyone was done. I wasn't sure I would like this, but it turned out really nice. I did have to tell a few boys they couldn't pick up their pumpkin pie with their hands, and remind them to use their knives to cut their turkey (yes, we did have plastic knives.) All in all, it was a very nice dinner and a good experience for the kids. The best comment came when we were talking about what was going to happen and how it would be like eating at a very nice expensive restuarant. One cute little girl raised her hand and asked, "What did we do to deserve this?" She was so serious and couldn't imagine being treated so well. She stole my heart, but then, I have loved having her sisters in my class before and she is a cute as they are.
I wished I had my camera there for the shot of the day: During lunch recess the sixth graders always play basketball, and there was Lexi Huntington, a tall sixth-grade girl, playing basketball in her high-heels! And she was beating out all the boys! It was so funny. (Can't spell hilarious).

So that, was our week. Nice and quiet but too much to do. Now I am off to read about 5 chapters in a boring math book so I am prepared to read it again tomorrow in my math class. So much for fun!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thanks, Chantel's Grandmother

I got a sweet letter in the mail yesterday from Chantel's grandmother, Lima. She sent me a pattern for a crocheted altar cloth. Barrett had told me to be looking for it. I am honored that thought enough to help me out. She said she has crocheted this cloth for other temples and has received thank-you notes from the matrons in Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake, Palmyra, and Nauvoo. What a great honor for her! That was very sweet of her. I have a thank-you note ready to send to her, but just thought I would post about her kindness here. Chantel, please tell her how much I appreciate her thoughtfulness.

It is Amazing

You can infer the most awesome things when you look through your sitemetet on your blogs. I look at mine quite regularly and I am getting pretty good at inferring who is "coming to visit." I can tell from the company subscriber without even looking at all the details. I know Nancy is Cox and Barrett/Chantel are swbell. Nicky is a bunch of numbers from Myriad and Tammy is .... I forgot but I know it when I see it. I assume Mitchell is USU and Chelsie is Orem. I get a few ETV so I know people from EC are here, could be family or friends. Although I love you all, it is interesting to also see those from other places and see how they got here.
If you are looking for the first time, or visiting again, please do not take offense at me "checking you out." I am just interested in where my visitors are coming from and how they got here.
Today I saw someone from South Africa. They googled "life changer and peace giver", which resulted in a few of my entries about the Peace Giver. I see from the google search that life changer and peace giver must also be some song title. But this person spent a long time reading many pages. It made me think about the things I am writing and what we are asked to do as member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Am I a good example for someone's first experience with the church? Am I spreading the good news of the gospel as I write about my daily experiences?
There was another visiter today from Kentucky who googled "pattern LDS temple cloth alter". That was very interesting to me because I am assuming that someone who is LDS must be looking for a crochet pattern for a temple alter cloth, just as I did a few weeks ago. Another sister looking for the same information! How exciting!
Do any of the rest of you think it is interesting to see how visitors come to your blogs? You are all into so many different interests so I am sure you have different people checking you out. One person I read regularly said if you want more people to come to your blog you should put more tags or labels for your posts, and link to more articles and blogs because this will get your entries into more google searches. Just a thought.
I am really enjoying reading these two blogs lately. They are both wonderful women who are teaching me a lot. Sophia is from Cache Valley and is raising her now adopted grandchildren. They were sealed in the temple a few weeks ago and she has recorded some wonderful tearjerking events. Her decorations are awesome and she is to on the go it makes me tired to just read her adventures. The other one is Annie from Liberty who decorates beautifully. (I think I will hire her.) She is so thoughtful of others. One day when she was in Oregon (?) visiting her daughter, she wanted to teach her grandchildren about giving, so she went to the local homeless shelter and found a family. She asked them to come back the next day at an appointed time. She brought her grandchildren with her, along with items she knew the family would need for the winter. The children were able to see how grateful someone was for their kindness. I would never have thought of something so personal. Take your stuff to the DI is about all I would come up with. What a lesson to learn from her. She is a great person.
Of course I check in on my friends (Sandra!) and family. I enjoy a leisure time checking out those who are checking out me. It sure it interesting!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Fun Visit

It was so great to have Tammy's family here this weekend. They arrived late Friday night and stayed until Saturday evening. I, unfortunately, had a math class where attendance is 80% of the grade, so I had to spend some time there. I stayed at home as long as I could Saturday morning, came back for lunch, got back there about 10 minutes late, left early (really the class let out a little bit early). I spent the afternoon watching the kids playing outside. They seemed to really love having space to run around and just have fun. Kayden wouldn't let Grandpa out of his sight, and Koy was close behind.
Grandpa said Koy was standing on the kitchen table calling "Sally" which was a bit heart-breaking. Kayden was so cute in the morning when he came into our bedroom. He announced himself with "I'm awake now!" then he climbed into bed with us and just grinned. Soon Lexi was there, along with Koy. Why does everyone like to climb into our bed? It was fun to just snuggle with all of them.
We spent some time watching the last quarter of the BYU game, then they had to leave. Kayden wasn't going to go, but we assured him he would be able to spend some time here in a few weeks. I will bring them all here for the weekend of Thanksgiving since we have the time off and Tammy, Josh, and Nicky all work. They can help us put up our Christmas decorations! That should be fun!
We miss having all the kids here for fun and play. We miss having all of our grandchild around, but we know their parents are doing what they need to be doing right now. Just know that we love and miss you all. We think of you every day, wondering what you are all doing. We pray for you and send you all our love.

I am spending time doing on-line Christmas shopping, so your suggestions are appreciated. Let me know sizes and interests since they all change so much during the year.

Love you all so much!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Good Time

We rode to the temple with Scott and Mindi last night. It was our stake conference temple session with a chapel session at 7:00. We usually get there a bit early (Garth Labrum time)but we didn't get there until just a few minutes before the session started. I was hoping to get there and maybe get a chance to play the organ again, but someone from the temple was already there. We heard short talks of welcome from the second councilor in the temple presidency and his wife. They are Emery County natives. In fact, Sister Jensen is the daughter of "Grandma" Helma Robertson who I am sure you kids all remember from third ward. She grew up with the Ware boys here in town. She is also the one who called me and asked me to crochet the altar cloths.
The temple session was very nice with about half of the people there from our stake. I tried really hard to study the patterns of the altar cloths from my vantage point and decided the one I am working on has is too "lacey" with too many loops and lines that will be too difficult to stretch out into place when washed.
There is a small sealing room right off the celestial room that is not used as a sealing room, it is more of a display room for people to see the pioneer workmanship. It is roped off but you are encouraged to look through the doorway at the beautiful altar, so I did, checking out that crocheted covering which was very beautiful. There is also a hallway leading off the back end of the celestial room that goes to three more sealing rooms that are used all the time. Because these rooms are off the celestial room, people using these rooms must be dressed in white, even if they don't attend a full endowment session. Nancy, Dallas, and Tyler were sealed in the first room. I asked the temple workers if I could go in and look at the coveres in these room and the sister graciously took me into each one where I went clear up to the altars to check them out. The covers were all very different and just left me with more wondering. (I also know from past experience that there is a beautiful "lavoratory" at the end of this hall, for those patrons who need these services before going down the long stairway back to the lower hallway and dressing rooms.)
While we were in the celestial room President Sharp hugged me and told me he was looking for me because he wanted me to play the organ. I told him I was hoping to but it was Scott's fault that I didn't get there any earlier. He said he had to settle for second best and I assured him I would be there early next time.
We had a good ride home because I slept most of the way home. I woke up at the power plant and couldn't really tell where we were. I was a bit confused until we made the turn into town.
Tonight we went to the Adult Session of stake conference where we learned how concerned we should be about our children and grandchildren and how we can help protect them from the troubles in the world today. Some days I wish you were all living right here where I could have you all near me so I could watch you and protect you from everything. But I know you are all where you need to be and that if I do what I should do, the Lord will protect you. But one thing I can do is leave you my love and my testimony of Christ.
I know that Christ knows each of us and that He loves us. He knows what we need to learn in this life and He is there to help us as we learn these lessons. He wants each of us to return to Him and our Father in Heaven, so we can live as extended families in His presence. He will bless us with those blessing we need if we pray, study the scriptures, and love of Him. We need to do our part so He can do His. When Grandpa and Grandma can't be there, He can be. He will help you and bless you.
I love you all so very, very much. You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. We know you parents are doing everything you can to teach your children about their Father in Heaven and His son, Jesus Christ. We love you all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chantel's Business

I am adding a bling on my blog to help spread the news of Chantel's business. She makes adorable headbands and bows for little, and big, girls. You can also find bracelets made by her business partner. Check it out!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday Morning

It is a beautiful morning here in EC and I am just relaxing before I get going with the day. Yes, it is 10:06 and I haven't started doing anything yet. What a lazy person I am today. But, hey, I deserve a break after Halloween with 26 third-graders. We had parent/teacher conferences on Thursday after school. I started Thursday morning at school by 7:00 am, school goes from 8:25-2:55, conferenced from 3:15-9:15 pm. When home and collasped in bed, didn't even watch the news (And I can't find Glen Beck to watch at night!) Started Friday morning school at 7:30, yes I was slow, tried to keep the kids somewhat civil all day with owl pellets, spider math, Halloween stories, class party and Halloween costume parade. So relieved when the bell rang at 2:55. I stayed at school with the doors closed until 5:00 just so I wasn't bothered and could get some work done. When Garth came home we decided to go to Price to pick up stuff at Wal-mart. We didn't have to go to the carnival, so that was bitter-sweet. No little spooks at our house at all. Sure missed seeing the grandkids in their costumes. Hope they all had fun!

I have one question: Where did the month of October go? I was making my lesson plans for last week and it hit me so hard that I had almost forgotten about the owl pellets! So we spent Friday morning with the remains of owls lunches. But this year the kids couldn't have cared less. They just weren't interested at all. It is an odd group. Kids are usually into the pellets so intently for hours. This year after 20 minutes they were asking if they could throw them away. What a group!

So, here is it Saturday morning, Garth is gone to Castle Service and I need to get busy getting some cleaning done. He informed me where the vacumn is so I guess I need to use it, darn it anyway. And we bought a new shower liner so I guess that means I need to clean up the bathroom. And the kitchen, and more laundry soap means the laundry can be done. I think I will do it at 4:00 while we watch the BYU football game and the UofU game after that. We will be hermits living in the basement tonight. Just fine with me, watching the football games, the washer going, crocheting on the alter cloths (I finally found a pattern I kind of like), and just doing nothing. But, hey, I deserve it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Good Analogy

I saw this in a message today and thought I would share it.

A five year old came home from kindergarten and told her dad they were going to have a class presidential election. The dad asked who she was thinking about voting for. She answered Obama. Her dad told her he would explain the difference between the candidates. He said, you are going trick or treating on Friday. If you go out early and work hard and hustle to all the houses in the neighborhood and you get a lot of candy you would have more than a little girl who sat and watched TV instead of ogingo ut, and also youw ould have more than a little crippled boy who couldn't go trick or treating. McCain believes that youshould be able to keep all your candy if you want, or you could go and share some with either of the kids who didn't get any if you want to. obama would make me take away half your candy even if you didn't want me to, and I would have to give it to the kids who didn't go get any, and I would have to say the candy came from obama and not you. Do you want to share your candy or have it taken away?

Have a Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nicky

Today is my baby's birthday. Yes, she will always be my little girl, the youngest of four children. Happy birthday to you, Nicky! Nicky kept up the tradition of being born on a Tuesday, just like the other three before her. She was also born on the 26th, just like Barrett and Nancy. But she is the only one born outside of Cache Valley. Nicky was our little "deer hunting" baby, which is why she was almost named Bambi. (Not really, Dad wouldn't have that at all!) Her dad had gone deer hunting earlier in the day. I started having stronger contractions during the day but I didn't think she would come for a while. My dear Aunt Maree (step-grandmother) came down for a drop-in visit and she told me to go rest for a while and she would watch after the little children. The rest helped for a while, but after Dad came home from hunting and the kids were in bed asleep the contractions started again. We called my dad to come and sit with the kids and headed to Price. I spent the night resting in bed there, then in the morning we had a cute little baby girl! It really wasn't that easy, but time helps you forget. My doctor was busy at the time delivering his own baby, so his partner delivered Nicky. We were happy to have another baby in our family. We love you Nicky! Happy birthday!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Many years ago in a talk, someone spoke about a little known woman in the scriptures, and it impressed me so much that I remembered the story very well. This woman made things with her hands that must have been very beautiful because her friends valued their beauty. Her friends also valued their friendship with this woman, named Dorcas, or Tabitha. When Peter was shown the beautiful things which she had made, he was so impressed that he raised her from the dead. Her story is found in Acts 9:36-42.

36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.
37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.
38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.
39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.
40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.
41 And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.
42 And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord.

For some reason I always have remembered this story. Maybe it reminded me of the beautiful things my mom would make. She made our clothes, quilts, all kinds of crafts, afghans, pillowcases, tablecloths, so many beautiful things. I learned to work with my hands from the example of my mom and I enjoy keeping my hands busy each night and for a few minutes each morning. I still have one more Christmas stocking to get done by next Christmas and I will work on it constantly to get it done. But I will need to divide my time with doing something else because of a phone call I received yesterday.

The woman who called me was a worker at the Manti Temple. She said she had been told by people in our ward that I crochet and do work with fine thread, which means the thin thread for tableclothes, edgings, etc. She is looking for someone to help make altar cloths for the temple. She said the coverings on the sealing rooms get washed regularly and so they get worn out. Sometimes they get snagged from buttons, etc. They also need doillies and coverings for the arms of chairs, the tables, everywhere that hands might rest. She also said that with all the new temples going in and the need for replacements at other tables, the church is in need of many items. She was asking me to help make these alter cloths.
This is such an honor for me. I enjoy doing this work so much anyway, but to know that something I create might be good enough to be in the temple is so humbling. I am so excited about this chance. I understand you need to be an endowed member with a current temple recommend, which means that there aren't very many women in the world with the credientials to do this work. A lost art I suppose. She will send me the patterns and dimensions and all instructions I might need. She emphasized that I might have to change the size of needle depending on how I crochet.
For those of you who don't know, if you crochet tighter the items will end up smaller so you might need to larger needle to get the same measurements. I crochet close to the required gauge, relatively speaking, so I usually match the same requirements as the patterns. I just know it will have to be done perfectly, no cheating to get the required stitches.
So, you will probably be seeing me crocheting a lot in the future. Along with at least one more Christmas stocking!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Linda

Today is another family birthday. My sister Linda is .... a year older today than she was last year on this day, but only a day older than yesterday. Hope you have a very happy birthday. Do something fun for yourself, and then let me know what you do because I can never think of anything fun to do and I need suggestions. Happy birthday!

A Pleasant Surprise

As I was working in my classroom yesterday, I looked up to see a student coming in the doorway a just before recess. I also noticed this cute curly haired little girl standing beside her. My immediate thought was "There is Daphne" then, "I guess the Oldroyd's are babysitting a little girl that looks like Daphnie." But low-and-behold, it WAS Daphne. She came to visit Aunt Lori at school. It was so fun to see her, and her mother, too. We had a nice visit with an out-of-control classroom. For the record, we got a new girl enrolled in our class, so the day turned into a "show-off" day, with everyone trying to impress the new student.
I enjoyed watching Daphne walking up and down the stairs, looking at all the fun things a school has to offer, and visiting with Chelsie. Thanks for stopping in!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great and Terrible: Clear as the Moon

I wrote that I was reading the newest (and last) volumn of this great series. We picked it up in Logan on Friday, Oct. 3 and read it all the way home that night, until it got too dark to see. I couldn't sleep on Sunday morning, so I got up early, about 4:00 and read to the end of the book. And cried again. What a surprise ending! When we drove up to SLC Saturday for the boys birthday, I read it aloud both up and back. When I wasn't sleeping, of course. For some reason I get tired when we drive and there were a few times I just needed to rest my eyes. We still read about 150 pages in all.
I won't give away the story, but it you like intense drama about the last days, this series is a must read. A few of the parts in a few volumns are so technical you really have to concentrate on them, but it is so "real time" it is scary.
While we were reading the first part of the book, it because clear to me that the President of the United States needs to be someone who is a true patriot. Someone who will sacrifice everything for the constitution of our country. Someone who has proved that the constitution is worth fighting for, who would volunteer to fight and lead troops wherever they need to be. He must also be someone who knows when to fight and how to fight. Someone who would not simply just try to get on the "good side" of countries who have announced their hatred against our country. Negotiating just isn't possible with someone who has no sense of right and wrong. Our leaders must be people who cannot be sweet talked into becoming friendly, not watching our backs because they are hearing the politically correct thing. It was too easy in the book for others to be sucked in by the smooth talkers, the people who ultimately wanted to bring our country down. We need leaders who know war and who believe in our military strength because that is where we will be attacked. It was easy for some to be bought out by a host of other ideas, other people who were ready to set us up for failure.
Overall, it was a very good book. I'm not sure if everyone would like this series, just like not everyone likes those "vampire" books. (I'm not enticed, but I admit I am weird.) Just so you know, Mrs. Card didn't like them either. I was hooked on this series with the first book, The Brothers, all about the pre-existence and I learned so much about the power of Satan and what his plan truly is. It helped me understand how others could actually choose to follow him and how much they want us to fail here. Anyway, I liked the series, and have learned a lot about the evil forces we see in our world today.

Happy Birthday, Kayden

A special day for a special boy! Kayden has taught us so much in his four wonderful years. What fun to see him so excited about his birthday present! He was literally jumping with joy, so excited and smiling from ear to ear over a crazy green power ranger. Do you know how hard those are to find?
Kayden has gone through so much in his short life. His mother has written his story many times on her blog. You can read the latest here. It was so hard to see him with all those tubes and hear him cry when the tube had to be replaced. I remember the day Koy was born and Tammy had an IV in her hand. Kayden was so upset about his mother having an "ouwee". He is so tender hearted. He is certainly his grandpa's little buddy. Forget about anyone else. When he has Grandpa he doesn't need anyone. He will even eat when Grandpa asks him to
Kayden, we love you so much! Happy birthday. Good luck at kidney clinic today. Hope you ate lots of chocolate cake so you can gain weight. (I wish I had the problem of trying to gain weight!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I love Sundays. I love going to church and knowing I enjoy being there. Even though some Sundays I feel ignored or un-needed, I love knowing that is where I should be and I am doing what I should do. I love coming home to a warm house and spending time with my husband. I love the comfort I feel at home. I love how church lessons get me to think about what I need to improve myself, or that I am doing okay in some areas. I like the comfort I feel knowing that I can look at myself and decide what areas I need to work on, not needing to depend on someone else to tell me what they think I should do.
I am thankful for the Lord helping me get through some tough feelings today, helping me to see what I need to do to get over these feelings.
I have always suffered from low self-esteem and have craved acceptance from others and never felt that people I valued valued me. In the past when I allowed the actions or words of others to hurt me, I would want them to hurt as badly as I did. The past day I have been struggling with those old feelings again and I didn't want them. I wanted some people to know that their inability to forgive and forget was hurting me again, or should I say "still". And then I realized that it doesn't matter. That is something they will need to work on. At church I was taught that my tials are to help me and that perhaps the lessons I learn will enable me to be there to help them. I read back through my posts on Agency in the Balance and Judgement or Opinion and remembered all those feelings of the past years. I am sorry if you don't like me, or my children, or my family, or whatever. I am sorry for whatever has been said that offended you. I don't want you to hurt the way I am and I don't want anything to come between our friendship and family. I would hope and pray that we can get over things in the past, recognizing the difficult times we have all gone through and realizing that some things are more important than past words or actions.
One way I get out of my pity-party is to make a list of SOME of the things I am thankful for. So here goes:
1. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who loves me and my family, even in our weakest times.
2. I am thankful for free agency that allows us to make wrong choices because without this agency we can't make right choices.
3. I am thankful for trials because without trials we wouldn't recognize blessings.
4. I am thankful for weaknesses so I can appreciate strengths.
5. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who stands near during our joyous times, allowing me to be thankful for everything I have.
6. I am thankful for my children who keep me strong, who allow me to make mistakes so I can grow.
7. I am thankful for a husband who honors his priesthood and uses it to bless his family.
8. I am thankful for parents who taught me to think for myself and speak up for what I believe, for my dad who would try to get me to debate him each morning on our ride to school. He wanted me to make valid arguments so I would be strong and be able to speak my own mind, even if he didn't agree with me.
9. I am thankful for a mother who didn't pass judgement when I didn't keep my room as clean as she thought I should, and who still invited all my friends over for fun around the piano.
10. I am thankful for my sisters who have been such good examples to me. They have each had such great trials of their own, and I am sure we will all have more. But they keep on going, doing what is needed for the time.
11. I am thankful for my husband's extended family, my wonderful in-laws. They are such strong and loving people. I love the hugs they give. They have shown me it is okay to show you care about people by putting your arms around them. I didn't have that growing up and I am glad my children can see that other people besides mom and dad can show that public love.
12. I am thankful for hugs and kisses on the check. I love giving and getting hugs with my children and grandchildren. And of course my husband.
13. I love hugs from my school children. I love walking down the halls at church and having them come up for a hug. Today one of my students from last year came to me and threw his arms around me. Walking behind him was an older former student who did the same thing. Right behind him was an "older" former students (28-29) who said he wanted a hug, too! We laughed together about how special people are in our lives.
14. I love hugs from my neices and nephews. I love how Scott (42) and Devon (43) still give us hugs. And Traci (17) and Aubrey (12?). And all the others inbetween. And I even get hugs from Landon still, that I enjoy so much! And Chelsie who hugs my head because she is so much taller than me.
15. I love living in my small town. I love the comfort of knowing my neighbors.
16. I love my job and the people I work with.
17. I love coming home at night and spending time with my husband. I love the comfort I feel with him, that he is my best friend.
18. I love reading to my husband when we travel. I love that he lets me take a break and sleep for a few minutes!
19. I love the squeal of my grandsons when they open their birthday presents!
20. I love my family.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Strange Day

I was a bit late getting to school this morning. I didn't make it until about 7:25, just too lazy to get going I guess. I noticed the lights were on, so thought Cory or Mavorene had already been in to check the heaters or something, not unusual when I am late. I went straight to my desk and noticed my set of cheap reading glasses on top of the papers on my desk. They were snapped in half and just sitting on the papers. I haven't used them for a while, and my first thought was that Cory had found them under the heater or desk and had picked them up, just some random thought. Maybe they were on the floor and I had rolled my chair over them without knowing. Very likely. Then Cory came in and said to check everything very closely because we had a break-in last night.
The first one to notice was Edna, the lunch lady. She got here around 6:30 and found glass all over the kitchen floor. The window had been broken in. She found Mavorene and they started looking through the building and found every teachers' desk had all the drawers pulled out. Of course the cops were called. They were here in just a few minutes, taking pictures and doing cop stuff.
So far we haven't found a thing missing; no money gone, no electronics, calculators or anything. Just every room having little strange things done. In my room there were my glasses sitting there broken, the monitor on the student computer was turned off, and the speaker box for my microphone was unplugged. But my candy was in my desk, my palm pilot sitting on the shelf plugged in, my pills still in the same drawer where the glasses were.
We noticed a footprint on top of the copy machine. It looks like someone climbed through the faculty room window to the copy room, then out into the office. The door from the faculty room to the office is always locked so the only way to get to the office is through the window (or with a key!). No one is missing anything. Just really strange. It feels like someone is spying on you, watching every move.
Just a strange day.

Happy Birthday, Koy

Happy birthday, big boy. Who would have thought your special day would bring cold and snow? Well, we haven't seen the snow yet, but I hear it is coming soon.
Our Koy is such a cutie! A big teddy-bear of a boy. He is so busy he just can't stop. He gets into mischief because he wants to experience everything he can. Why slow down when there is so much to do? He has the sweetest grin and touble-making eyes. You just melt into them. He is a tease and will giggle at the simplest things. He loves his grandpa, tickles from grandma, playing with Kayden, and running. Happy birthday, Koy Boy!

Friday, October 3, 2008

It Was a Great Day

We just got back home from Logan where we went to Kandis's wedding. As all temple wedding are, it was beautiful. She was a beautiful bride and he is very handsome. They looked so happy together. It was beautiful weather for pictures afterward. I could have sat around the temple grounds all morning. The flowers were still blooming, the water running, the grass green, with clear blue sky. It was very nice. It was nice to see all the family again. It seems like we usually miss one or the other each time we have family events. We did miss seeing Lee and his family and hope that we will soon be able to meet up with them again. But we really enjoyed visiting and see all the others. Of course Mary and Cleve were busy with their position as parents of the bride, so it is understandable that we didn't get to visit too much with them. However, we did talk with them while we were waiting for the dinner and we had a nice visit. Did I was it was a beautiful, nice day?

We had a few hours to fill between the temple and the dinner and we put them to good use. We went to Deseret Book! Nicky had given me a gift certificate for Christmas and I haven't had time to go to the bookstore yet, and I was dying to go and pick up my next book. Chris Stewart came out with the last volumn of The Great and Terrible series. I had no idea it was coming out so quickly after the previous volumn! Dad and I listened to all the tapes for the 5 books on our way to Missouri and back in June, so he was also anxious to get the book. (Not really. He is waiting for the CDs.) I couldn't wait to get started so when we left the dinner I started reading it outloud to him. I figured he could listen to me as well as the CDs. After all, I read aloud all the time and kind of know what I am doing. Well, it was a big mistake! I can't read through a choked up voice and tears in eyes kind of make it difficult to see the words. I never cried in the other books, but boy this one hit some tender spots. I won't give away any "secrets" but when Bono talked with his little girl and she didn't want him to go back to the war, I teared up. No, I wept. And when Sam and the family realized it was a Sunday and they wanted the sacrament, so he found some bread and water and they had a Sunday service I cried again. And when........and then.......So far it is very touching how the Spirit touches each of them. And so scary how much like today's world the evil part plays out. Tomorrow I will post about how this book is influencing me to think about my vote come November. I don't think the author intended to influence anyone, but he said a few things that got me thinking. But that will be another post. We read 120 pages but had to stop near Price because of darkness. Maybe I will become a professional book reader! If I can just control my emotions.

In all, it was a great day: nice wedding, nice weather, nice family, nice ride home, great book. What more could we ask for? Oh yeah, BYU football at USU. BYU beat. Emery football....Emery lost. Oh, well. It was a nice day.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Weekend

I spent Saturday getting my supply of chili sauce for the year all bottled and ready for winter. Nicky was here and helped me by putting the tomatoes into the hot water and fishing them out and into the cold water. I peeled tomatoes, and peeled tomatoes, cut them and measured. Yes, I got all the salt and sugar in this year. It should be a good patch. All that cooking and stirring got us 11 1/2 pints of chili sauce. And Nicky got a good laugh at me trying to fish out the hot lids from the water. It was a quiet day because we didn't even have a BYU football game to watch.

Sunday morning I was very slow getting ready for church. The time just passed away and before I knew it, it was already 8:10 and I didn't have make-up or hair done, and was still in my robe. I hurried to get a sice of toast so I could take my medicine, then rushed to get thrown together and out the door. And we were still the first ones there! It was my turn to play the organ this month so I had to start by 8:45 (My rules, no one else's.) I just can't handle it when I walk into a meeting and there is no prelude music. It really sets the mood of the meeting IF someone is playing and someone else is listening. Lately, no one but Dad listens.

We were planning on rushing on up to SLC to listen to Lexi in her Primary program. She called Saturday night and really wanted us to come see her. I said we might not be able to get there, and I could hear the tears in her voice and it just broke my heart. I can't stand to hear my little ones cry! Big kids, cry all you want, but little one's can't. So, after a LONG meeting (overtime, no 'practice song'), we made it to their church just before it started. Man were Koy and Kayden excited to see Grandpa! Lexie was so good with her part and sang all the songs so well. We were glad to be able to be there.

We went to IHOP for lunch so Josh didn't need to cook dinner. Not that he isn't a good cook, but we were rushed to get back and wanted to have time to visit with the kids and.....just an excuse. I know Lexi loves IHOP, even if she didn't have a really great experience there. The one good thing was that Kayden at a whole pancake and 1/2 of another one! He was so proud of himself! He had to show us his empty mouth. He can stuff as much in his mouth as Barrett could at that age. But he chewed it and swallowed it all. We were so proud of him!

Dad and I got home in time for The Amazing Race and time to rest a little bit. It as a very busy weekend after a busy week.

This morning I finished Maxwell's name on his Christmas stocking! Now all I have to do is get the fabric for the back and get it sewn together and sent off. Making any bets about getting it all done by Christmas?

Now I am going to bed. I wrote two three page papers and I am tired.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fun in Mesa

We had a very good time visiting with Tyler, and it was nice to see Dallas and Nancy as well. We loved seeing how Tyler has grown and what great giant steps he has taken this past year. He even started to warm up to us some. He sure loves his basketball and giving Grandpa five's. He claps and squeals everytime he shots the ball. I love seeing him look at the puzzle pieces so intensely. I wish my students would look at things that closely. He is so memorized by simple thinge. He sure gets the beat of the music. What a cutie! Here are a few pictures we took. I'm not too thrilled with the focus. Guess I need to quit messing around with the camera.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

School Work

I was working on something for school and I need to try it out. Follow this link and see what happens. My quiz

Monday, September 22, 2008

Back Home

I just have a minute to make a quick post. Hope to do more later today.
We had a great time in Arizona with Tyler on his birthday. The travel was fine and the days were great. We had fun playing with Tyler. He even got so he would let me hold him and kiss him, and gave Grandpa so many high-fives. It was so fun watching him get so excited about playing basketball. What a cutie and a tease. And it was okay to see Dallas and Nancy, too. Hope I have time to post a few pictures tonight. No promises because the day looks really busy.
Now I have a full day ahead. I have to give the IOWA test this week, which cuts into instruction time. I need to see just where the substitute was able to leave off, where we are and how much was done on Friday, and pick up from there.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Ready

This week has been so busy at school. I was put on another committee which just means more things to do with my little bit of time. I went to a training on Tuesday afternoon. I am getting ready for a substitute for Friday. We are so looking forward to flying to Arizona. It has been eleven months since we saw Tyler! (okay, Nancy and Dallas as well.) We are so excited to see him (them) again. I will take lots of pictures for myself and maybe share them with you.

For some reason it just seems like we don't have the energy to do what needs to be done any more. We get home so tired at the end of the day. Dad leaves at 4:45am and gets home at 6:20pm. Last night he was mowing the lawn and looked so tired and sore from being on his feet all day. Well, really he mowed all day but that really jars his knee. And mowing our lawn afterward wasn't a help. He was just "plum tuckered out" as Grandma Olsen would say.

I am up at 4:30 and try to get to school by 7:00am. (It takes me longer to get beautiful.) And I never leave until 6:00, or when Dad comes knocking on my door. Then dinner and all that stuff, including checking and recording more assignments. I don't even seem to get to my handwork. All I need to do on Maxwell's Christmas stocking is sew on his name, but it is taking me forever to get to that! I will get it done in the next few weeks, then add the backing and send it off! I had so much time until school started. I must be doing something wrong. I just can't get it all done. Could it be this new math program is taking so long to prepare each night? Thank heavens for Sara who helps me with reading, and Cindy who comes in for math. Suzette Roberts also comes in and volunteers during math. I am so blessed to have such wonderful helpers.

As for now, I think I will go home and cry myself to sleep, I am so tired!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

What a full week of work this has been. First of all, we are so thankful that Tyler is doing better. It is amazing how kids seems to bounce back from something major like head surgery. My knee recovery was longer than his head recovery! Kids ae amazing.

Our schedule included a trip to the temple for our annual Stake Temple Super Saturday. It is a fun family day with activities for the Primary children, the YM/YW doing baptisms, and the adults attending a session together. I washed up our clothes, pressed and folded them and had everything all ready to leave Saturday morning. When Garth got home from the football game (I wasn't willing to risk sitting out in the cold air and getting sick again) I told him to be sure to check for his recommend so we don't leave it home. He checked....expired. Has it really been that long since we traveled to Manti? Saturday morning we called around to find the bishop but all the bishopric had gone with the youth to do baptisms. Knowing from experience last year that you can't just have the bishop and/or stake president talk with the front desk when your recommend has expired, we knew it was useless to try. Last year someone else's recommend had expired and even though the bishop and stake president were there, they needed a RECENT recommend. If it had been lost or forgotten the stake president would okay you to go in, but being expired you need a new slip. I think the bishop needs to just carry his recommend book around with him. Anyway, we didn't get to the temple. So we drove up to Salt Lake to see the kids.

I knocked on the door at Tammy's and heard Kayden yell "Grandpa." He opened the door, with me standing right there. He pushed me out of the way so he could get to Grandpa. So much for loving and missing Grandma! We had fun at Chuck E. Cheese's again. But it was too crowded and noisy. It was nice to spend time talking with Nicky and Tammy, learning about Lexi's school and running after Koy and Kayden.

The drive home was difficult. I had traveling at night because of the lights so I close my eyes and end up sleeping, leaving Garth to drive alone. He was tired and rolled down the window to keep him awake. I tried to keep him company but wasn't too good at it. In Price we switched drivers. By then I was wide awake, so he slept.

Sunday we went to church, hunted around to try to find something for dinner since we didn't go grocery shopping on Saturday. We were lazy all day until it was time to go to the fireside. We had Mack Wilberg speaking at the stake center in a three-stake area fireside. He spoke about his memories of the building, along with his responsibilities as choir director. It was basically the same thing he did a few years ago, but just fun to talk with him again. He is just a good friend, the kind you just pick up where you left a few years ago. There were a lot of us "old friends" there. We should have gone to his mom's house and had a party like we always did after a Sunday performance in high school choir.

Now I have a lot to do this week in school. I should get busy! No time to sit at the computer. Got to go.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayers for Tyler

Our sweet little Tyler had surgery last night. Apparently his shunt was not working properly and needed to be replaced. Nancy details it at her blog. She called about 9:30 last night telling us he would be going into surgery. We understood that it would be a few hours until the surgery, but she called again at 11:30 and said it was all over and he was going better. It was hard to not jump in the car and drive to Arizona, but knew we wouldn't really be any help by the time we got there. I am so glad we have planned on coming down next week and have our tickets ready. Please keep Tyler in your prayers. He is such a strong spirit to go through everything he has gone through these short three years. He is a fighter. We are so blessed to have him in our family, to teach us understanding, patience, and unconditional love.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Felt Important

I was looking through my email messages and found a response to a question about a site I used to use called I Keep Bookmarks. Someone had responded to the questioneer to use because you can add so many tags. This summer I switched all my "I Keep Bookmarks" over to and I really enjoy using that social bookmarking site. Anyway, this responder left her address for us to check out her bookmarks. So I did, of course. Just looked around a little and then decided to tag it so I can look in depth at another time. (Teachers seem to have a ton of bookmarks!) As I was leaving I noticed there were a few Smartboard bookmarks so I decided to quickly glance over them. To my humble heart, there was Cottonwood Technology bookmarked! My wikispace for Emery County teachers using Smartboard technology! I have been discovered by the outside world! (Too many exclamation marks in one paragraph...rewrite, revise, and edit.)Just thought I would humbly pass this on to all.

Help or Suggestions

I have noticed that on my classroom blog there is a tool icon on each gadget on the side. I can't seem to get rid of it. This icon doesn't show up on this blog, or on other blogs I see. Does anyone know why it is there and how to get rid of it? I guess it is okay to sit there, but just looks a bit messy compared to others. Suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

(Since posting this message I now notice the same icons here! So this is an edit to the original post. Do other people see it? I don't understand. Maybe it is something new that comes on with a new post. Am I crazy?)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun Weekend

Last weekend we had a much needed retreat. Garth and I went to the mountains and just relaxed. We hurried up with our trailer as soon as we both got home after work. It was around 7:30 so we decided to just go to the marina for supper before we went to the campground. We had a nice meal in the company of Shaun and Ima Jean Tomsick and Joe and his wife with their new baby. Also Grandpa and Grandma Andersen (Mindy's parents), and Brad and Jenny were there for a few minutes. After feasting on a delicious Reeder Burger we headed to the campground where we found one of our favorite spots, #19, still open. We backed in and set up the trailer, then built a fire and just enjoyed watching the stars come out. It was a very warm night, so warm it was hard to sleep without a breeze coming in the windows. We didn't have the generator with us for the AC, so we kept the windows open. We woke up early as usual, fixed a great breakfast then headed out to see what was going on in the world. When we got to the marina Scott insisted Garth try out the wave runner. As for me, I stayed on dry land. Garth said the water was fine, but he isn't ready to buy one of his own.

After reporting where we thought we would head, we took off. Here is a picture where we went. OKay, all you Emery-ites. First one to guess where it is gets a prize. What is the prize? I don't know, but you have the pleasure of knowing you know your Emery County geography. We went to two different lakes in one day. Both lakes Dad put his fishing pole in, but he only caught fish at one of them. Can you tell where he is? In all, it was a nice weekend.
Here is Dad on the waverunner

Dad at a good fishing hole:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nancy

Today is my daughter, Nancy's, birthday. I won't say how old she is because it makes me old. I hope she has a very happy day on her xxth birthday. She lives in sunny Arizona with her husband and my grandson. They have been through many trials the past three years but she has shown what a great mother she is by pushing through all the pain and worries and making sure Tyler has all the services he is entitled to. She is patient with him and helps him learn to walk and communicate with others. She has had to go through things that most of us never know, but she is proving up to the task. She is very thoughtful of others and volunteers to help as much as she can at a long distance away. I remember her making me laugh so hard at her off-the-cuff jokes when she was in high school. Garth and I were talking about the time she bit her tongue and needed to get stitches, then just a few days later slit her head open and needed stitches again. Do you still have a funny bump on your tongue? A reminder to "watch your tongue!" We love you and can't wait for our visit in a few weeks! This picture was taken almost three years ago when Tyler was only about a month old. Sorry about the three year old picture. I need to update my files. Happy birthday

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Grandma Olsen

My sweet little Grandma Olsen's birthday is on August 28th. She was born one hundred years ago and lived for 88 years. She was a very hard worker, working on the farm with Grandpa and raising 3 children. Like many people of her generation, she saw may hardships and trials but came through each one with the desire to do what was right. She lived by herself for 31 years after her husband died. She loved her grandchildren. I would stop at her house on my way home from school just to visit with her and she loved it. So many times I still glance at her window when I drive past her home, and can see her hand opening the curtain to see who is driving by. I was so glad I could help her a few times at the hospital and care center. I spooned tea to her lips so she could sip when that was all she would take in. I patted her hand and wiped her tears that were rolling down her cheek. I know she knew I was there, and I was so honored to be there with her. I will never be able to grow flowers like her, that is Jan's job, but I can crochet and embroider, and I can pick out the towels and edges that were hers from all the others in my cedar chest. I am so thankful for the heritage she gave me. I know she lives on and will be there to greet me.
If you are reading this, leave a memory of Grandma if you would like.

My Mom

Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. She would be 74 years old. I can't imagine my mother at that age. She will always be 45 to me. She had just turned 45 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. She died on September 29, 1979. But in her short life she taught me so many things.
She loved her daughters and her grandchildren so much. Yes, daughters because she didn't have any sons of her own, but the two sons-in-law she also loved. She was blessed to see two granddaughters and one special grandson come into her family. I remember so well the day she put those little booties on Barrett's tiny feet. The booties that had waited 25 years to be worn by the first boy born in the family. I cried when I saw little Maxwell wearing those same booties and hat on his blessing day. It was so thoughtful of Chantel and Barrett to have them saved in a beautiful frame so we can always remember Grandma Nell's love for her children.

Mom taught me to enjoy doing handwork. She passed on her love of crocheting and embroidery work. I didn't get her housekeeping genes that Ruanne received, but I do love to create beautiful afghans and keep my hands busy. I don't think I have her patience, either, but people say I have her looks. She woke up early every morning, something I do now as well. She loved to bake Christmas cookies and Linda inherited that talent with the raisin-filled cookies. She loved to do things with her husband, my dad, and enjoyed spending time with him. I follow her example in this, even riding to the dump with my husband just to spend time with him. Mom wrote poetry for special occasions and passed that talent on to Julie. She listened to my problems and tried to give me advice, some of which I took and some I later wished I had paid more attention to.

When I got married times were very difficult for all of us. There was a gasoline shortage and inflation was very high. The money just wasn't going very far. I was finishing up my last quarter of college at Weber State and not at home in EC for wedding plans. We decided that she would make my wedding dress using a pattern for a dress that I was currently wearing as I accompanied the Men's and Women's Choir at Ogden Institute. She knew how to fit the pattern for me so I didn't need to come for fittings myself. We met in Salt Lake and picked out the fabric. The rest was up to her. Because of the hard economic times, I couldn't see spending money on a dress that I wouldn't be able to wear again afterward. I wanted a dress that could be special for my wedding day, but that I would still be able to wear later to the temple. So we decided on the dress with an overlaid apron. She did a beautiful job and my dress was very beautiful. I wore it the next year every time we went to the temple. A great rememberance of my wedding day. (Then I was pregnant and it didn't fit any more!)

I am so humbled that I was able to have her sitting beside me at the Ogden Temple when I was married to my husband. That was so special to me. It was something I had always dreamed of, and I know she enjoyed every minute of that day.

I wished I could have spent more time with Mom the last few weeks of her life. But with a new baby and a one-year-old, I was only able to visit her once in the few weeks she was in the hospital. During that visit she was very sick, had just had surgery. But she wanted so much to hold Barrett. She stroked his head and kept saying "What a beautiful boy." Her passing was such a shock to everyone, so fast and sudden. We didn't have time to prepare but how do you prepare for something like that?
I don't know if my sisters ever knew, but that same day Garth was in a farm accident.
He had come home at noon with plans to take Tammy on the farm truck with him. He was hauling corn from the field to the barn and thought he would give me a break and take her along for the ride. She happened to be asleep when he came home, so we decided to let her sleep. He went to the farm and continued hauling corn. I got a phone call a few hours later saying to come to the farm, that Garth was alright but the truck had rolled. I still thank the Lord that Tammy had been asleep. She would have been with him at that time. We didn't drive with car seats for our children back then. She could have been standing up beside him when the truck went off the road. I think the Lord was protecting us so that I wouldn't have to go through the loss of my Mom and the possible loss of my little girl and husband.

I have lived longer without my mom than I did with her in this life. But I know she lives on and still loves me, watches and protects me, strengthens me when I need strength and comforts me. Many times I feel her presence when I wonder what direction I should take. I know she lives and I will see her again.

Please leave a memory if you would like.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us

Thirty-one years ago today we started our life together. What a wonderful time it has been. We have had so many joyous occasions and so many trials that have brought us closer together. We have learned to lean on each other for strength and found comfort from each other. We have laughed together and cried together. We are each other's best friend.

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. He helps me in ways I know other husbands don't do for their wife. Garth washes clothes and dishes, mows the lawn and vacumns the floor. He is the one to mop the kitchen floor and clean the bathroom. (Yes, just one bathroom in our house.) He works two jobs because he can't sit still. The old farmer in him must keep busy.

We started out our life together after a two month courtship. Just two months from our first meeting to our wedding day. I would never advise that for anyone but us. Since we had written to each other for close to two years, we knew we had very deep feelings for each other. It just seemed so natural and it still does. I can't imagine being with anyone else. He reads my thoughts and knows what I am thinking even before I do, sometimes.

I just want to publicly tell him I love him and I am so happy he choose me to share his life. He is the best father and most wonderful grandfather. Nothing humbles him more than hearing from his children and especially his grandchildren. He worries about them and loves to be with them. He is a great man who honors his priesthood and would do anything to help his children.

Thanks, dear, for making my life so wonderful! I love you!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Time

Have I really failed to update this since August 5? Man, have I been busy. It must be close to the beginning of school. Hey, wait. It is! No wonder!

I have spent the past two months living at school. I just finished up a class for our teachers and it went very well. I work with a wonderful group of teachers. We are all best friends and enjoy going to work every day for more reasons that loving kids. We enjoy working together. We have a lot of technology available to us and some of us are more excited about learning and using new things than others, but we are all willing to learn and try. Since I enjoy learning how to do things on our computers and the Smart Boards, I took it upon myself to help train our teachers. Everyone had been asking me for help, so I helped myself and prepared a two-day training for our faculty. I was very humbled when other teachers from our district asked if they could come, but we kept it for just our faculty so I could see how it would work out. Everyone was there and it went better than I expected. Mrs. Nelson even told me I was a success because she was able to make a paper that she wanted to make, and it actually looks really good. She was so proud of herself.

And because it is the beginning of school I am busy getting my room in order, which is a big job for me. I just can't seem to concentrate on just one thing to get done, but flit from one thing to another. I hope to be able to post some pictures of things on my classroom wikispace and blog. I hope I remember to have the kids update the blog each day. Now, what was that log-in and password?

I have been ready "The Infinite Atonement" that my dad gave us for Christmas. I was thinking of some wonderful things in there and wanted to post about it but just haven't had time. I can only read about 2 pages while I eat my breakfast, and then because I am running late I hurry and get off to work. I hope I can settle down and post some thoughts in a few weeks.

We had the Labrum family reunion on Sunday and it went well. We were happy to see so many of the family. We missed having Ross and Linda there, and all the "second generation" kids that couldn't come. But we had a good time and the food worked out nice. Thanks to Tammy for suggesting we ad sloppy joes and warm them in the big cooker we use for turkey. It worked out fine. I was informed that Candace is getting married on October 3, so I am filling my nights with busy hours of crocheting. I'm not sure I will have this afghan done by Octoer. So I had better get off this computer and go get busy!