Monday, February 25, 2008

Chapter 18 The Chains of Sin

I really did a lot of thinking when I first read this chapter. It has a very graphic description of what "hell" must be like. And how easy it is to be lead down the path to hell by the little things we do. Moses 7:26 "And Satan looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced." How terrible that would be if they were rejoicing over something I did! Rick realizes that the flaxen cords he has seen are his own sins and pleads with Grandfather to show him how to get away from their grip. What little things are bringing us down? What do I need to let go of, what feelings and memories that can't be changed are bringing me down? Harboring feelings about the past will only weigh me down more. I need to work to be away from something that is pulling me down. I don't want to be the source of joy for Satan's angels. I would rather have the love of the Savior as I work to get rid of my sins.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chapter 15, 16, 17.....

Just a side note before I start reviewing this chapter. The other day I got my daily message from LDS-Gem which really struck me because it is what we are reading in this book. Here it is:
"We are safe on the rock which is the Savior when we have yielded in faith in Him, have responded to the Holy Spirit's direction to keep the commandments long enough and faithfully enough that the power of the Atonement has changed our hearts. When we have, by that experience, become as a child in our capacity to love and obey, we are on the sure foundation."
Topics: Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Atonement

(Henry B. Eyring, "As a Child," Ensign, May 2006, 15-16)

Grandfather has been teaching Rick to become as a little child, which is just what President Eyring saying. When we can love unconditionally then the atonement can work in our lives.

Now, on to chapter 15. Rick is trying to connect the messages of Abigail and Jonah in his mind. He remembers "yes, the Lord has paid in full for others' sins, that was the point--that it may be helpful to think more often about how he has paid for others' sins rather than just dweling on how he has paid for our own." Maybe this is thinking of others and not ourselves as much. Rick outlines his thoughts about the atonement:
1. We are each of us sinners, entitled to nthing but hell and therefore utterly and equally dependent upon the mercies of the Lord. (Jonah)
2. I can receive the Lord's mercy--and the happiness, healing, and peace that attent it--only to the extent I extend the same to others. (Jonath).
3. The Lord mercifully removes any justification for failing to extend mercy to others. (Abigail)
A. For the Lord has taken the sins of others upon his own head and personally atoned for them. (Abigail)
B. What possible justification could there be for demanding more for others' sins than the Lord has given? (Abigail)
4. I can recover mercy by remembering (a) Abigail's offering, (b) the Lord's question to Jonah, and (c) my own sins, the memory of whch brings me to the Lord and invites me to rediscover his mercy and peace.
5. if I repent of failing to extend mercy, the Lord will supply me with everything I need and more--he will grant me his love, his companionship, his understanding, his support, He will make my burdens light.

Rick does some serious thinking when he gets upset with remarks Carol makes.
"My peace is not determined by others--whether they be righteous or ot--but by myself. Or rather, my peace is determined by whether I come to Christ myself. For when I come to him, he blesses me with his mercy, and basking in that mercy I find peace. Whether others come to Christ--Nineveh and Nabal, for example--will determine their peace but not mine." In his mind he continues to think that it would be easier to come to Christ if Carol were only better and then thinks about the Book of Mormon and how the Nephites came to Christ when things were hardest and their burdens greatest. He feels a voice from within telling him," find it easier to sin toward those who sin toward you. But it is your sin, not theirs, that is the source of your struggle. Carol cannot keep you from me. Only you can. Your love faileth. Mine never will. Come cast off your sins and drink of my love."

Children love fully, despie the problems we create, because of their own purity from sin. And Christ, who suffered at the hands of every soul, nevertheless loves us perfectly, and this because He was perfectly free from sin himself.

Grandfather appears and hands Rick a book,(the description of this book is beautiful and should be read by everyone!) The words he reads are from 2 Nephi about the chains of hell. Grandfather tells him that he has been flattered by these very chains and that he needs to get rid of them if he is to be at peace.

There is so much coming up in the next chapters that I will need to stop here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just My Thoughts

We had a great few days with Barrett here. He needed his dad's help on a few things so he drove down on Thursday night after work. His sweet wife and wonderful kids are visiting at her sister's back east so he was a bit lonely (I wish!) for his mother. He spent some time on Friday talking with high school students about career choices in the medical field. Garth said the teachers said he did an excellent job and they were excited to visit with him for a while. He helped around the yard taking down Christmas lights and other odd jobs. Yes, we still had some Christmas decorations up because of the snow and frozen ground. I didn't want Garth climbing up ladders with his bad knee and shoulder, at least until the snow was gone. So Barrett and Josh did the job. Now I just need to pull up the candy canes when the extension cords are no longer frozen down to the grass.

Before Barrett left on Saturday we drove over to Ferron to visit with Connie Ware. He wanted to see her again since he spent so much time in her home while growing up. It is hard to see a lady who has been such a part of your life and see her so ill in bed. We just wish her to be comfortable and at peace.

It was a great visit with Barrett, although I wish he could come more often and have his family with him. Maybe in the spring they can come down on play at Grandpa and Grandma's house before they move away.

Nicky came down on Saturday, passing Barrett somewhere in the canyon I suppose. She has been here to help take care of Garth, who had surgery yesterday (Monday). With her here I didn't need to sit by myself in the FREEZING waiting room. I swear they were trying to create their own patients by making us sit in the cold so long. His surgery was scheduled to start at 10:30 but he didn't get taken to surgery until 1:30. We had been in the pre-op since 9:30 waiting for our turn. I really have no idea what was taking so long because they weren't taking anyone out of the area. There must have been some emergencies or something.

We were told his surgery would last about 5 hours so we went to the waiting room, which was a freezer. We both got blankets for our legs, put our hoods up on our sweaters, covered ourselves with coats, and bundled up for the long wait. He got back to recovery about an hour earlier than we thought he would, just at 5:00. We finally left at 8:00 to come home. The nurses there were great and of course Dr. Heiner was wonderful. I really admire that man. He takes care of his patients with lots of concern. He still had a surgery after Garth's so he was there late at night. No family home evening for him.

I remember the time he did my knee replacement, the one that had broken and was in such poor shape. He said he wasn't sure just how to repair the damage that was done, that he would have to play it by ear. When he came in to see me before surgery he asked if I had any questions. I said my only question was if he said his prayers that morning. He responded humbly and with tears in his eyes that he never starts the day without praying because he needs all the help he can get. I felt very safe in his hands. The surgery went well and he remarked that he just knew what to do to get the broken part out safely everything went well.

Garth's surgery went well after Dr. Heiner was able to find the huge tear in the labrum. What an appropriate place for a tear! A torn labrum on a Labrum. He slept through the night pretty well, considering a bad shoulder and bad knee. I hope things go as well throughout the day and the rest of his recovery. I love him and it was very difficult to see him go through so much pain the past few weeks. The pain of the block was very difficult as well. I just don't like to see my loved ones hurting.

So just keep him in your prayers that his recovery will be quick and free from too much pain. Thanks to everyone for all the calls and concern.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A snow day in Utah?

What a strange morning. I hear that schools are closed because of snow. Isn't this Utah were we expect snow? Sitting in my nice warm bed I thought "And we didn't get a flake." Then I looked out the window. Not lots, but about 1/2 inch of white global warming. Not enough to close our schools, but snow again. I am thankful I wasn't in those schools where the teachers stayed all night with kids. I can't believe that happened right here in Utah. Must be pretty bad. Hope everyone has a safe drive to where they are going. Nicky, take it easy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I want to wish everyone a very happy Valentine's Day. I love all of my family so much, and I wish I could give everyone a big kiss on this day of love. I truly feel I am blessed with wonderful children (including spouses) and the most beautiful grandchildren ever. I love to hear the comment "They have such big eyes!" All of their eyes are so beautiful, and their smiles are so endearing.
I feel so hurt that some people think I intentionally want to hurt any of my grandchildren. I love them all so much. Each has gone through their own trials and have overcome so much. I know some have had bigger trials and tests, but they each have progressed so far. They never cease to amaze me, from Alexis down to Koy and all those in-between. I have loved with visits in Logan with Morgan and Maxwell, having Lexie, Kayden, and Koy here, and visiting with Tyler in Mesa. Each have developed so much and have such great personalities. I would love to be able to have them all together for a picture sometime and pray that will be possible some day this spring. If not, I will just have something to look forward to.
I missed having Tyler with us for Christmas, to sit with the others on the couch in their new pj's, or having him play in the tub with the others. I will miss when Max and Morgan are further away than they are now. I will miss having Koy run to me when I get home, or Kayden and Lexi laughing while they play in the basement. I love all six of them so much.

I understand Tyler has been having some tests done in the hospital. I pray that everything goes well with him. He has overcome so many obstacles in his short life. He is truly a miracle. He is able to do so much more than the doctors said he would. He is a strong, good-natured little boy and I miss him and pray for his health.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chapter 14 Waiting For an Answer

In this chapter Grandpa is trying to get Rick to see that we are commanded to love as the Savior did, unconditionally. "He commands us--no matter who our fathers and mothers may be--to love, just as he was able to, those who despitefully use us and persecute us. And if he commands us to lvoe in just that way, then it's pretty important that we understand why he was able to do so himself." Grandpa tries to get Rick to see that we should do no wrong to those who are hurting us, or who are creating difficulties for us. He draws our attention back go Jonah. "He is a bitter man at the moment. He thinks he is in the 'right' here. In fact, he is so convinced of it, he's willing to face off against the Lord. His is the cause of justice. Meanwhile, the Lord's question hangs in the air, "Should not I spare Nineveh?' What do you suppose would happen, Ricky, if Jonah were to give up his belligerence and answered, both in word and feeling, 'Yes!'? Do you suppose he would sit the same way under those sticks? Do you suppose his countenance would remain sour? Do yousuppose he would continue to curse at the sun? Do you suppose he would feel the way he currentlydoes about Nineveh?"
His world would change, wouldn't it-not because he would be perfect but because he would recognize in that moment that he has no claim to perfection in others, that his and others' hopes rest entirely on mercy, that he is entitled to nothing and grateful for everything. In that moment, he wouldn't become perfect, but he would become innocent because he would have allowed the Lord's offered mercy to well up inside of and change him into a new man, free from the clutches of sin."
The message here is so deep it is hard to explain but so easy to feel. Are we demanding justice and denying mercy? It isn't just about a couple's love dying, but about our own love to other people in our lives. Do we think that we are better than they are and therefore justified in keeping our love from them because of something THEY have done? We need to learn to love unconditionally as the Savior did. We need to see others as the Savior sees all of us.

Friday, February 8, 2008

House Call

I just witnessed a miracle. A doctor who makes house calls. Only he isn't really a doctor, but the local PA who I think is wonderful and takes such good care of me. He didn't get the message I left for him so when he found I was in medical need he came to the house. What a great guy with a great wife who lets him take care of his patients. As I said, my leg has been really swollen and red, AGAIN, and he wanted to look at it. Gave me antibiotics and will call more in to the pharmacy tomorrow. Then asked why I'm not wearing my ted-hose, told me I had better for a few days, and come down to the clinic for blood tests. He agrees with Dr. Labrum that perhaps there is some congestive heart failure going on, but wants to get the blood work done before sending me on to another doctor. Just what I need, more worries. But I know he is here looking after me. So tomorrow at my class I will be wearing my cute white tight stockings, keeping my leg elevated, and not speaking. I should be safe from any participation!

Chapter 13 Mercy in the Balance

We left Rick and his grandfather discussing how we sometimes fail to recognize our own sins, and not willing to give them up. Sometimes we don't see how merciful others have been to us. Many times we feel entitled to something, when we should be the ones giving. Rick gets upset because he feels his wife isn't giving enough love to him. In fact, she admits that she is weak and needs him to carry the load right now,but he resents that. He tells her that she needs to learn to love by loving others, but in that statement he is not showing love himself. He is making his love contingent on her love. Grandfather is trying to show Rick that he is demanding from Carol exactly what he feels she is demanding from him. Taking that aspect away from the marriage situation and put it simplying into a family situation....Am I not feeling love towards a family member simply because I'm not feeling they love me? Am I withholding concern because I want them to show concern for me? It is tough to look at sometimes. I don't know how to reach through and show the love I do feel. Am I afraid of being hurt again by someone I feel should love me? Am I afraid to step out because I might get hurt? I know I am. I don't want to be hurt by people I love, or people I feel should love me. I don't want to see that they really don't love me. I want their love and am afraid that if they don't show love to me I will feel despair again. So am I making my love and care contingent on their love for me? Right now I am not sure if I can change my fear of that rejection. Family members tell me "I wouldn't put myself in that position any more." But what does that say about me? That my feelings of hurt and rejection are more important than showing love and concern unconditionally? I just don't know how to answer some of these questions.

Medical Update

I went to Dr. Peterson (ENT)on Monday for help with my constant cough. I can tell you it isn't fun having that "whatever" put up the nose and down the throat. I really felt badly for Kayden having that feeding tube for so long. Dr. Peterson said there are cysts on the vocal cords and most likely acid spilling into the voice box. So I am on a high regiment of Prevacid (twice a day) and as little talking as possible. Yeah, right. I am a teacher! My job depends on my voice. Luckily I have a microphone, which I turned up a few notches. I am trying to not talk at night, so if you call I might not speak to you....sure!
Then yesterday I started to get the "tingling" in my leg again. Sure enough, swelling and redness along with the little dark red self diagnosis...cellulitis again! How many times does this go on? This morning my leg is swollen above the ankle to the knee with the dark red spot forming on the back of my leg again. I know there isn't an appointment at the clinic until the middle of next week, so I guess I suffer until then. I had an ultrasound done the last time, but no report of problems, no blood clots. So what now? Just read the symptoms and hope sometime it goes away and never comes back? What is causing this all the time. It hurts with every step, stings like crazy all day long. I guess it is just my lot in life to have a right leg that doesn't like me. I am sure it all stems from something in the joint or whatever because it has all been the right leg. But what is it? I can't have the knee taken out to stop any infection, so what do we do now? Oh, well. Don't complain. People don't like to hear complainers, so "Everything is just fine at our house!" Thanks for asking.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Weekend Reflections

So how much snow did we get? Enough to cave in the roof of the shed. Not just break the plastic roofing, but collaspe it off the house. Dad had been out scrapping the driveway when I heard the 4-wheeler stop. Then CRASH, BANG, BOOM, I had visions of him backing up the 4-wheeler into the deck or the post holding up the roof. I ran into the kitchen and saw the roof was clear down on the deck and I couldn't see him, but the 4-wheeler was just sitting there fine. I yelled out the door for him and found he was walking up the drive-way, safe and sound. Apparently the roof couldn't take all the weight of the snow. Say good-bye to the grill and other things that got busted up. It will be spring before we are able to move the mess from the deck.
It snowed all day long. I went to church without Garth because he was throwing up with a headache. Coming out of church with all the new snow was a bit difficult. I walked out of the door and saw all these women trying to scrape the snow off their cars. People like Murlene Bean, Joyce Law (she got Bro. Law in the car so he wouldn't fall), Talma Peacock, ME, and many others...all trying to get ourselves free to drive. And out walks priesthood holders like Wayne Huntington and his boys, Casey Toomer, Mike Roberts, Rodney Cox and son, all the guys who want to teach their sons to be good members....and they just walk past the women without volunteering to help them! I heard one lady say "The priesthood should have been out here scraping these cars off during their lesson time." We were all commenting on where the "helping little old ladies" has gone. Really, it was kind of sad. A commentary on our times.

Garth and I went to Provo on Saturday. I have wanted him to get a new suit for so long. His is so worn out, with tears along the pocket seams and just looking ugly. I never really liked the suit he had but it was all we could find back then. So we went to get a new one at Men's Wearhouse. We walked in and had an enjoyable time finding many suits that were really nice. We picked out a dark one with pinstripes, a few new ties and a new shirt. Too bad he didn't go to church because of his headache, but he will look nice next week. He has worked so hard the past year and really deserves to look good when he goes to church. I am glad we were able to get one for him.
As for me, I head out to a ENT doctor today to see what I can find out about my throat. I'm not coughing as much the past few days, so maybe changing medicine has helped a little bit. There are still times when my vocal cords will go into spasms and I cough my head off, so we need to find out about that. I can only talk a little bit above a whisper. In fact, last night Scott called and when I answered the phone he commented on how terrible I sounded and how long this has been going on. My throat whistles almost more than my lungs do when I have congested lungs. My throat whistles all the time, so I know there is constriction there somewhere. Sometimes it is difficult to swallow, and with all this coughing I am just getting worn out. I'm not looking forward to what they might have to do to find what is the problem, but I can't go on with this much longer. Hopefully it isn't much that can't be solved with just simple ways.
Now, here's off to walking in the snow to get to school! Hope I have a good day there.

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Personal Reflection

I have recently become a Glenn Beck fan, but probably not for the reason others watch him. I found an interview he had with author Jason Wright, about his book The Wednesday Letters. I was very interested and purchased the book, which I loved, and is another story in itself. The interview between Beck and Wright was very enlightening, including their discussion of their common religious belives. So, lately, I have been watching Gleen Beck at night, flipping between Larry King and Beck. Sometimes he is very harsh, but like he says himself, it is a toned down Beck compared to what he used to be. And what has made him tone down? His conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I watched Beck the other night, waiting for him to say something about the news of the passing of Pres. Hinkley, but I guess I missed this part, probably fell asleep too soon. Check it out yourself. It brought tears to my eyes to see the "brick-hard" Beck trying to control his emotions. Enjoy. (Sorry, don't know if it hyper-links or not, but copy and paste if you want to see it.)