Sunday, February 26, 2012

Look Up

I had this post almost all composed and then it just disappeared!  I know it sometimes automatically saves, but not this time.  Perhaps that meant that I shouldn't have posted what was written, and I have been given another change to make it better.  I hope that is what I am able to do.

We had a very touching lesson in Relief Society today.  Since it was the 4th week our lesson was taken from the most recent General Conference issue of the Ensign, which is November 2011.  The talk was given by Elder Carl B. Cook entitled "It Is Better to Look Up."  You can find it on page 33.  

I remember hearing this talk.  He started out with a personal experience.  Elder Cook was in the elevator in the Church Administration building and was looking down at the floor when the elevator stopped.  He knew someone stepped on to the elevator and heart the person say "What are you looking at down there?"  He recognized the voice as President Monson, so he quickly looked up.  President Monson gently reminded him that it is better to "Look Up."

How many times do we forget this simple act?  It is so easy to lose focus on what is truly important. We each have so many things going on in our lives, thing that weigh us down and cause us to loose focus.  But as Elder Cook reminds us, by looking up to God we can redirect our focus to be healed and strengthened through Christ.  In doing so, we will not "feel incapable of doing what we are called to do, or need to do.  We will be strengthened, and our lives will be filled with peace and joy....The Lord will help us.  But we must have the faith to look up and the courage to follow His direction."

In Alma we read: "O my brethren, if ye could be healed by merely casting abut your eyes that ye might be healed, would ye not behold quickly, or would ye rather harden your hearts in unbelief, and be slothful...Then cast about your eyes and begin to believe in the Son of God, .."

He ends with his testimony that "We are Heavenly Father's children.  He wants to be a part of our lives, to bless us, and to help us.  He will heal our wounds, dry our tears, and help us along our path to return to His presence.  As we look to Him, He will lead us. ......Our burdens are lightened as we look to Christ, "Let us remember him...and not hang down our heads. (2 Nephi 10:20) for, as President Monson said, "It is better to look up."

With all the trials we are each asked to walk through, no matter how righteous our desires, how blessed we are, no matter what our wishes and hopes are, we have to remember that He knows each of us, not just us but everyone.  He knows what is best for everyone.  We just have to trust that we can learn for ourselves that He is in control.  We need to remember to look up to see what He would have us do.

We were never promised that it would be easy.  As simple as it sounds, it isn't easy.  It wasn't easy for the Children of Israel to raise up their eyes and look at the serpent on the rod that Moses raised, even though they had been told that if they looked they would be saved.  It wasn't easy, and many didn't do so.  Those who looked were saved, and those who didn't were destroyed.  We might not be 'destroyed' if we don't look up, but by going to church each week and partaking of the sacrament we are promised to 'have His spirit to be with us."  That is a form of looking up.  That will help us to focus on what is important.  And even through it isn't easy, we can do it a bit at a time.  Then, after we look to Him, He will be able to show us the blessings he has in store for us.  Sometimes He sees the heartbreak that our wishes would cause us, sometimes He sees the blessings others needs from our actions, or the blessings we can give by service to others. But no matter what, He knows what is best for each of us.  We just have to have the faith that He will do what is best.  One sure way to show that faith is to "Look Up".

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Temple Experience

We went to the temple last night for our Stake Temple Night.  Or was it Ward Temple Night?  It was the "Getting ready for Orangeville Ward Conferences  Temple Night.  February is the month for all the Orangeville Ward Conferences so the members are invited to attend the temple together in preparation for the conferences.

I had received a phone call from Brother Bott earlier in the week asking if I would play the organ for the chapel session, which I was very happy to do.  I've learned that when "Brother Bott" calls you have to expect him to ask you to do something. Since I have known "Brother Bott" all of my life as David B. I really have to think about taking him seriously, which is one of the problems of living in a small community.  He is David B because we had 4 David's in our one little classroom, David B, David R. David F, and David J.....But I digress......

Brother Bott asked that we be to the temple so I could start playing at about 5:45.  In typical Labrum style, we got there at 5:00, which was fine because there is a long hallway, then up the stairs, then changing clothes, then walking back down the stairs and half-way back down the hallway to enter the chapel.  I started playing at about 5:30.  Very simply said "I love to play the organ in the temple."

It was a good sized session, but VERY hot and stuffy.  Because we were one of the last couples out of the chapel, I was not sitting with anyone I knew, which helped me keep my attention on the session.  I really enjoyed the session and before I knew it, we were walking out of the temple.

It was a very good night for us to be together.  I love times like that.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Changes are Great

It has been very difficult for Garth and I to do things around the house that have needed to be done.  Our children realized that, and helped us do some long needed repairs and cleaning.  We are so thankful for their help.  I wish I could keep up with Chantel and her speed and thoroughness in cleaning.  What a Ever-ready battery she is!  Her handy steamer and constant energy makes me tired just watching her.  She saw me at  my worst and still kept on.  She learned my vise (pens and pencils) and still laughed at me.  I love her for helping me out.  My den and extra bedroom look wonderful, not to mention the organization in my pantry! More about that later.

A few weeks later they returned to redo our kitchen.  Barrett and Josh worked so hard to put down a new laminate floor in our kitchen.  It is beautiful and makes the kitchen look so much better.  We love it so much.  A special 'extra' was watching them working together.  It was just what we needed.  Tammy and Chantel worked to deep-clean the kitchen as they stepped around the guys doing the floor.  Nicky helped out when she wasn't running with the kids or doing errands and odd-jobs for us.  Our house was bursting with everyone helping us out, and we so love them for it.

Our cute grandkids played all day.  We hardly saw them because they were so busy having fun. I don't even know what they were doing or playing with, but I knew they were having fun from the laughing that came from the basement.  Tammy and Morgan played with every craft and doll they could find.  We saw them with little wedding reception aprons on, with crete paper, pens and markers, decorating everything they could find.  It was music to our ears.  

(Editing note!!) Ok, so it wasn't Tammy and Morgan that played, it was Lexi  and Morgan.....

During all their work, Garth and I got to keep the kids fed and busy.  We also got to spend time with our cute Isaac.  It was a dream-come-true.  How cute that little guy is!  We love him so much and are happy he is in our family.

The last thing they did was put together a new table and chairs.  It looks so nice on that new floor.  We can't thank you all enough for what you have done for us.

We missed the Browns here, but they have been sick with bad colds, so they will come down another time to help us clean up other rooms.  We so much appreciate all our kids helping us out.  

We also picked up a new stove! Our old stove was the stove we got when we moved into our new house in Cornish!  It is as old as Barrett, which is old for a stove.  Is that 32 years? We were down to two working burners, but who needs more than that?  It worked for us!  With the new floor and table, we needed to change that stove.  The kitchen looks wonderful!  We didn't think of getting 'before' pictures, but here are the 'after' pics.

Beautiful!  Every time I walk in love my kids even more.  I hope they know that.