Sunday, January 27, 2013

Just Thinking About Things

Garth is recovering well from his knee replacement surgery last Monday.  I was so thankful that Nicky was able to come down to spend time with me during that day.  I was just having a difficult time thinking of sitting there in the hospital waiting and I was glad for her to talk with.  She was sure entertained by former sheriff LaMar Guymon's remark about the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday!  I won't repeat it here because it might not be looked at as 'politically correct', but I guess it was funny because Nicky and LaMar's wife were sure laughing.

Garth was able to come home a day earlier than planned because 1) he was doing so well, 2) he was giving the nurses a tough time as only he can kid around, and 3) he told the doctor he would sleep better at home than on that awful hospital bed.  It was really hurting his back.  So I when I went over to Price on Wednesday to visit, I picked him up at the door.  We laughed before surgery that I was just going to drop him off and then come and pick him up later, but that is just about what happened.  I left him on Monday night after he was recovered from the surgery and able to be up a bit.  I didn't go over on Tuesday because I had some piano students that afternoon until 6:00.  I don't like to drive in the dark, and it was cold and icy so I was worried about walking into the hospital from the parking lot, then back out to the car a few hours later.  It would have been about 7:00 before I even got there!  Plus, Garth didn't like the idea of me being out so late and he knows how difficult it is for me to drive in the dark, so he didn't want me to come over, either.  But I was planning on going on Wednesday because of no piano lessons.  When the doctor said he could go home, he called me and said to just meet him at the door, which I did.

He is doing well, except for a small slip today.  We had a spot of ice on the driveway right off the desk and he kind of slipped a bit on the way to the car.  He caught himself, but really pulled his leg and back.  We came home from church after Sacrament Meeting so he could get ice on his legs again.  We found that it was bleeding through the wrappings, so he called the home health nurse, who came over and checked it out.  The staples are still in ok, but there is a bit of oozing from a few of the lower ones.  We will have to watch them carefully.  He then remembered that he is on blood thinner, which is why it might have bleed a bit.  But I think we have it all under control now.  His physical therapy is doing well and he starts going down to the office tomorrow in the morning.

Garth is such a morning person!  He gets right up out of bed and gets dressed and going.  I get up early, but it takes me forever to get going.  I shower to wake me up, then must read or sew for a little while to get my brain working.  Then I can finally get dressed and going.  I wish I had his energy in the morning.

At any rate, he is doing well and I am glad he will soon be able to perhaps walk without as much pain.  He worries about me all the time and won't let me take care of him.  I don't know what I would do without him. He is such a great guy!  Love you, dear!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Year

It is now 9:00 pm the last night of my Christmas vacation.  What have I accomplished these two weeks I've been off?  Not much by some people's measuring.  By my own thinking, quite a lot.  I got a lot of cross-stitching done on the next Christmas stocking, so that is a big step.  Speaking of big steps........I didn't take one, or rather I missed one and fell kerplunk!  That is why I haven't really accomplished much these two weeks.  I fell so hard and bruised up my legs like never before.  It was not a pretty fall, and I had to actually use my cell phone to call and get help getting up.  So thankful for my phone in my pocket!  But pretty embarrassing to have to call for help.  But I was one hurting person.  Being that I cannot in any way kneel on my right legs, getting up off the ground was pretty impossible.  I am so thankful for the ladies at R Pizza Place for helping me up and getting me to my car.  They also called me during the evening to make sure I was alright.

I spent the next three days just moving from my recliner to the bathroom to the bedroom.  Garth was still down in Arizona until Sunday evening, so I was needing to get around by myself.  And it wasn't easy.  The cane was my biggest helper.  I did get up on Sunday morning and went to  church because of the choir program that morning.  I hobbled into the chapel after 1st Ward was over and I am so glad I did because I met Uncle Royce as he came out.  He stopped and gave me a kiss on my cheek.  So glad I have that memory because he passed away the next Sunday morning.

Garth and Nicky came home in time for Christmas Eve.  We had a slow moving Christmas morning, then we drove up to Salt Lake.  We spent some time with Tammy and her kids.  They were all so excited about Christmas.  Kids is what makes Christmas so fun.

We weren't able to meet up with Barrett and his family this year, so we just drove on home that afternoon.  Since then I have spent a day in the doctor's office trying to get answers as to why my legs don't work so well, besides taking that great fall.  And yesterday we drove to Spanish Fork so I could get a tooth pulled, along with a growth taken off my lip.  He sent it in for a biopsy, but I am sure it will be just a weird thing, since it has been on my lip since forever.  Now I have to get the dark spot on the top of my head checked out and I should be ready to go for another week or so.

I missed seeing our Logan and Arizona kids this holiday season. We saw Tyler and Grayson on Facetime and skype for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.  We talked with Morgan and Max on Christmas day.  Isaac and Eli weren't really up to talking quite yet.  Maybe next year.  It was Maxwell's birthday on the 29th so we were able to talk with him.  We sure do love those phone calls.

So tomorrow I have to go back to work.  It will be good to be back to a schedule again.  But I'm worried about being able to get around and using my legs.  And I am terrified of falling.  I will be finding ways to keep inside and keeping warm.

I do have one request:  I have someone looking at my blog from a service called 'Adelphia' based out of Middletown, Maryland.  This person is coming to my blog from Chelsie Young's blog, (she is my niece.)  I'm glad you are enjoying my blog and you are more then welcome to continue, but I am just wondering who you are.  Could you please just leave a comment or tell me how you became interested?  I asked Chelsie if she knew anyone in Maryland and she said she doesn't, so she is as surprised and puzzled as I am.  Thanks for the information about yourself!  I hope you continue to visit my blog.