Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's a Small World

Wow.  Two posts in one day.  A record.

I know I have written about a blog that I enjoy reading.  It is called Sentiments by Sophia.  I don't remember how I ran across her blog, but I have been reading it for over three years now, probably four years.  I get tired just reading about how much Sophia does in a day.  I don't know if I am jealous, amazed, or just tired after reading her adventures.  She appears to be very creative, always doing all out for everything she does.  She really decorates for parties and holidays and puts in all the little touches that I am not talented to do.  She seems to make everything look great.  I read her entries almost every day.  If I have missed a few days, I will read back and catch up on what is happening to her and her family.  But I'm not the only one in the world to do so.  I know that she has many followers. 

Anyway, because of school I haven't had time to read up blog the past few weeks so one day last week I took a bit of time for myself to catch up on the adventures of Sophia.  I knew that she was hosting a bridal shower a few weekend ago, so I knew that I would see pictures of the fun decorations, table-scapes, and food.  Scrolling backwards I first came to the entry for the wedding of her nephew, Tyson. Looking at that picture of them coming out of the Logan Temple, I recognized his new bride!  She is a girl from here in Orangeville, was one of my third-graders, I taught piano to her, she is in my ward.....I knew that girl!  It was Carol Ann Snow!  What a surprise.  I looked back to the bridal shower and sure enough, there she was!  (The decorations were cute, too.)

Now I was more than excited to go to the wedding reception here, not just to congratulate CarolAnn on her wedding, but to meet the family of Sophia.  We stopped into the reception early because we had to go to the football game (Garth was on gate duty).  I was kindly introduced to CarolAnn's new mother-in-law, the sister-in-law to Sophia.  We had a nice conversation about Sophia, as well as the bride and groom. 

It was then that I realized that CarolAnn's new last name is Barrett, the same name as my son's first name.  Another small world.  Then I found out that they live in Providence, which is near Millville, so I asked her if she happens to know my nephew, Devon.  She was so excited about Devon!  She said she had asked him out to a Girl's Choice Dance when they were in high school.  She was good friends with Devon's wife, Lee.  In fact, she and Lee went to nursing school together.  She told me that Lee was helping her son, Tyson, to get an internship with the doctor that she works with.  (Barrett also did some work with Dr. O'very).  I told her that my son was now a doctor, working at Pediatric Care, and she got really excited again!  She knows the doctors there very well, and in fact, she thinks she has met "the new doctor" just recently. 

So, be careful how you act.  You never know who knows someone you know.  Always be on your best behavior.  And read Sentiments of Sophia.

The Mystery Has Been Solved.

A few days ago I wrote about the mysterious spot that appears on my clothes every morning.  I just couldn't figure out where it was coming from.  I got lots of suggestions: everything from my air-conditioning unit (good suggestion), to drool (nope).  It would appear out of the blue.  I tried to be aware of everything I was doing, checking myself constantly, but never finding out when the spot actually occured.  I would always see it 'after the fact'.  It was just 'there'. 

Friday morning, there it was again!  So frustrating!  I wiped it off, got out my hair blower, dried it off, and went to school.  After school we went early to a wedding reception prior to going to the football game at the high school where Garth was on gate-duty.  I decided since I was going to be close up to the bride (wanted to give her a hug) I would brush my teeth.  I went to the bathroom, stood at the sink, looked down at my shirt.  No spot.  I picked up my toothbrush, held it in my hand for a minute while I reached for the toothpaste, looked in the mirror, put and realized I needed to comb my hair.  I put the toothbrush on the counter, reached for the comb, looked in the mirror to comb through my hair, and there was that darn spot!  It had to be somewhere from the toothbrush to the comb.

I picked up the toothbrush, put it back in the holder.  Picked it up again, ..... and noticed that there was a big drip forming on the end of the handle.  That was it!  I have a ceramic toothbrush holder.  Apparently with all the moisture in the house from the air-conditioner, the moisture was causing the inside of the holder to retain moisture.  The inside of the holder isn't sealed off like the outside, so the clay has colored the moisture.  When the toothbrush sits in the holder all day the handle gets drops of the moisture on it.  When I lift it up and hold it in my right hand, it drips the moisture onto my shirt, causing me to go crazy! 

Such a little think making me go crazy!  But, using all my detective skills that I have acquired as a mom and a teacher, I was finally able to solve it.  I'm so proud of myself!  Now, I need to go get a new toothbrush holder.  What kind do you recommend?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Nancy!

Another birthday, another year older.  Happy birthday to Nancy.  I am sure this will be a great year with your new baby, Tyler going to school, and all those fun things that are happening.  It will also have its challenges, I'm sure.  But remember that everything must have its opposites so we can enjoy the good.  Have a great day!  (I can't even say, "It's in the mail." because it isn't.  It's on the cupboard.  But, hey, it has been a busy, tiring week.  Have a great day! 

No picture because I can't find one without searching all through everything.  I saw one I thought I saved, but I guess I didn't because it isn't coming up.  Where is that picture Stephanie had of you holding Grayson?  I guess you are saved for another time.  At any rate.  Have a great birthday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mystery in the Labrum House

We have a mystery here at our house.  A silly mystery, no doubt, but you know the kind when something keeps happening and you can't find the cause and it drives you crazy?  That mind of mystery.  Let me explain.

I keep getting stains and spots on my clothes.  No mystery there.  But lately I have noticed the same spot every morning.  Now, it is not just a spot that you can say, "Oh, look.  A spot."  It is more like I have spilled something on my shirt, or dress.  But it is always the same thing.  And it only comes on my clothes in the mornings.  Every, single, day!  It isn't the color of anything I eat, so I'm not spilling my breakfast.  It is kind of a green-brown-tan color and slightly moist.  And not just a spot, but it leaves stuff.  Like you can touch it and feel the stuff, like a bit of jam or something.

I keep trying to figure out what I am doing when the stuff gets there, but I never see it until afterward, and I'm not doing anything at that time.  I think back, "What was I doing," and can't figure out where it came from, what it is, or when it got there. 

I thought it might be my make-up, a little bit falling on my front. (The spot is where my chest catches dropped things.)  So I started putting on my make-up before I left the bathroom after I showered.  Sorry, no shirt on there.  But no spot left either.

I have learned in the past that I need to cover my clothes with a "bib" when I eat because I was always spilling something, but I was aware of that.  I know if I don't cover up when eating, I'll have my food on my shirt, or at least a piece of it.  But this spot comes after I eat.

This morning I thought, "I'm going to find that little bugger!"  I checked my shirt when I sat down to eat.  No spot.  I covered up, ate, took off the cover.  No spot.  I took my plate to the sink, took my meds, went into brush my teeth, looked down, and there was that spot again!  For the life of me I can't figure it out.  I can't tell what it is, where it comes from, when it gets there, anything! 

A funny thing.  On Sunday Garth had that same spot on his white shirt when he got to church, only it was under his tie!  Thought it must be from the sink where we brush our teeth, but, NO.  It couldn't get up where my spot is from there.  And it was there before I brushed my teeth.

Now, mind you, this didn't just start happening the past few days.  It has been going on for months.  Where is that spot coming from?  Any suggestions?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tender Mercy

I have been feeling really down the past three week, even though wonderful things have happened.  It was so exciting to get new grandsons in our family, but sad that we don't live closer so we can rock them more often.  This past month has been difficult financially with the high gas prices and the quick trips we have needed to take.  This, along with health problems has taken a toll on my emotions and I haven't been myself the past week.  But something very nice happened the other day that lifted up my spirits quite a bit.

Garth and I took our annual trip to Wal-mart to pick up school supplies.  That in itself is a bit dis-heartening because teachers just shouldn't have to purchase supplies with their own money.  However, we have learned that any items we really need for the first day of school need to  be purchased, not ordered.  If I put these items in a supply order, it is very likely they would not be here in time to get things prepared for students.  So, that requires me to purchase them myself when Wal-Mart has school supplies on sale. 

A few years ago I purchased the composition notebooks I wanted early in August, only to find them on a better sale a few weeks later.  I was able to return to the store with my sales receipt and get an adjustment on my cost, which was very nice.  So the next week I decided to wait until the "better" sale came up.  It never did and the notebooks were all gone by the time I got there.  The last few years I have just picked them up the first week in August and saved my receipt to return it if needed. 

So, here it was, the first week of August.  Paycheck had been deposited, so off to Price we went.  When we walked in, I headed in the general direction where the supplies were usually located, then remembered that the store had been remodeled and the school supplies were located right in the front, so we turned our shopping cart around and went to the front of the store.  We found the composition notebooks right there on the end of the first aisle. 

While starting to count out the twenty (yes, only twenty this year) I needed, I heard someone say, "I'm just going to talk with these people for a minute."  I kept on counting, then heard the statement again and felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned around and there was a blessing from heaven!  My old roommate, Marilee!  What a great moment to be able to visit with her and her daughter for a while. 

Marilee told us that our chance meeting was even more of a miracle than just us being at the same place at the same time.  She was staying in Price that night because they were going to some meeting and decided not to go on to Monticello where they live.  Then she had gotten there earlier but had to return to their motel because she had forgotten her wallet.  So to actually be there at the same time was certainly a blessing. 

It was so good to talk with her again.  We lived together at Weber State for one year.  We got together because of a mutual friend, Joy Lynn.  Joy and Marilee had spent some time together at a workshop at Snow College the year before she came to Weber State.  When Joy found out Marilee was looking for a place to live, she suggested to Marilee that she contact me.  I might have all the facts a bit mixed up after .....years, but none-the-less, we ended up in the same apartment.  It was a very fun year and we became good friends.  We drove home several times together.  I would drop her off in Price where her parents would pick her up to take her on to Monticello.  We had some good talks and great fun that year.

Marilee and I even drove up to Logan one weekend where we stalked out the two guys we both ended up marrying!  Rick was just an old friend, according to Marilee, and Garth was on his mission, but we drove up to visit with Rick, then out to Lewiston to see where Garth's family lived.  I remember we drove past Duane and Kaye's house and waited for a lady to cross the street to pick up her mail.  Little did I realize that she would later be my sister-in-law.  One of our great adventures!

There has been a few times when our paths have crossed the past few years.  She was here in Emery County one fall for meeting with the District Health Department.  We all met at Joy's house:  Marilee, Joy Lynn, me, and Dixie Fielder who was another roommate at Weber State.  It just was the next year that JoyLynn passed away.  I called Marilee that morning and told her.  We had a good cry together.

Such good times together.  I am so glad we were there that evening in Price, that she had forgotten her wallet, that our paths crossed at that aisle.  We could have both been in that store and never have seen each other.  It helped me feel happy to see her again.  And her sweet daughter who loved Garth to tease her.  I am thankful for a great friend.