Friday, January 27, 2012

What a Month!

I was shocked to see it has been almost 4 weeks since I last posted.  But then, why should I be shocked?  I know I haven't written anything!  The reason I haven't written:  I'm tired!

It has been an eventful month, with lost of travelling, long hours at school, and just lots to do.  But the best has been the service we've received from our children.  I am so thankful for them for helping us out and helping us get some things done in our house that we just have not been able to do.

A little explanation:  I had a knee replacement on my right knee several years ago (probably about 5 years or more now), and recovery has been all right, but not satisfactory.  Actually, after the original surgery I had 3 more in order to get everything healed as much as it is.  After all this, I am totally unable to kneel on that knee at all.  I mean NOTHING! I can't kneel to pray, even if I knee on a pillow.  I know doctors say you shouldn't kneel on it anyway, but many people do.  I can't touch that knee on the ground without terrible pain.  It just doesn't work.  Garth can kneel on his fine; well, not really fine, but he is able to.  But I can't.  And because I can't kneel, I have a difficult time getting onto the ground to do things like wipe off the mop boards around the rooms, scrub the tub, any other thing that requires kneeling.

Also, every summer it seems I have some major health issue.  This year it was my swollen legs, retaining water, wrapped up legs, etc.  OK.  Call me lazy, but I really wish I could do things that I used to be able to do.  But it is difficult.

This past summer Garth was in a lot of pain with his back and down his legs, so we really didn't have the ability to clean our house like we would have liked to, so things just got more run-down each week.  It made us sad, but we were making the best of what we could do without complaining.

A few months ago I decided to let our children know that we really could use their help in getting our house in order, and admitted that we just couldn't do it right now by ourselves.  Our wonderful children gathered together and planned on helping us get the job done.  Although the plans didn't go as hoped for all of them, they were able to come and help us.  We so much appreciate all their work!

I want them to know that it was really harder than we thought to let them all go through our stuff and see what condition we were in.  But they really respected us and asked us before they threw anything away.  They even let me keep all my pens and pencils! :)  (Inside joke there)  I appreciate that they didn't make me feel bad about my cleaning skills, or my 'collection's of stuff. (except my pencils).

I learned a lot during the days they helped us.  Chantel is a wonderful cleaner and organizer.  That girl can go!  I like that neat little steamer and can't wait to get my own.  Maybe if I had one I might clean more often!   (Ok, maybe not, but it's an idea.)  I loved our visits and the time we had to just talk and get to know each other a little bit better.  We loved having Barrett here to help his dad, and really appreciate all the work he has done for us.  Tammy and Josh helped clean and put in the new floor.  It is beautiful!  It was nice to have Nicky here as well.  The plan was for her to help with the kids, but they were all so excited to play with each other that they really didn't need much watching.  So she watched Isaac, which was the most fun of all.  What can we say?  We love that kid!

Honestly, it was very humbling having our children do our cleaning, but so much appreciated.  There are no words to express our love for them.

Tonight, I am tired and ready to go to bed.  I've had too many late nights and I am tired.  That's what happens when report cards and parent/teacher conferences come along, with no Friday off after marathon conferences until 9:00.  It is very difficult to conference that late and still hold school the next day.  Hopefully the next few weeks will be less hurried and less stressful.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

If today is any indication of what the new year will be, it must be a great one!  What a wonderful way to start out the year for me.  I realize that not everyone is starting out the year with happiness and good things going on, but I sure did need the jump-start I got today.

First of all, we had a later church, so I didn't have to get up at my usual waking time to be to church by 9:00.  I actually slept until about 7:30, when just did not much until time to get ready for church.  We always leave for church about one-half hour before it is time for the meeting to start, at least that is our goal.  I am usually at the organ and I like to be playing before people start coming into the chapel.  And Garth has the calling to be an usher so he likes to be at his post early, so 10:30 was the time we wanted to go out the door.  At almost 10:00 I was in the process of getting the final touches on myself when I realized we should have been listening to The Spoken Word while we were getting ready.  I quickly turned on the TV and listened to the last song.  Then we just kept watching as the next show came on. It was a new show to us, since we have been in church by this time during the past year.  It is called Mormon Times and is hosted by Michelle King.  She had a guest author on who was speaking about her book.  I was sold on it as soon as she started to speak.  It is called "Live Life...and See Good Days".  She told that in her book she has 12 ways to see the good in every day, but today she focused on just three.  She was full of scriptures that helped her make her points.  Oh, to know the scriptures like she must!  (I ended up finding the book at Deseret Book and got an ebook copy for less than $10.00!  Can't wait to read it!)

Point #1 - Rise above what you are asked to do.  I didn't get the scripture for this reference, but she talked about how the Lord will help us overcome any obstacle we are met with.
Point #2 - Let your heart have great experiences - Sometimes we have to allow our hearts to feel and experience the good in things.
Point #3 - List what you love - Alma did so in his writing, even though he went through many trials.  In Alma 26:37 he is listing what good things he had, and how much joy he experienced, even through his trials. Ester spoke of her days of gladness.  She showed her Grandmother's Happiness journal, where she wrote the things that made her happy.  What a keepsake to have.

The show then went on to other things, but I went into the kitchen and looked through the latest Ensign.  I read the article on page 17 from Bro. Todd Christofferson, about how we need to keep close to the Lord every day so we can get the blessing He has for us.  He told how the people of Israel relied on the Lord giving them manna for their food each day.  It took them 40 years to learn that the Lord will keep his promise of manna, of food enough for their substance, to learn that they can rely on the Lord in all things.  He stressed that we also need to learn this lesson, that we can count on Him to give us the blessings we need when we learn to rely on Him and learn to go to Him with our needs.  This just really struck me and gave me lots to think about.

We saw a really nice video on the writing of the Book of Mormon in Sunday.  It was a seminary video, but helped me remember that the plates of gold are abridgements of larger plates, and who wrote each part of the Book of Mormon.  I liked it and hope we can see more.  It's been a long time since I have been to Seminary, and I know we didn't have fun videos like that!  More like film strips!

Then, the frosting on the cake, came at Relief Society.  I think it was meant just for me.  Our Relief Society president said she was inspired to have her sister-in-law speak to us.  I had noticed that most of the Law family was here visiting and was excited to get a hug from Janice Law, Dallin's wife.  They always sit in front of us, and they are always kind to us and acknowledge us every time they visit.  They know how special Bro. and Sister Law have been to our family.  So when I heard she was giving the lesson I knew it would be special.

Janice spoke about trials she has had to overcome in her life and how her trials have helped her turn to  Christ.  Her main thought was spoken many times:
 Whatever you focus on expands. 
Truer words can not be spoken! She stressed that we should be careful what we think about because it will consume our thoughts and grow out of porportion to reality.  You can find proof for what you look for.  If you feel you have been slighted or mistreated and that is your focus, you will find all the proof you need to convince yourself, and others, that you are right.  She told of a time when she felt down about things others had done, and she went to the Lord to find out what to do.  Her answer was to "bury your weapons' or the things you use to hurt others or to keep your pain going.  Just as the Book of Mormon people were told to bury their weapons so they wouldn't fight any more.  She quoted Ezekiel 36:26-27 where the Lord tells us that He will give us a new heart, a new spirit.  We need to pray to get that spirit and heart so that we don't feel the pain from others, and before we spread the pain on to others. 

She stressed that putting our focus on Christ will help us overcome any negative thoughts we might have, whether they are about ourselves, or our lot in life.  If we have difficult appointments we need to go to, if we focus on how the Lord can (and will) help us, we will see that the time will go much better.  If we focus on how difficult it is, we will see that it is difficult.  We need to put our focus on how He will help us, not how He tries us. 

She gave us several pointers on how we can focus on Christ.  #1 - Choose a street that you drive on every day, and decide that while you are on that street, or block, or area, that you will think about Christ.  #2 - Think about Christ as you fall asleep, thinking of stories or scriptures about Him, or ways you felt close to Him that day.  #3 - Tell yourself that you will think about Him at certain times of the day (doing dishes, or combing hair) and make it a habit.  Moroni 7:33 If you have faith in Him, He will give you power. 

She told how she was very hurt by something someone said, and how she wanted to call her mom, or her sister, or someone and tell how hurt she was.  Then she decided to kneel and pray about her hurt, realizing that if you focus on anger it will get bigger, but if you focus on Christ and think of the other person also at the feet of Christ asking for forgiveness, it makes it a little easier to calm those hurtful thoughts.  After Mormon had seen the terrible state of his people and the horrible things they were doing, he still wanted his son, Moroni, to remember how the Lord can lift you up.  Moroni 9:25.  If we are faithful to Christ, He will lift us upward.  Another scripture she used was D&C6:36-37.  Look unto Him in every thought, doubt not, fear not.

I really was impressed with the quote "Whatever you focus on Expands".  I see that in so many parts of my life, and those around me.  Some of those thoughts can consume us, while others help us to grow. No matter what situation we are in, we can look for good, and focus on good.  Especially focus on how the Lord can help us.  There is reason for everything, and He will help us find the lesson in all our situations.  We just need to focus on Him.