Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Experiments

Experimenting With a Video.

We had such a great weekend with some of our grandchildren. We really missed having Tyler there with us and hope that we can all be together one of these days. It was great that Max and Morgan were in the area, so we took them, along with Lexi, Kayden, and Koy to the zoo. Aunt Nicky was so generous to come along and help us keep track of the kids. It was fun and everyone was so nice. It did get hot the last hour and that push up the hill was hard. I was so glad to have good lungs again, and so proud of myself for being able to walk and push the strollers up and down the hills. I only got winded because of hard work, not tight with lung problems. I was able to breathe deeply and not suffer from the bad asthma. Dad and I were able to walk all day without sore knees. We are so thankful for our good health again. Artificial knees, lungs and all the other problems were forgotten when we laughed with the kids. In the evening we went to Chuck E. Cheese's and had a great time there. Poor little Morgan cried so hard when it was time to go. She broke our hearts. It made up for the laughing we did when she just couldn't decide which animal to ride on the carousel. Kayden was content with riding on a bench, the only thing he would get on. And at dinner he actually took a piece of pizza and ate it! We were so proud of this little man for eating something. He had to be pumped full of fluid during the night, but he ate food, not just bread sticks. In all, it was a great day with those who were there. Thanks kids, for letting Grandma and Grandpa have such a great time! We love you! Tyler, we are looking foward to coming to Arizona and spending time with you. So here is my experiment with adding a video.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Dynamite!

It was too quiet this morning. No waking up to the blast of dynamite. What a strange morning. I think this is the first time in my lifetime that our little town hasn't been woken up on the morning of July 24 by the booming. What is this world coming to? No parade, no celebration. It is sad. There is a picnic at the stake center this evening, so there will be a celebration of the pioneers, but how sad that our valley isn't honoring our pioneer past. I wonder if Willie will fly past, just as a tradition?

I always enjoyed the July 24th celebrations here in town. I have wonderful memories of the little parade when I was a child, the program at the church with kids singing pioneer songs, the relays and games at the park. I even remember the games at the "old" rodeo ground right in our backyard. Yes, there was a rodeo area where the tennis court, road, and lawn is now. So much has changed. We had pillow fights, rope ladders to climb, just a lot of fun. Today, nothing.

One year I was in Washington, D.C. on the 24th of July. I was there for the Invent America competition with my third grade student (who won first prize!). We were visiting the Congressional offices of our congressmen and senators. I don't remember exactly who we were visiting, but the people there were getting ready for their own Pioneer Day parade. They decorated up the office chairs with streamers and flags and proceeded to push the chairs up and down the hallways, waving to everyone on the parade route. It was fun to see them remembering a Utah tradition. I think even the Wyoming, Arizona, and Idaho people joined them. That was a celebration I will never forget because it was so far away.

I am spending the day working on my talk for church on Sunday. Just trying to get my thoughts organized in a logical way. I have been asked to talk about "faith." Not like we haven't had a trial of our faith the past few years. As I look back now, I can see how my faith in Christ has grown or deepened, but it is sure hard to see it as we face those trials.

Looking forward to seeing most of my grandchildren tomorrow. Can you send Tyler up here for the day to join us?

Monday, July 21, 2008

I Got a Laugh Out of This

This one is especially for Dallas! You may have already seen this, but I think it is funny. I am sure you can connect with the humor. Hope you like it. I don't enjoy the music so I turn it down, but I laugh at the content.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Quiet Around Here

We are trying to adjust to the quiet here in our home. We are missing the kids a lot, but we are keeping busy getting things done that just weren't a priority before. We got the living room carpets and furniture cleaned. Word of warning for Tammy: Be careful with the strawberry milk...some stains don't come out. There are a few choice pink spots near the love seat that are there for good. Probably because of the "red" coloring, so be sure to wipe it up as soon as possible. However, the pink on the couches did come off. Don't know why some did and some didn't. We also got the den mostly cleaned up and the clutter organized. There were just so many papers that needed to be chucked. The back bedroom is ready for the bed to be put back in when we get time. I am hoping to get to the hallway closet today, and on Saturday we attack the basement.

I went to school yesterday to work on the computer class we have scheduled for August. Now it looks like the computer lab won't be up and running by then. We are STILL waiting for carpet and then the computers have to be put back in. The carpet was supposed to be put in the second week in June and we are still waiting. I don't understand why the authorities don't start screaming and insisting things get done. Here we are wanting training and we can't do it. If we wait until school starts it is too hard to get teachers to stay late. They have too many excuses to put in more time in school, which I don't blame them. But I have put in a lot of time to get ready for this and I am getting frustrated. It is time the administrators get things rolling!

OK, off my soap box. Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, July 14, 2008

It Has Been Found!

The case of the missing refridgerator vent cover has been solved! We are doing some much neglected cleaning today and pulled out the love seat in our small living room and found it! Although we had looked behind the seat many times, it was underneath and at the back. We couldn't see it looking under the seat, or behind. But it has been found! Now it needs a good cleaning and will return to its rightful place.
I don't want anyone to think the cleaning was neglected because of the others living here. We just haven't been able to get to the down and dirty yearly cleaning for several years. Now, some people move enough to get the cleaning done (ha, ha, ha)...but last year I was laid up with knee surgery and all that went along with we have gone a long time. Now that I am able to breathe and move at the same time, I have this added energy that keeps me going. I actually feel like I can clean and not kill myself. And with only a month to go to the beginning of school, I have lots to get done.
So now, back to the cleaning. Just thought I would let everyone know the vent cover is back! And Tammy found the knob to the heater downstairs so we are set! Now if we could just lose the dirt! When I make my world, gravity will not hold down dust.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How Do You Do That?

How does someone lose the vent/grill cover from the bottom front of the refridgerator? It was there yesterday and Koy had pulled it off and was playing with it. I took it away from him and laid it up against the fridge and didn't think about it again. Now today, it is gone. I don't think he could walk down the steps and outside with it because it would be too long for him to drag behind him. We have looked high and low. Where can something like that hide? And can it be replaced? I guess now we actually have to clean that dirty, ugly space so it doesn't look so gross. But where could it have gone?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mr. Clean

I have found a new obsession. Where was he when my children were young? For many months I have put off and put off cleaning my kitchen, doorways, hall, bathroom, doors, etc. It just brought back all those memories of working so hard cleaning and scrubbing. Sometimes it was simply better to just paint over the fingerprints. But there was no way we would get painting done this year, so I needed to clean. Then I remembered the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Thinking, "If it works on crayon, marker, and a host of other things, why not fingerprints?" Although my walls had more than "just" fingerprints, I gave it a try. Why did I wait so long? It is as simple as wetting the sponge and wiping the walls. Granted, there were a few spots that I had to go over another time, but not many. I couldn't be happier with the result. Although I do worry about wiping away fingerprints. I think it is the grandmother in me because those fingerprints are so special. But then again, there is a difference between a cute fingerprint and a bunch of dirty, grundgy fingerprints. At least my kitchen is getting clean. Now, what about that stove? There is no hope except for a new one. But, hey, this one is an antique, all of 26 years old. In fact, I have never purchased a stove of my choice, in 30 years of marriage. Where do I begin?

What is a Friend?

My daughter wrote a great post about ordinary miracles. She talked about Charolette's Web, a book I always read to my third graders. We always discuss what a true friend does for others, and talk about what each character in the story does to show what kind of a friend they are. Most people believe that Charolette is a greatest friend in the world because she will give Wilbur something that eventually takes her life. She is a friend to the end. But after 23 years of reading Charlotte I have learned many lessons. (Along with lessons learned from The Wizard of Oz, but that is another post.)

Yes, Charlotte worked hard to help save Wilbur. What she did was amazing. But what is the life expectany of a spider. anyway? She knew she was going to die. Was it the work that caused her death? Or did she do something when she knew she was dying?

My biggest question to my students is, "What about Templeton, the rat?" Who thinks the rat can be a friend? One of my favorite quotes from the story is something like this: Templeton speaking: "And what about 'old Templeton'? Who has been running after words? Who caused Avery to break the rotten egg so he wouldn't kill Charlotte? Who carried Charlotte in his mouth? Who did all the leg work?" Now, granted, these aren't direct quotes, but who did all that? Isn't that a friend? Everyone complained about Templeton, and Templeton complained about everything. What did he get in return for his work? Not a book written about him! Sometimes we overlook some people who might not be as pretty, those not able to do fancy things like write in webs, but who trudge along and do the leg work so others can take the glory. Should we really blame them for grumbling as they do it?

What about Wilbur? What did he do for anyone? Yes, he took care of Charlotte's children, but did he really? And what did they give him in return? What happened to Templeton after he returned to the farm? What makes a true friend?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh, No, It Has Happened Again!

I have contracted the "genealogy" bug again this week. Darn it! It's that OCD thing that keeps coming up. I can spend hours on the computer searching the genealogy lines. Yesterday I found pictures of many Labrum family members back several generations. Why do I get this urge so often? It can really disrupt life. I just pray that my husband knows it is for HIM I am doing this. Someone needs to find his ancestors! And since my family goes to the Scandinavian countries it is almost impossible for me to trace them with my limited knowledge. So England looks like a great place to search. My husband's family has many lines that are in the New Colonies from the very beginning, but eventually go across the "big pond." At least the names don't change to "son" or "sen" at all. Maybe if I work really hard I can get the bug out in just a few days. I am sure it will be replaced by something else to keep me busy. Not like I don't have lots to do! Oh, well. It could be something worse!

Family Funeral

Attending a funeral isn't the way most of us would choose to spend an afternoon, but what a nice funeral it was. The nephews and neices who spoke did such a wonderful job of recalling experiences they had with their favorite aunt. Everyone recalled her infectious laugh and big smile, the hardships she has gone through and her love for her family. The song that was sung is one I found many years ago and tucked into my piano bench with instructions for my high school friend to sing at my own funeral. She sang it yesterday and it was beautiful. The family plot just inside the gate of the cemetery brought back thoughts of grandparents and family members who would be so happy to be able to greet her in heaven. Although funerals are a celebration of life, and mark the end of a mortal existence, it is also a time for family to gather. It was so nice to see so many family members. There were only a few cousins who weren't able to travel to attend, and it felt so good to see the rest of us there. All in all, it was a very nice day.

I was so touched seeing how difficult a time one family member was having. Although I haven't seen him for a very long time, over 34 years at least (did I really graduate from high school that many years ago?), it was so good to be able to hug him and have him cry on my shoulder. At the cemetery he was having such a difficult time and I felt impressed to speak to him again. I went up to him and hugged him and told him that I know his sister is free from her pain, and that she wants him to know that the things they were taught about the spirit world were true. That she is with Grandpa and Grandma, free and happy, and to just know that it is true. He sobbed and sobbed and said "How did you know I needed to know that? Boy, did I need a kicker to get me thinking about all this. How did you know I needed that?" I silently prayed and told the Lord, "See, I am working on following those little impessions. Thanks for helping me along."

One of the nephews who spoke was an "employee" in our little family business, a very special boy to us, one my own children admired for his athletic abilities and his brains. He did such a good job and looked so nice in his suit. I jokingly asked him, "Just how often do you speak in church like this?" And we laughed togethering knowing that his family wasn't active while he was living here. I then found out that he is now the Executive Secretary in his ward! Yes, as he would say, miracles happen! He and his beautiful wife have gone to the temple and he sees how important the gospel is in his life.

Perhaps that is one reason understanding death affects how we react in the situation. Death isn't an ending. Although it is sad that we will not have the person here to engage in conversation or to be a part of our mortal life, I know that life exists after this. That all those family members who have passed on will be there when we experience death. We will see them, associate with them, continue on our lives in a different sphere than here. That is so comforting to me. Not something I wish to experience for a while, but something that brings me comfort.

I am so thankful for my testimony of eternal families. Knowing we can be with our families forever makes death a lot easier to endure. The death of a family member is difficult enough, but without the truth of eternal famiies, it would be almost impossible to handle. Life does go on, and we will be together again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Not What Was Expected

My daughter has written a wonderful post about how your life can change in an instant. We have witnessed this so many times in the lives of our family and friends. And last week there was another instant that causes us to do something today that we did not expect to have to be do. Last week my cousin passed away very unexpectedly. Who ever thinks when we go to bed one night we might not be here the next morning? I visited with her just a few weeks ago and had a very pleasant visit. She giggled and laughed and joked. I can remember her sweet smile and her always laughing as she talked. She was up on what all my children were doing and asked about everyone. Although we didn't met up very often, when we did it was always a joy to talk with her. On Sunday I spent the day doing some restful genealogy, and it was very hard to click on my uncle's family sheet and type in her death date. It makes it all seem so final. I was thinking how people think bad things some in threes and thought of our extended family losing Uncle Var and Leslie and wondering what would be happening next. Then I remembered we also lost Connie, a cousin's wife. Hopefully that will be the end of our losses for a while. Three Wares buried in our little community's cemetery in 8 months.
For the rest of us, life goes on. Do we really appreciate it? Do we live each day to the fullest? What does that really mean? I just continue to wake up each morning and go through the motions for that day. I try to read my scriptures, say my prayers, do my handwork, accomplish what tasks I have on schedule. But I also need to show my family how much I care for them by and really savor the day.
I do love my family and think of you all constantly throughout my day. I see your trials and how you are growing. I love you all so much.
Let's all make this a great day, each and every day.