Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Believe in Prayer

Because I believe that prayers are answered, I continue to pray for blessings to come to my family.  I have seen many years of prayers for my family being answered in little small steps the past few months.  I see these answers as little steps to a happier future for us.  I also know that to receive answers we must work for them.  But praying means we have faith, or are developing faith.  And faith precedes miracles.  If we pray, and then work with all our hearts, we develop faith, which allows miracles to happen. 

So we are again praying for blessing to come the way of our son and his family.  Barrett was recently diagnoses with Myasthenia gravis.  Since the average ago of people with this condition is 60 years old, he really doesn't fit the profile, but then, my son is exceptional and nothing is average for him.  He just finished his residency in pediatric medicine and has joined a practice in Logan.  He has a young family of three children.  His wife wrote a beautiful post explaining more about this situation.  Please read her story on her personal blog.

He is scheduled for surgery next week to remove the tumor that is located in his chest.  I have faith that everything will be fine as soon as this is removed and that he will be able to return to his family and continue with his medical practice.  But prayers are always welcomed and needed.  And with prayers, everything is possible. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Kayden!

Another October birthday!  Today is Kayden's seventh birthday.  What a special young man.  He is so kind and tender-hearted.  He is a big helper to his parents, and loves to play with his siblings.  He is a good reader and does well in school.  He has progressed so much from the little tiny sick baby to a big healthy first grader.  He loves to play soccer and runs everywhere he goes.  We love you Kayden!  Happy birthday to you!  (This picture is from Kayden's Make a Wish party.  His wish was sponsored by West Jordan student council.  They were such wonderful students and made his day so special.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Koy!

Today is our Koy-Boy's birthday.  He is such a go-getter.  I love his deep, husky voice and his innocent love.  He is so busy with everything he does, but so thoughtful and helpful.  He just goes about doing whatever it is he is doing, without thinking of the consequences.  He just wants to do it!  He keeps his mom and dad busy chasing after him, but life would be just too simple if he wasn't around.  Grandma and Grandpa think he is wonderful and we want to wish him a very happy birthday!  See you next weekend for some family fun!  Love ya, Koy.