Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dallas

As the BFG would say, "My mind is full of squished flies." Even though Dallas' birthday is on my kitchen calendar, I plum forgot to get a card sent until Nancy reminded me last night that it was his birthday. I hope I am eternally forgiven.

Dallas is a wonderful father to Tyler, and great husband to Nancy because he can actually control her :) Just kidding Nancy! He is a brillant computer/internet guy who knows how to speak computer language better than I know English. (And that includes Emery County English.) We are happy to have him in our family. We can truly say we all out-talk him, but hey, we need someone to listen to all our talking. Love ya, Dallas. Hope you have a happy birthday and get to eat all the sushi you want. You can have my share, I don't mind!

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