Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nice Day in EC

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day here. Garth had to go to work this morning and I am just trying to get a few things done. Really, I am being lazy. After this past week in school I need a break for lazy. It was a good thing it was only a four day week because things just kept going downhill. If there had been one more day of school I think I would have called in sick. Hopefully, all the Valentine candy is gone and next week will be better. I think part of the hectic week was because of two afterschool meetings that took up time I needed for preparation. Yes, I need lots of prep time because I am just slower to prepare than other teachers. It seems to take me longer. But, hey, reading 24 reading responses a week, plus checking all those papers, preparing lessons, really takes up time. I am so blessed to have an understanding husband. I don't know what I would do without his kindness.

Yesterday my wonderful husband brough home a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. I appreciate him so much! He has been busy with the basketball season coming to an end, both the high school and Junior Jazz games, so he has spent lots of time at the school cleaning up after crowds. There was a game last night and another one tonight, then it should all be over. He is also going to a Master Gardener class to get a certificate from USU, and is going to start on another car repair class. I am glad he is able to find things he is interested in learning. He has supported me through five years of more schooling and now is his time. He deserves the chance to learn things he is interested in. He is also very anxious to get going on the outside work at the school. He really enjoys this time of year.

So my plans for today...put in my contacts. Yup, that takes courage these days because my eyes seem to be more irratated every day. I am showered and dressed and my bed is made, I have talked with Nancy on the phone and checked my emails. Now I will get ready for the day and clean up here in the computer room a bit. When Garth gets home we might put up a new shelf in the living room, mount the new TV on the wall and hide the cords. (I hate cords hanging free!) We have this nice digital photo frame we got for Christmas that we need to hang. Sure wish we had some pictures to load on it! I guess I will need to "steal" some from the kids blogs. And then, maybe we will do nothing much because he will need to be gone again at 6:00. I still need to complete some applications for awards so I will type up some things for that. I have a bag full of papers to correct and record, plus lessons to prepare for Monday. So I have a full day of not fun things to do, which I might do and might not. I don't have a book to read, so I won't be side-tracked with that.

Maybe if I quit rambling I could get something done. Here I go!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Spiritual Feast

We just got back from the Stake Adults Dinner. It was good food, good company, and a great speaker. We sat at a table with President and Sister Johnson and their daughter, along with President and Sister Sharp, AKA Allan and Vickie, our great neighbors, friends, and favorite people. It was fun to visit with all of them, being friends with Garth and Peggy since forever, and Allan and Vickie since we moved back here to Orangeville. So the company and dinner talk was very nice.

We went into the chapel for the speaker and were so spiritually fed. We listened to a beautiful song song by Amy (Tuttle) Bell about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Her clear voice is really calming to listen to. It was a great introduction to the speaker.

Michael Kennedy is a direct descendent of Joseph Smith. In fact, he is the first member of the Smith family to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood since the death of Joseph Smith, Jr. His story is fascinating. I am sure I will not be able to do it justice here because the spirit was so strong, but it is a great testiment to the hand of the Lord in all things. He is now the president of the Joseph Smith, Jr. family organization and has been given the calling from the church leaders to gather the Smith family together once again.

He lived in Nevada and had a high school assignment to research an ancestor who participated in the history of America. His father told him that his 3rd-great grandfather "discovered Utah" and his name was Joseph Smith. Michael thought that should be a good report, so he studied him. His dad brought out a box full of artifacts of the family that he had received from a special aunt. In the box were pictures of Lucy, Emma, a journal, and several other things. He took these items from the box and put them out on the coffee table when a knock came at the door. There were two young men in white shirts with the same first name, "Elder." His father invited them in and they were quite shocked when they recognized the pictures on the table. Bro. Kennedy said he thinks he got the first six discussions in about 20 minutes. The missionaries were returning for several weeks but young Michael kept skipping out on the lessons. Finally his father told him he couldn't do so any more and he listened to the messages. At the same time, across town, the missionaries found another family to teach, one with a young girl. These two people eneded up being the only two baptisms from the elders in that small town. They later married each other. Michael found out later that the missionaries were only assigned to that town for a few weeks as an experiment. What an experiment!

Michael decided he could get baptized, leave to go to college at his father's alma mater, and never hear anything about the church again. So that is what he did. He had been ordained a deacon before leaving to go to college. His girlfriend went to some little college in Rexburg, Idaho.

Michael's father happened to call his aunt, who lived in Independence, and told her that his son was baptized into the LDS church. She told him that she was just visiting with a leader of the LDS church who had been searching out the Smith family and they were interested in finding any descendent of Joseph Smith and she would pass the word along that her nephew had been baptized. The visitor, Buddy Youngreen, was traveling from his home in California to Utah and called on Michael to travel to Salt Lake with him. He was at this time going to school where he thought he would not be noticed as a Mormon. But he was on the road between California and Salt Lake City. Brother Youngreen agreed to pick him up in the city where he was going to school, Cedar City.

They arrived in Salt Lake and had a meeting with President Packer, who introduced him to Bruce R. McConkie. They asked him what he knew about Joseph Smith and he replied that he understood that Joseph Smith had "discovered Utah." They weren't very impressed. During his schooling he still communicated with his girlfriend in Idaho, who said she would marry him but he had to be a returned missionary. He decided to talk with his bishop about that. His bishop said that since he had only been a member for 3 months he would have to think about that, but that he wanted Michael to be open to any inspiration the bishop received. Later, the bishop called him back into his office and said that he was not to go on a mission at that time, but that his mission would affect many people later in his life. So he told his girlfriend, who said that was fine, but she would not get married outside the temple. He went back to the bishop and said he needed to go to the temple. The bishop asked him what priesthood he held and he said he was a deacon. The bishop said he would fix that...Later he told his girlfriend he would probably be able to perform the marriage himself because he was going to become a priest! The bishop had told him that normally a convert had to be a member for a year before he could go to the temple, but he would talk to the authorities about it. Again, he was given permission to be married in the temple after being a member for less than a year. He received the Melchizedek Priesthood and told that he was to gather the Smith family together again.

He said his aunt had submitted names for family members to have their temple work completed, but the names came back with a stamp that said the work could not be done at that time, the time was not right for them. Then he taught us something that I had never realized before and it really hit me as truth. When we die as members of the church, we still have the ability to repent on the other side. We can repent and continue on learning and growing. Those people who are not members of the church lose the ability to repent until they accept the gospel. And since baptism is an earthly ordinance, they cannot repent and continue their growth until that baptism is done. And it is only after the baptism is done that they can have influence on their families here on earth. So, as Bro. Kennedy was trying to get members of the Smith family to listen to the church, to gather together, he was not having much success. He then was granted permission to have the temple work done for them. Before they were not able to have influence over their families here on earth, but the time was now right for them. The family is beginning to come back to the church again. He testified that people on the other side of the veil are waiting for their baptisms to be done so they can influence other families here on earth.

He also spoke about the "ill feelings" members of the church believed existed between Emma and Brigham Young. He said all the research shows that it is not true and that there have been many mis-understandings blown out of context. He said so many interesting things about how documents have been found to dispell these rumors. Here is an interesting article that he shared with us about the Brigham Young Family

He rolled out a long 17 foot chart of the family genealogy of Joseph and Emma Smith. He told about how their descendents are dwindling and how low in numbers they are. There are only a few branches with descendents left. It is interesting to see just where they are and how few there are.

The spirit was so strong when he spoke about Emma and her trials. He is the director of the movie Emma Smith: Her Story. He knows that she and Joseph are waiting for their family to gather again. He told how family genes can be traced back through 25 generations, plenty of generations to trace back the Smith family genes. The family members have taken DNA tests and can show that all of Joseph's descendents have come from Emma's lineage, not from other wives. Descendents of people who have claimed to be wives of Joseph's have also taken these DNA tests and no other people have been found to be descendents from Joseph Smith, Jr.

Bro. Kennedy has such a great, humble spirit. It was so touching to hear the many miracles that have happened in order for Joseph's family to return to the gospel. If anyone gets the change to listen to him, I would highly recommend it. It was the perfect end to a very nice day.

Happy Valentines Day

Boy, am I glad Valentines Day was on Friday and no school until Tuesday. Maybe all that sugar will be out of the students and we might have a good day of learning. Friday was crazy! If I had to hear "When is our party?" one more time I think I would have screamed. Didn't they hear me announce at the start of school that the mothers would be there at 2:00 for the party? Oh, that's right. We have a problem with listening. But all in all, it was a fun day and the kids had a great time. Thanks to great room mothers who are there to help.

I hope everyone has a very good day today. We had a lazy morning, then I decided to change my hair color from gray back to dark brown. I had a baptism I had to play for since I am the substitute Primary pianist this week. Lucky Liza is in California this week. I went to the baptism at 12:00, got home around 1:00 and we went off the the big city of Price to pick up some new outdoor working shoes for my Valentine. We stopped at Walmart for odds and ends and got back home at 3:30. Not much of a day, but just what we needed. It snowed last night but now it is all melting. We are getting ready to go the Stake Adult Valentines Dinner at 6:00. It should be good food and a good speaker.

I want to let everyone know how much I love my husband on this Valentines Day. Here are 14 reasons I love him:
1. He loves me. He makes me feel special. Anyone who can put up with me must be great.
2. He is a great husband. He does all the laundry, helps me wash the dishes, cleans the toilet (hey, he is a professional at that!). He is a better housekeeper than I am.
3. He scrapes the sidewalks and driveway and keeps them free from ice.
4. He always offers me his arm when we are walking.
5. He is a great father. Everyone turns to him for advice. He has a difficult time telling his kids "no" about anything. He will always help them no matter what. He has taught them so much about how to take care of themselves. Even Nicky can use the jumper-cables.
6. He is a wonderful grandfather. All the grandkids can't think of doing anything more fun than having PaPa around. They follow him like a shadow. He is so happy when they call him and ask him to come and play. It also breaks his heart that he isn't there when they want him.
7. He is a hard worker. No one puts in more hours at work than he has. He has taken on second and third jobs just to be able to provide the basics for us. He is honest in his work, always putting in more time than he is paid for.
8. He honors his priesthood. He is always willing to help others and tries to live his life the best he can. Okay, no one is perfect but he tries to be.
9. He doesn't have to "play." A good day for him is one where he can just sit here at home and not have to do anything.
10. He is not lazy. See #9 and #7. He doesn't get those days very often, so I make sure he enjoys it when he can.
11. He keeps us warm. He keeps the fire going in the basement so the house is warm. Even though it means cleaning out the stove and carrying those ashes outside, he enjoys the warmth of the fire and the coziness of the flames.
12. He is patient. He puts up with all my forgetfulness. He doesn't complain if dinner isn't ready when he gets home because he knows I have been working as well.
13. He sees a need and he is there to help. He knows he can help in ways others can't and he doesn't wait to be asked. For example, last week during Sacrament Meeting a young girl a few benches up from us got sick and threw up. Garth quietly stepped up and helped the family with the problem. Mom took the girl out and Garth took care of the evidence. (I hurried to the school to get my bag of "stuff" to put on the evidence.) He sprinkled the stuff on the spot, then after meeting he got a bucket, gloves, deodorizer and cleaned up the area. He did it all without drawning attention to the problem. Just did it. He is that kind of a guy. Will help and be understanding of the situation. He didn't need to be asked, just knew he could help.
14. He is my strength. I lean on him for my support and a shoulder to cry on. I love him and don't know what I would do without him.
Will you please be my Valentine? Love ya, Sweetie.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Really Getting Sad

I am doing it again. I am sad. I am crazy. I am lost. My head is gone.
I will survive.
Yesterday I was given a very important letter. I had to ask someone to write me a letter of recommendation for personal reasons. The person I asked was so kind and gracious and wrote a very complimentary letter. She gave it to me and I read it as I walked toward my desk. Now, those who know my desk know that things could end up lost there, but hey, it is my desk and I know where things are. I must have placed the letter on my desk because at that moment I was called into another classroom for an IEP and I went to the restroom first, without anything in my hands! Then to the IEP in the resource room, the computer room, back to my room and then the end of the day. I know I put the letter on my desk before I first left the classroom.

Later, when I looked for the letter, it had disappeared. Not only the letter of recommendation but another envelope from the post office. Gone. Disappeared....Forever. Later in the evening I even came back to the school to check through each and every paper. I actually picked up each paper and put it into another pile. No luck. I prayed. I didn't fast. I prayed some more. I ate. (I said I didn't fast.) I ate some more. I prayed some more. I just knew that when I got to school in the morning it would be sitting in plain sight. No such luck. It is gone.

Of course, it had been composed on a computer, right! Everyone saves their documents, right? Especially when the author of the letter is the COMPUTER TECH in the school. Of course she would save it. That is what she teaches the students to do. Save everything. I was very worried about asking for another copy becaue I don't want anyone to know how "out-of-my-mind" I really am. But I did it. I asked for another copy, since I was sure she saved it. Guess what. She didn't save it! Can you believe it!

So it is now official. I am lost. I have no recollection what I did with the paper. She was kind enough to write another one, which was just as good as the first. But where is the ****&&&2@@@2 paper!

(BTW--Dean and Charity Stilson have a new baby boy. No name yet.)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

How Do I Do It?

My PalmPilot is my lifeline. I need it for addresses, phone numbers, my calendar, etc. I keep notes there, I send myself reminders, I use it all the time. But what happens when you never plug one in and it loses power? Right, you plug it in and charge it up! Well, what happens when you can't find the plug/charger? That's me. Where did I put that darn plug? I usually plug it in the outlet by my bread maker, which is only used for decorations. Not there this time. I remembered that one day I took the plug to school so I could charge it during the day. No problem, it must be at school, right? Wrong. I looked all over there and no plug. Back home, still looking. Can't find it anywhere. So I got on line and ordered a new one. Time to go to bed.
Then I remembered that I had signed up to take a dessert to the math class today (Saturday). It was now Friday night at 9:45. Luckily I had purchased the ingredients to bake the dessert. All I needed to do was put it all together. So I opened the cupboard to get the recipe. And there in the cupboard, was the plug for my palmpilot! Don't you all put your plugs in the cupboards? I can even now remember thinking when I put it there that I would not remember it was there. But it is a good place for it, right above where I could use it. So I plugged it in, made sure it was charging, and made the dessert. Happy day, all is well.
I got up Saturday morning, got ready for class, got everything ready to go: dessert, assignment, books, purse with phone inside, put the palmpilot in palmpilot......I had it plugged in, remember? I went to the kitchen on the cupboard.....there is the charger but NO PALM! Where did it go between 10:00 pm and 7:30 am! Nobody knows! How could it disappear? I know it was plugged in because I checked to be sure it was charging. There was the little volt of power over the battery, yup, it is charging. I knew it would take a while because it was completely run out. I left it plugged in to charge all night, so where did it go? Maybe I need to order a new one to go with that new charger I will be getting! Please, someone help me! It is now 4:12 and I give up looking. Either it grew legs and walked or ran away, or someone came into my kitchen during the night and took it, or I am crazy. Which do you think is more likely?

Edit: Now I know I am crazy. I gave up looking for the palmpilot. When Garth came home I asked him if he had seen it. He walked into the den at the power outlet by the filing cabinet and there it was. He reminded me that he had suggested I plug it in back there where we usually did. Why didn't I see it before. But, if it was in the den, what was on the cupboard? If I had only settled down, I would have noticed that the plug in the kitchen was for the cell phone. It has a completely different end! I was just so sure I had plugged it in there............I really am worried about myself. In the end, I have a charged cell phone, as well as a charged PalmPilot. I am crazy but I am happy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I finally had a day to get things done that I wanted to do. We woke up later than usual, after 7:00 actually, and just talked in bed for a little while. It was so nice to not have to rush off. Then Garth put a lump of coal on the fire downstairs and the house started to warm up. He had to go to Castle Service from 9:00 to 1:00, so that left me here to get some things done. Since I can't do anything until I shower and get dress, that was the first thing on my agenda. But as I was getting my stuff ready for the shower, the phone kept ringing, then stopped, ringing, then stopped. (I know, that is not a consistent tense, but......) Nancy was trying to get me and her phone didn't work. Then I found that the phone numbers I have in my Palm Pilot for her are all wrong, as I woke up two anonymous people trying to call her back. I couldn't find my cell phone to get her number, so I called Garth at work and told him to call her back for me. I found my cell in the car and finally got her back. We talked about Jodi Piccoult books for a few minutes, then said goodbye.
I finally got in and out of the shower, got dressed for the day, did my hair, and cleaned up the bathroom. It is so difficult to clean the tub because I still can't kneel on my knee. Garth can kneel, why can't I? It just hurts so bad. It hurts when I lean my knee up against the tub as I bend over trying to scrub it. I know there is just a lot of scar tissue from the incision that wouldn't heal, so there is nothing that can be done for it. I just have to pray sitting down.
After showing I cleaned up the kitchen, then started in on my math assignment. The last assignment for this terrible class. The teachers have been fine, and we like to talk and laugh together as a class. But the lessons and discussion are just too long, and the assignments are time consuming. "Read these two chapters. Next week we will re-read them in a group." Why read them first? So I sat down at the computer and finished it all up.
By then Garth was home and we went to Wal-mart, a big outting for us. We wanted to get things for the shelves in the den. Things like book-ends, paper holders, etc. We have added more shelves above the counters so we can get things off the desktops and have more room. Now I just need to dejunk the desktop and get the shelves organized.
We also took the plunge and bought a new TV. We havn't bought a TV since we got the one downstairs. We have decided that there are sometimes we want a TV in the living room, but the room is so small that putting it on the table just takes up needed space. So we got one to mount on the wall. We bought a flat screen and are going to put it above the fireplace! Won't that look nice? There are times one of us wakes up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. We don't want to turn on the TV in the room, and don't want to walk downstairs to sit in the cold. So it will be nice to have one in the front room. Or those days when I am home alone and trying to clean the kitchen, or getting dinner, I can have the TV on the noise. Especially on General Conference days, it will be nice.
After our shopping was completed, we decided to go to dinner. Where do we go in Price? Almost nowhere. McDonalds wasn't our favorite, we haven't like JB's lately. I have heard good things about China Buffet, over by K-Mart. So we decided to do that. Yes, I know, ME at a Chinese food place? But it was really good. And the price was great. We paid $20.01 for a meal for two. Not bad! I was fine with the chicken and shrimp, egg rolls, and salads. I just stayed away from the choy mein noodles. The steamed mushrooms and zucchinis were to die for. It was totally Emery County day with so many of them eating there.
We washed the car on our way home, stopped at Food Ranch to pick up milk and other odds and ends we didn't get in Price, then came home, unpacked the car, watched the commercials from the Super Bowls, and then watched a few Dr. Phil's that were recorded.
That guy has such good advice! I did have a problem with one of his answers when asked if a couple should live together before they get married. His answer was that people should know each other very well before they marry. He never said "Don't live together." Perhaps he was being politically correct and didn't want to offend anyone. But if I had followed his advice i wouldn't have married when I did. We certainly didn't know each other very well, except through letters. But it worked for us. The clue is to communicate with each other. But all that is another post. I did look Dr. Phil's new book at Wal-mart, but it wasn't there. I will have to send for it, I guess.
In all, it was a very good day. I am sure today will be another great day.
Kids, call home! I don't want to call you and interrupt your plans, but our plans are to just sit here and enjoy the day and evening. So you can call any time!