Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Really Getting Sad

I am doing it again. I am sad. I am crazy. I am lost. My head is gone.
I will survive.
Yesterday I was given a very important letter. I had to ask someone to write me a letter of recommendation for personal reasons. The person I asked was so kind and gracious and wrote a very complimentary letter. She gave it to me and I read it as I walked toward my desk. Now, those who know my desk know that things could end up lost there, but hey, it is my desk and I know where things are. I must have placed the letter on my desk because at that moment I was called into another classroom for an IEP and I went to the restroom first, without anything in my hands! Then to the IEP in the resource room, the computer room, back to my room and then the end of the day. I know I put the letter on my desk before I first left the classroom.

Later, when I looked for the letter, it had disappeared. Not only the letter of recommendation but another envelope from the post office. Gone. Disappeared....Forever. Later in the evening I even came back to the school to check through each and every paper. I actually picked up each paper and put it into another pile. No luck. I prayed. I didn't fast. I prayed some more. I ate. (I said I didn't fast.) I ate some more. I prayed some more. I just knew that when I got to school in the morning it would be sitting in plain sight. No such luck. It is gone.

Of course, it had been composed on a computer, right! Everyone saves their documents, right? Especially when the author of the letter is the COMPUTER TECH in the school. Of course she would save it. That is what she teaches the students to do. Save everything. I was very worried about asking for another copy becaue I don't want anyone to know how "out-of-my-mind" I really am. But I did it. I asked for another copy, since I was sure she saved it. Guess what. She didn't save it! Can you believe it!

So it is now official. I am lost. I have no recollection what I did with the paper. She was kind enough to write another one, which was just as good as the first. But where is the ****&&&2@@@2 paper!

(BTW--Dean and Charity Stilson have a new baby boy. No name yet.)

1 comment:

Nicky said...

mom, what are we going to do! :) and tell "her" to save her work! :)