Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Linda

Today is my sister, Linda's birthday. Since I know she wouldn't want anyone to share any personal stories about her falling asleep while eating chicken when she was younger, or about a sliver she got while on the teeter-totter, or stopping in the coats while shopping, or washing the dishes, or any other of the "personal" family stories, I won't say anything here about those things. I just want to wish her a happy birthday! I wish I could wave my magic wand and make all your days great, take away any worries and concerns, give you only happy thoughts and memories. But for some reason, our Father in Heaven things we need trials, obstacles, and worries to make us strong and humble. Sometimes we just wish ours came in different packages. But remember you are loved and we are happy to share your birthday with you this weekend. Looking forward to lunch together with all the girls. Happy birthday, Linda!

1 comment:

Grandma Labrum said...

And I don't want anyone to think I am perfect so I leave in the spelling mistakes.