Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wonderful, Wonderful, Weekend

What can I say that would reflect what a great weekend we had? It was the best time in years. We both truly loved every minute of the time we spent together.
Thanksgiving started out with an early wake-up call (really just the usual time of 4:30), then off to SLC by 6:00. Since I have medicine I need to take with food, we drove through Price to get a breakfast muffin at McDonalds, only to find out they were closed for the day. We drove on the Helper and stopped at Walkers there and got something to eat on the drive. The canyon ride was fine, so fine I slept as usual. We got to Nicky's right at 9:00 as planned. We drove on down to the Little American, found a parking spot in the garage, and went up the elevator. As we stepped off the elevator we found we were right at the end of the line for the buffet, so we just stayed right there. Have a fun conversation with a man from Sandy who was in line for his family, just his wife, brother and sister-in-law. He said it was an "off year" for all their children, so this is their usual way of celebrating on the off years. They have done this buffet for several years and wouldn't do it any other way.
Garth "sat" in the paying line while Nicky and I kept our spot in the buffet line. The time seemed to pass by quickly. At 10:00 the paying line opened, Garth was toward the front so he got through and came to wait with us. Within a few minutes Barrett, Chantel, her mom, and the kids were there. You have never seen two kids so excited to see Grandpa! They were so full of hugs and kisses and just couldn't get enough of us. It was so fun.
Before we knew it we were being ushered in to the dining hall. It was fabulous! This was our first time there, but not for Barrett and Chantel. So they told us the rope and how to behave. There were hundreds of tables set up in all the meeting rooms and the grand ballroom. The desserts were lined up in the hallway between the meeting rooms (rooms we have been in during Garth's USEA years). There were desserts of every kind.
We were given a table for 8 in the ballroom, right next to the salads, fruits, and vegetables. What a spread! The vegetables were to die for, and salads of every kind. There was thinly sliced salmon, rolls, sliced squashes, flavored tomatoes, cheeses, shrimp, more flavors than you can imagine. And that was just the first table!
Right in the middle of everything was a table with "kid food": pizza, spaghetti, mac'n'cheese, everything a kid would love.

The main table had all kinds of turkey, fish, crabs, ham, potatoes,stuffing (not Stove Top), roasts, everything you can imagine. It was gourmet to the max! We ate and ate, and then ate some more. As soon as you emptied a plate (and sometimes before), the plate was picked up and you could go get more. They didn't rush us out so they could use our table, but I was starting to feel a little bit guilty thinking of all those people out there waiting for someone to get done so they could start their dinner.
We then went to the dessert area and had to get pumpkin pie. Morgan had to have chocolate, and Max loved everything.
We had a fun time visiting with everyone, especially the kids. They were well-behaved and had a great time. Max cried when he thought we were all leaving and wouldn't see each other again. When he found out we were going to be together the next day, he was alright with that.
We had invited anyone who wanted to come to the hotel to go swimming. Tammy took us up on it,and brought pumpkin pie for everyone to eat. We decided to keep the kids with us for the night because Tammy and Josh both had to go to work early. So we got the fun of having them with us for the night. They went with us the next morning until Tammy got off from work. We then headed down to Nancy's.
Nancy had a place all picked out for us to have pictures taken. I know it was supposed to be a secret, but I am the one who said we needed family pictures, so I was told that there was a plan for the kids to be together to get pictures taken. It turned out great! The setting was perfect and the kids were so cute! It was wonderful for Garth and I to have a chance to be with all the kids. The only one we were missing was Josh, who had to work.

We returned to Nancy's, ate more food, visited, watched the kids play, then headed back to the swimming pool. Tyler loved to laugh at everything Morgan did in the pool. He was so excited to see her jumping into her dad's arms. He loves the pool so much! It was fun to see him get so excited. The kids all seemed to have a wonderful time. The adults all got tired.
This was a great weekend for us, the perfect start to the holidays. Thanks so much everyone!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for the Suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions about the trees. One in the bedroom would be nice, but we don't have much room. And Julie, do you remember how small my living room is with a bigger tree? The small one is very nice. One thing about a small cottage home, it doesn't take much to make it crowded. But, crowded is better than empty.
Sandra, we have had an artificial tree for several years, ever since one almost caught fire because it was so dry. I don't think of it as "fake" because it is a real Christmas tree with all the beautiful decorations. We spent a little bit more money to get a really nice one. It has red berries and pine cones scatter around it, and looks really beautiful. With pine scented candles, it still seems Christmasy.
I think I was just more worried about the "old person" part. I don't want to get where I don't want to decorate. But this year I really feel that Christmas is for children, and there aren't many children around our home. (Hint, hint, hint...) No one came to visit us last Christmas season. We did all the visiting, which was very nice and we would never complain about it. I guess I just miss the sound of kids running around the house, and Christmas has always been so exciting for the kids.
Oh....stop it! You will be crying and the students will be here in a few minutes. No more tears!
See you great, wonderful, awesome grandchildren tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Does This Mean I am Getting Old?

We are thinking about putting up the Christmas tree and can't really decide what to do. I love my Christmas tree. I love my decorations. I don't like the fact we are the only ones to enjoy them. It almost seems useless to go to spend our precious energy on putting it all out just to take it all back down in a few weeks. And that kind of thinking really upsets me! I thought you had to be old to not want to put up Christmas decorations. Well, I know that I'm not "old" like the "old" people who didn't put up decorations in my younger years. I'm not old in thought, but my body sure seems like it doesn't want to be young any more. I realize now that I should have spent more time with my sweet grandma, helping her put up her decorations and just spending time with her during this season. I see that she would have really enjoyed having the company. Company would be the best thing I could have given her. She would have loved to have me spend time with her. I would love it if my grandchildren were here to spend time with me, to help me get my Christmas things out and decorations out. I would love to see them looking at all my Santas, and the Christmas Village.
But that brings me to my next question: Where did I find time to put up the Christmas things when I had more responsibilities with my children all home? Where did we fit that into our schedules? Right now I am busy at school until 5:30 almost every night. By the time we get home, run a few errands, find something to eat, I am just too tired to do anything else.
Then another decision we have to make is, should be put up the tree downstairs, upstairs or both? Our downstairs tree is big and beautiful and I love how it looks all decorated. I also love my tree that sits on the table in my small living room. It is really pretty with fake crystal glass ornaments, but they look good! It is really glamorous looking with the lights on, twinkling in the window. I am sure we will put that one up so visitors can see that we do still celebrate Christmas. But the one downstairs? I don't know. It is nice to sit downstairs with the fire in the stove, warm and nice. But then I have to walk bathroom downstairs, the bedroom upstairs....I guess I could just sleep down there on the couch. But the bathroom.......I need to go upstairs. We don't spend very much time downstairs each evening, just collapse in the living room, or watch TV in the bedroom. But not putting up the tree makes us old people! But no one but us ever sees that tree downstairs!
And then there is the issue with the beautiful Christmas Village. We love our Christmas Village. The past two years we haven't even gotten it out. Two years ago it just didn't seem like a smart thing to do with the little boys living here. I'm not sure about last year. But I really like it. Our living room on the main floor is so very small that it would push us right out of the room. Where could it go up here? Take out a chair and use the corner for the village?t I would be pretty. Put it all around table with the Christmas tree in the middle? Might work. In the hearth around the fireplace? Not big enough for it all, but could do it with the corner. We could put a few pieces on the mantel on both sides of the TV. But the electrical cords would be all over the place. What to do...what to do.. I hate making these kinds of decisions.
So, friends and family. What do you suggest we do?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Last of the Little Guys

When I was young, those words were said on a TV commercial for a car company. It just now popped into my mind...Crazy, huh? So, in teaching reading, we learn that students understand things better when they can "connect" to what they are reading....Just wait, I'll tie this all together. I can really connect with "the last of the little guys right now. I just finished the last Christmas stocking for the four little guys and two pretty girls. My little guys are getting to be so big, and they have had to wait for several years to get their own Christmas stocking from Grandma. This year it was finally Koy's turn and I have it all done, completed, stitched-up and ready for delivery before Thanksgiving. (However, I'm still thinking of doing a different one for Kayden because his doesn't hang very well)
Here is a picture of Koy's stocking.

The stocking was on the bed and I was standing to take the picture so it looks kind of out-of-shape. It really isn't as bad as it looks. The picture is all done by hand with counted-cross-stitches, some stitches have only 1 strand of thread and some have 5, giving it a dimensional look when up close. There are sparkly sequins on the lights on the Christmas tree, so it looks like the lights are shining. Garth and I decided on a fabric for the back that is a light green with candy canes which match the candy canes Santa is putting on the tree. Tammy picked out the pattern last year and I started on it as soon as the new year began. So, my yearly project is finally completed.
It has taken me over 6 years to get these 6 stockings done. Now I am ready for more grandchildren.......But in the meantime, more temple altar cloths (did two small ones, a large one, and almost done with another large one.) I also have a project I purchased a few years ago for Barrett's graduation which I haven't even started on yet. Maybe it will be done when he finishes his residency (sh.......don't tell him)
I also thought of something I might want to do by next Christmas for each grandchild, but I don't know if I could get them all done.........
So for my New Year's resolution......I keep getting up at 4:30 and spend some time making something with my hands.......
If I can ever get some glasses and contacts that actually help me to see! But, that is another story!

And some weeks are just boring.

Thankfully, this has been one boring, non-eventful week. Which makes it an event in itself. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing exciting, nothing too stressful. Oh, there was that day when the alarm didn't go off and I woke up at 5:45 and hurried to get my act together to get to school on time, which for me is any time between 7:00 - 7:30. I made it, but I didn't get my crocheting time in during the morning. I survived. Today, just working around the house, checking some school papers, maybe getting some Christmas lights up outside, sitting by the fire watching the football games, crocheting, reading, finishing Koy's Christmas stocking, hemming some pants....just whatever I can do to keep myself busy. I hope everyone has a happy weekend day. Looking forward to next week when I can see all my grandchild. Hopefully we can all be in the same place at the same time. Keeping my fingers crossed. Have safe travels.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

To Clarify

As I read through my last post, I realized I made a little bit of a mistake. I was too quick when I said I only saw family looking at my blog. That isn't entirely true. There are several people who I know look here regularly. My friend in Cleveland, some from Bountiful, and several other places around the state. I don't want them to think that I don't appreciate their friendship. I really do, and it is fun to look and see that they are checking up on me.
I do wish that when I see some hits on the blog from, I wish I knew exactly who they are. I can see what towns they are from, but who in Ferron is looking in? Maybe Lynda, but I doubt it because I couldn't get her to use the internet while she was working across the hallway. I can guess on the ones from Orangeville, but then, family......friends.......a little of everyone.
In USU there is Mitchell, but would he really be spending that much time reading about my boring life? Maybe, because he "borrowed" enough banana runts from my drawer at school. Then there is the other family members in Cache Valley. I don't know if they use a USU server, but maybe.
Comcast must be used by everyone in Salt Lake, Davis, and Utah counties. And Myriad has their own server that appears as numbers so I know when Nicky is here. At any rate, Thanks for dropping in.
And Cleveland......please know how special you are to me! Thanks for your friendship. Even if we don't get together except through the internet, you are a great friend and I love ya lots! (PS. I see your brother has moved. Where to?)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Premature Awareness Day

My blog isn't read by very many people, mostly just family. In fact, I don't see anyone else but family members on my sitemeter. But since this has been premmie awareness month, I just want to say how thankful I am for Tyler in our lives. We were so anxious when he arrived so early, but so thankful he survived. We love having him closer so we can drop by when we are in the area. We are so impressed with his growth and his desire to learn. What a smart boy! To read more about his story, follow his mother's posts at Because Miracles Happen

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who Wants Some?

I love to look through the little junkie catalogs that come in the mail. The ones with all the stuff you never buy but think it might be a good gift to give someone. I got one in the mail the other day...Really, someone else got it but it was put in my box accidentally. I didn't worry about giving it back to the postmaster because I have spoken with the person who it belonged to before and he/she said that if we get their mail to just go ahead and pay their bills, but they didn't want the catalogs to just have to throw away. So I took a few minutes to look through the things offered. I was excited to find something I thought I might buy! Then I thought, "Maybe all my children would like it, too." So now is your chance to say if you want it or not. What is it that was so good, you ask? A family tradition that has been passed along for many years, but none of my own children have them yet. And I don't think any of my sisters do either.....Are you wondering yet?

My mom always had a beautiful Christmas tree. We all know that she put the tinsel icicles on one at a time and made them all so even and covered so perfectly. Then we changed to a flocked tree. No more icicles. But then she found something even better. She found some crystal icicles. Not really crystal as in glass, but .... well, clear plastic that kind of glows in the dark. They have little hooks on the end that you hook onto the branches. She covered her tree with hundreds of these little icicles and it made it look like a tree that was out in the woods with dripping icicles on every branch. The year I got married she gave me a few packages of the icicles for my Christmas tree. I have used them every year since then. Some people think they are silly, but I love to have the lights out in the room and the Christmas lights on and see the icicles sparkling from the lights on the tree.

The catalog with junk had these icicles in it! You can buy 100 icicles in a package! I am so excited! Does anyone want some for their tree? You can pass on an old tradition! I am sure the kids would love to know they had a tree just like Grandma Labrum's tree, even if it is just a small tree. Come on. You know you are dying for some. Really. Just let me know and I will order them for you. You will have the best, prettiest Christmas tree in the neighborhood. Just let me know!
Until then.............have a happy holiday!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Which is Best, 1 or 2?

I wanted to shout, "Neither one! They are equally awful!" For those of you who have never had your eyes checked (Anyone?) I am sure you have no idea what this is all about. I have been trying to get my contact lenses and eyeglasses adjusted since the first week in August. You heard me right, AUGUST! Hopefully the trip to SLC last weekend will be our last.

I have always been warned that the gas permiable lenses that I wear hold my eye in one shape and they do not let the eye "bend and stretch." So after years of wearing the same pair of contacts, my cornea has become warped. But, hey, I can see alright, or so I thought. I always have trouble after taking out my contacts and wearing my glasses for a few hours. The first few hours I see fine, but the next morning or after a few hours, things get a bit fuzzy. So I was anxious to get new glasses and at the same time a new pair of contacts. But not so easy.

The doctor (very good, I think), explained that the cornea was warped and would have to go back to its original shape by me not wearing contacts for about two weeks. OK, fine. Except.....I can't see out of my glasses. But I suffered along until the new frames came.....Big mistake. Remember, the prescription for them was taken when the cornea was warped. They didn't work at all. When the contacts came, they didn't fit right and were slipping off the eye. Remember, the cornea was warped, so why should they fit? And besides, wrong prescription for the now un-warped cornea. Still not able to see..I wore the old contacts so I could see my students faces and the books, then switched to glasses as soon as school was out. New frames.....still not so good. New contacts again.....still not fitting right. Back and forth....for two months now. The last pair of contacts came and the fit was great. I can see better two miles aways than I even have.......but I can't see the music on the organ, or a book to read......Are there actually words on the board? And my computer screen is on the largest print so I can focus better. It isn't that they are fuzzy, there are just about 5 different images slightly off each other. But I can read the signs on the road a long ways away.

So now she (the doctor) is going to try the "one-eyed" thing. One eye for far distance and one eye for close up. The new frames and lenses should be sent this week. Hopefully something will work. I can't keep wearing the reading glasses for everything in the classroom and taking them off to see the kids at their desks. I might as well be wearing regular glasses. IF THEY WOULD BE RIGHT! Yes, I am getting tired of all of this.

On a happier note....I stubbed my toe and broke off my toenail. Now it is getting more like an in-grown toenail. I will probably be getting it worked on because I don't like crying with every step.....complain, complain, complain.......

I did play the organ for stake conference with my lenses and reading glasses. Seemed to work alright. A few nice compliments about the soft, quiet hymns.

So, here I am starting out another week....At least report cards and parent/teacher/student conferences are over and we can start all over again.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.