Monday, November 9, 2009

Which is Best, 1 or 2?

I wanted to shout, "Neither one! They are equally awful!" For those of you who have never had your eyes checked (Anyone?) I am sure you have no idea what this is all about. I have been trying to get my contact lenses and eyeglasses adjusted since the first week in August. You heard me right, AUGUST! Hopefully the trip to SLC last weekend will be our last.

I have always been warned that the gas permiable lenses that I wear hold my eye in one shape and they do not let the eye "bend and stretch." So after years of wearing the same pair of contacts, my cornea has become warped. But, hey, I can see alright, or so I thought. I always have trouble after taking out my contacts and wearing my glasses for a few hours. The first few hours I see fine, but the next morning or after a few hours, things get a bit fuzzy. So I was anxious to get new glasses and at the same time a new pair of contacts. But not so easy.

The doctor (very good, I think), explained that the cornea was warped and would have to go back to its original shape by me not wearing contacts for about two weeks. OK, fine. Except.....I can't see out of my glasses. But I suffered along until the new frames came.....Big mistake. Remember, the prescription for them was taken when the cornea was warped. They didn't work at all. When the contacts came, they didn't fit right and were slipping off the eye. Remember, the cornea was warped, so why should they fit? And besides, wrong prescription for the now un-warped cornea. Still not able to see..I wore the old contacts so I could see my students faces and the books, then switched to glasses as soon as school was out. New frames.....still not so good. New contacts again.....still not fitting right. Back and forth....for two months now. The last pair of contacts came and the fit was great. I can see better two miles aways than I even have.......but I can't see the music on the organ, or a book to read......Are there actually words on the board? And my computer screen is on the largest print so I can focus better. It isn't that they are fuzzy, there are just about 5 different images slightly off each other. But I can read the signs on the road a long ways away.

So now she (the doctor) is going to try the "one-eyed" thing. One eye for far distance and one eye for close up. The new frames and lenses should be sent this week. Hopefully something will work. I can't keep wearing the reading glasses for everything in the classroom and taking them off to see the kids at their desks. I might as well be wearing regular glasses. IF THEY WOULD BE RIGHT! Yes, I am getting tired of all of this.

On a happier note....I stubbed my toe and broke off my toenail. Now it is getting more like an in-grown toenail. I will probably be getting it worked on because I don't like crying with every step.....complain, complain, complain.......

I did play the organ for stake conference with my lenses and reading glasses. Seemed to work alright. A few nice compliments about the soft, quiet hymns.

So, here I am starting out another week....At least report cards and parent/teacher/student conferences are over and we can start all over again.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

1 comment:

mom o said...

You are going to need to let me know how the two different contacts work. I have been thinking about going that way myself. Getting old is a pain in the neck or in your case your toe. I hope you do have a great week. Just think only a few more weeks and school will be out for the holidays.