Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stake Conference

We were blessed with very good sessions of stake conference this weekend. I took lots of notes and really enjoyed the talks. I will write more about them during the next few weeks. But I wanted to share something that went right along with conference.

The Stake Center has been undergoing some very extensive rennovations the past two years. The two wards that go to the building were sent to the other two ward houses during that time. Stake Conferences were held in each building with TV broadcasting to get to all the people. The Stake Presidency offices were moved to the Seminary building, and everything just juggled around. Much like when the old Orangeville ward house was non-existent and we had to do wht we had to do. Well, the work is now all done except for the landscaping. It has changed inside a little bit, with bathrooms in different places, the kitche very different, no direct way out of the cultural hall, a new hallway at on the north side of the cultural hall, a smaller stage, an elevator, and I'm not sure what has happened upstairs.
So today during conference President Sharp re-dedicated the building. He told us during the adult session on Saturday night that we sould be doing that during the morning session. He said he was told that President McKay was here to dedicate the building the first time. That reminded me of a picture I got from Wayne Ware showing Grandpa Guy Ware, Grandma Linda, and President McKay. So I came home, found it, printed it off and gave a copy to him. The picture is dated July 8, 1951. I am sure it was for the dedication because President McKay would not have been in Castle Dale two times that year. So, here it is for all to share.
Grandpa is on the left, obviously, and Grandma on the far right. President McKay has his back to the camera, but that is him for sure. I'm not sure who the other ladies are in the picture. I am thinking because of the window on the house in the background, the picture must have been taken on the west side of the building, on the side near the present stop sign. But then, what do I know! Any other suggestions? Any idea who the other people in the picture are? (And with the new changes on blogspot there is no spell check so pleas excuse any spelling errors!)

1 comment:

nancy said...

grandpa looks exactly like Uncle Keith