Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It is Amazing

You can infer the most awesome things when you look through your sitemetet on your blogs. I look at mine quite regularly and I am getting pretty good at inferring who is "coming to visit." I can tell from the company subscriber without even looking at all the details. I know Nancy is Cox and Barrett/Chantel are swbell. Nicky is a bunch of numbers from Myriad and Tammy is .... I forgot but I know it when I see it. I assume Mitchell is USU and Chelsie is Orem. I get a few ETV so I know people from EC are here, could be family or friends. Although I love you all, it is interesting to also see those from other places and see how they got here.
If you are looking for the first time, or visiting again, please do not take offense at me "checking you out." I am just interested in where my visitors are coming from and how they got here.
Today I saw someone from South Africa. They googled "life changer and peace giver", which resulted in a few of my entries about the Peace Giver. I see from the google search that life changer and peace giver must also be some song title. But this person spent a long time reading many pages. It made me think about the things I am writing and what we are asked to do as member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Am I a good example for someone's first experience with the church? Am I spreading the good news of the gospel as I write about my daily experiences?
There was another visiter today from Kentucky who googled "pattern LDS temple cloth alter". That was very interesting to me because I am assuming that someone who is LDS must be looking for a crochet pattern for a temple alter cloth, just as I did a few weeks ago. Another sister looking for the same information! How exciting!
Do any of the rest of you think it is interesting to see how visitors come to your blogs? You are all into so many different interests so I am sure you have different people checking you out. One person I read regularly said if you want more people to come to your blog you should put more tags or labels for your posts, and link to more articles and blogs because this will get your entries into more google searches. Just a thought.
I am really enjoying reading these two blogs lately. They are both wonderful women who are teaching me a lot. Sophia is from Cache Valley and is raising her now adopted grandchildren. They were sealed in the temple a few weeks ago and she has recorded some wonderful tearjerking events. Her decorations are awesome and she is to on the go it makes me tired to just read her adventures. The other one is Annie from Liberty who decorates beautifully. (I think I will hire her.) She is so thoughtful of others. One day when she was in Oregon (?) visiting her daughter, she wanted to teach her grandchildren about giving, so she went to the local homeless shelter and found a family. She asked them to come back the next day at an appointed time. She brought her grandchildren with her, along with items she knew the family would need for the winter. The children were able to see how grateful someone was for their kindness. I would never have thought of something so personal. Take your stuff to the DI is about all I would come up with. What a lesson to learn from her. She is a great person.
Of course I check in on my friends (Sandra!) and family. I enjoy a leisure time checking out those who are checking out me. It sure it interesting!

1 comment:

nancy said...

YET you only had one Tag..

I look at my sitemeter all the time. Someone comes from Huntington all the time. I am going to "assume" it is julie but I never see a comment so I don't know.

MItchell and chelsie are on mine as well but no comments again :(

I go to a lot of blogs but have a reader so I see more than I stalk.

I havea friend who works at sitemeter and she upgraded mine and I see what lots of other stuff.

One that comes at least 4 or 5 times a week is the search for viability. Makes me feel glad I can help someone..

ADD MORE TAGS>>>> leave more comments and go from your persons list to another blog. You never know what you are going to get.