Being mistreated is the most important condition of mortality, for eternity itself depends on how we view those who mistreat us. --The Peacegiver (p. 33)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thanks, Chantel's Grandmother
I got a sweet letter in the mail yesterday from Chantel's grandmother, Lima. She sent me a pattern for a crocheted altar cloth. Barrett had told me to be looking for it. I am honored that thought enough to help me out. She said she has crocheted this cloth for other temples and has received thank-you notes from the matrons in Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake, Palmyra, and Nauvoo. What a great honor for her! That was very sweet of her. I have a thank-you note ready to send to her, but just thought I would post about her kindness here. Chantel, please tell her how much I appreciate her thoughtfulness.
You are too sweet! You must be a third grade teacher if you could read her writing!! I hope it helps :)
You are right, a third grade teacher can read anyone's writing. I remember going to a pack meeting where the scouts displayed posters they had made. One man was having difficulty reading them so I translated for him. I couldn't see what his problem was, it was very clear to me! You just have to know how letters can be made and words can be spelled! It takes a genius!
Would you be willing to share your crocheted altar cloth pattern? I have been looking for one. I am in the Nashville Temple District and they have asked the members to make new altar cloths. I've been looking for some appropriate patterns. Victoria Taylor,
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