Saturday, January 17, 2009

And I Didn't Even Know It

I thought I would check my e-mail before turning in for the night. Then, of course, had to check the blog to see who has been looking. SiteMeter showed were the usual links from (Arizona) etv (which shows the different places in EC), a USU (is that you, Mitch?) and a few comcasts. Not being exactly sure which city for comcast, I thought I would take a look. One was from Salt Lake and they reached my blog through a google search using my name and the words "my thoughts". I don't mind having people find me at all. In fact, it is pretty interesting to see how they came to my site. Another comcast user came from a good search on Chantel and Barrett Labrum so I hope you didn't get any strange viewers of your blog? But that first google search gave me information I was a bit surprised to find.

I clicked on the google search to see just what came up when the person searched my name. Yup, there were several matches that pointed to documents with my name attached. One really caught my eye. It is a lesson plan that I wrote for a masters class assignment. We had to write a unit on a "cultural issue" using literature appropriate for our grade level. I wrote a really good lesson plan based on the Civil War. My students are always really interested when I read them a biography on Harriet Tubman and we discuss slavery and the Underground Railroad. The lesson plan went into lots of details with lots of books to read. How come I never get time to teach those great lessons I plan and write up? Anyway, this lesson plan shows up on the UEN lesson activity page without me even knowing it! At the bottom of the lesson it lists the "authors"; my name, the masters class teachers (whom I won't list here) and another guru of literature lessons from up-state. How she ever got attached to MY lesson plan I will never know! Now, mind you, I don't mind my lesson plan being placed on the UEN siste. I am just wondering HOW it got there. I didn't submit it! And why would the teachers list their names as authors? Maybe they "fixed it up" or something, but shouldn't I have been made aware (yes, I know, I am a WARE) that it was being submitted to the state lesson page? I don't know wheither to be upset, flattered, laid-back, shocked, or what. I think I will just take the "Oh, My, what do you know" attitude and let everyone tell me how wonderful the lesson plan is. But then again, who ever reads those lessons anyway? It has been there since 2005 and this is the first I knew about it! Maybe I am not so famous after all.
Happy reading!


Nicky said...

Mom, if I were you I would contact them and tell them it is plagiarism. Teachers are all about doing that to the students, do it back to them and see what THEY have to say about that! Turn it right back onto them. You did the work, they shouldn't get credit for it! :)

mom o said...

I hope you don't mind that I check out your blog every once in a while. It is great keeping up on friends. The other day I received a message from Kaye Petersen on facebook. Cyrena got me signed up and I still don't know how she found me. It was great hearing from her. She is living in Colorado Springs. I guess with the computer our private lives are not so private anymore.

Sharon said...

Lori, the one google search probably came from me. Carol told me about your blog and the name and I put what I could remember in to search. It was a nice way to catch up on your family. I read several posts from your kids, too. Since I check Carol's little grandson Sawyer's blog pretty much every day to see how he is doing, I drop in on other family blogs once in a while, too. Wish we had EC air right now!
Your cousin, Sharon