Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nice Day in EC

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day here. Garth had to go to work this morning and I am just trying to get a few things done. Really, I am being lazy. After this past week in school I need a break for lazy. It was a good thing it was only a four day week because things just kept going downhill. If there had been one more day of school I think I would have called in sick. Hopefully, all the Valentine candy is gone and next week will be better. I think part of the hectic week was because of two afterschool meetings that took up time I needed for preparation. Yes, I need lots of prep time because I am just slower to prepare than other teachers. It seems to take me longer. But, hey, reading 24 reading responses a week, plus checking all those papers, preparing lessons, really takes up time. I am so blessed to have an understanding husband. I don't know what I would do without his kindness.

Yesterday my wonderful husband brough home a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. I appreciate him so much! He has been busy with the basketball season coming to an end, both the high school and Junior Jazz games, so he has spent lots of time at the school cleaning up after crowds. There was a game last night and another one tonight, then it should all be over. He is also going to a Master Gardener class to get a certificate from USU, and is going to start on another car repair class. I am glad he is able to find things he is interested in learning. He has supported me through five years of more schooling and now is his time. He deserves the chance to learn things he is interested in. He is also very anxious to get going on the outside work at the school. He really enjoys this time of year.

So my plans for today...put in my contacts. Yup, that takes courage these days because my eyes seem to be more irratated every day. I am showered and dressed and my bed is made, I have talked with Nancy on the phone and checked my emails. Now I will get ready for the day and clean up here in the computer room a bit. When Garth gets home we might put up a new shelf in the living room, mount the new TV on the wall and hide the cords. (I hate cords hanging free!) We have this nice digital photo frame we got for Christmas that we need to hang. Sure wish we had some pictures to load on it! I guess I will need to "steal" some from the kids blogs. And then, maybe we will do nothing much because he will need to be gone again at 6:00. I still need to complete some applications for awards so I will type up some things for that. I have a bag full of papers to correct and record, plus lessons to prepare for Monday. So I have a full day of not fun things to do, which I might do and might not. I don't have a book to read, so I won't be side-tracked with that.

Maybe if I quit rambling I could get something done. Here I go!


nancy said...

How about I make a plan to actually MAIL the stick that goes in that frame that is sitting on my DRESSER!! I have a gift to mail to salt lake anyway!! Ok I will mail it...

Trade ya, my PICTURE for your pictures!! Yours are free of charge... mind comes with a big hefty FINE

Tammy said...

Now that I have some updated pictures I will download them to where they need to be and then we will get it sent to you.