Sunday, February 1, 2009


I finally had a day to get things done that I wanted to do. We woke up later than usual, after 7:00 actually, and just talked in bed for a little while. It was so nice to not have to rush off. Then Garth put a lump of coal on the fire downstairs and the house started to warm up. He had to go to Castle Service from 9:00 to 1:00, so that left me here to get some things done. Since I can't do anything until I shower and get dress, that was the first thing on my agenda. But as I was getting my stuff ready for the shower, the phone kept ringing, then stopped, ringing, then stopped. (I know, that is not a consistent tense, but......) Nancy was trying to get me and her phone didn't work. Then I found that the phone numbers I have in my Palm Pilot for her are all wrong, as I woke up two anonymous people trying to call her back. I couldn't find my cell phone to get her number, so I called Garth at work and told him to call her back for me. I found my cell in the car and finally got her back. We talked about Jodi Piccoult books for a few minutes, then said goodbye.
I finally got in and out of the shower, got dressed for the day, did my hair, and cleaned up the bathroom. It is so difficult to clean the tub because I still can't kneel on my knee. Garth can kneel, why can't I? It just hurts so bad. It hurts when I lean my knee up against the tub as I bend over trying to scrub it. I know there is just a lot of scar tissue from the incision that wouldn't heal, so there is nothing that can be done for it. I just have to pray sitting down.
After showing I cleaned up the kitchen, then started in on my math assignment. The last assignment for this terrible class. The teachers have been fine, and we like to talk and laugh together as a class. But the lessons and discussion are just too long, and the assignments are time consuming. "Read these two chapters. Next week we will re-read them in a group." Why read them first? So I sat down at the computer and finished it all up.
By then Garth was home and we went to Wal-mart, a big outting for us. We wanted to get things for the shelves in the den. Things like book-ends, paper holders, etc. We have added more shelves above the counters so we can get things off the desktops and have more room. Now I just need to dejunk the desktop and get the shelves organized.
We also took the plunge and bought a new TV. We havn't bought a TV since we got the one downstairs. We have decided that there are sometimes we want a TV in the living room, but the room is so small that putting it on the table just takes up needed space. So we got one to mount on the wall. We bought a flat screen and are going to put it above the fireplace! Won't that look nice? There are times one of us wakes up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. We don't want to turn on the TV in the room, and don't want to walk downstairs to sit in the cold. So it will be nice to have one in the front room. Or those days when I am home alone and trying to clean the kitchen, or getting dinner, I can have the TV on the noise. Especially on General Conference days, it will be nice.
After our shopping was completed, we decided to go to dinner. Where do we go in Price? Almost nowhere. McDonalds wasn't our favorite, we haven't like JB's lately. I have heard good things about China Buffet, over by K-Mart. So we decided to do that. Yes, I know, ME at a Chinese food place? But it was really good. And the price was great. We paid $20.01 for a meal for two. Not bad! I was fine with the chicken and shrimp, egg rolls, and salads. I just stayed away from the choy mein noodles. The steamed mushrooms and zucchinis were to die for. It was totally Emery County day with so many of them eating there.
We washed the car on our way home, stopped at Food Ranch to pick up milk and other odds and ends we didn't get in Price, then came home, unpacked the car, watched the commercials from the Super Bowls, and then watched a few Dr. Phil's that were recorded.
That guy has such good advice! I did have a problem with one of his answers when asked if a couple should live together before they get married. His answer was that people should know each other very well before they marry. He never said "Don't live together." Perhaps he was being politically correct and didn't want to offend anyone. But if I had followed his advice i wouldn't have married when I did. We certainly didn't know each other very well, except through letters. But it worked for us. The clue is to communicate with each other. But all that is another post. I did look Dr. Phil's new book at Wal-mart, but it wasn't there. I will have to send for it, I guess.
In all, it was a very good day. I am sure today will be another great day.
Kids, call home! I don't want to call you and interrupt your plans, but our plans are to just sit here and enjoy the day and evening. So you can call any time!


nancy said...

I already did... man I should have waited till you "wanted" me to call :)

Nicky said...

Mom, you did a whole lot on your outing! bought a new TV AND chinese food! Stepping up to new adventures! :)