Monday, August 10, 2009

Things to do Today

I think summer is almost over. The air is very crisp and cool this morning, but I sure like it. Since some people think that teachers don't do anything during the summer, I thought I would make a list of things I need to do today.

1. Hair cut at 9:00. (It takes a lot to keep short hair under control.)
2. Work at school. Get desks out to see what I have. (New desks with lift up tops. No more students playing inside desks when they should be listening.)
3. Get everything ready to start pre-testing tomorrow.
4. Make contact with someone to see if we are ready to really sign those contracts or if we are holding back. (I have heard rumors and want to know.)
5. Get to the pharmacy.
6. Go to Alco to pick up a few things.
7. Make phone call to Dr. Walkers office.
8. Check in on my dad.
9. Get some laundry going. (I'll have to wait until Garth can carry it downstairs. I am too short to lift the hamper down the stairs.)
10. Get temple altar cloths to Mrs. Bean to take to the temple this week.
11. Get my exercise in at Pro-Rehab.
12. Everything else that usually gets done each day.

That should just about do it for today. I am sure there are other things but that is the low-down from here. Hope you all have a great day.
(Happy birthday to my sister yesterday!)


Nicky said...

i thought it was ruanne's birthday yesterday.. mom, what a boring life you have! :) and you can just push the clothes down the stairs! :)

Grandma Labrum said...

Picking up dirty clothes at the bottom would just be gross! And, I'm not bored at all. Just busy. Getting most of it done as well.