Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my special best friend! Even on his birthday he is doing something for someone else. This morning he took off with one of the high school teachers to drive students up to UVU for a car mechanics competition.

That is one of the things I love so much about Garth. He is always helping others. He will never let need go without being there to help someone. Others needs always come before his. But he never neglects his family or puts himself first.

He is such a hard worker. He just can't sit still and do nothing. (Except on a late Sunday afternoon.) His drive keeps him working many jobs. He works his second job just because he can't be home at 1:00 pm and do nothing, and they needed some help. So it filled two needs in his life.

He send me flowers, and leaves me notes which I cherish. He has been there for me during these trying times this past year. Right now he meets me every morning down at the therapy office while I get my legs wrapped up. He understands how difficult it is for me when I can't get around like I want to. He lets me keep the light on late at night while I do my sewing projects or read in bed, even though he gets up at 3:30 am to go to work. He wakes up before his alarm so he can turn it off before it wakes me up.

He is loved by all his grandchildren. I even think his own kids love him a bit :) His joy is apparent when he is with his grandkids. He would do anything for them. I don't even mind it when I am talking with the kids and they say, "Hello, Grandma. Can I talk with Grandpa?" They love him as much as he loves them. He is a fun grandpa and nothing makes him happier than to be fishing with his grandkids, or spending time at the park, or just walking down the street with them.

It means so much to him to see his own children attending church and making the right decisions to keep close to the Lord. He loves the good life they are all living, all the right choices they are making.

Garth is a wonderful man. I love you, dear.


mom o said...

You are so much better on the ball than I am. Paul's birthday was last week and I was going to post but the day got away from me. Thanks for the insight and tell him thanks from me for all he does at the school and also Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to you tomorrow.

Wendy said...

What a special post and tribute to your husband! I had no idea that your birthdays were back-to-back . . . how fun that must be! Happy Birthday to both of you!

This is OT: I was trying to find your previous post about Prom, but gave up too soon when I couldn't find it! You talked about being paired with Stewart B. for the dance program and it reminded me that he was my date for Prom our sophomore year, as well as a dance partner for the Blue and Gold Festival (or whatever it was called) that same year!