Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our New Neighbors

We filled a bird feeder with bird seeds and put it out on the deck. We tried the same thing last year and didn't see many new birds. This year is a different story. Using my new camera, a small point and shoot thing that fits in my purse, I was able to zoom in pretty good on these birds. I think I will try it with my "old" Canon Rebel to see if they are a bit more clear, but this is okay for just a quick snapshot. Our deck is now littered with seed shells. It is fun to watch the birds sit there and crack the seeds. They eat, then fly off the trees in the back yard. At one time I counted 15 birds sitting in the trees just waiting their turn at the feeder. Yesterday we were gone for the day, and when we came home the feeder was empty. Garth filled it up the and chatter began. You could almost imagine the birds telling each other "Dinner's on!" They came and ate the whole feeder-full again. We have a few hummingbirds, too. I don't know if the other birds are scaring them away, or if they just haven't returned yet, but there aren't too many of them. I think we might find a new place for the seed-feeder because they are really making a mess of the deck, and may be keeping the hummingbirds away. I don't want to lose these beautiful golden, and salmon colored birds. They are so fun to watch.


nancy said...

Good luck with that OLD rebel camera. I stole a lens... HAHA.... You can BORROW my NEW one if you want. HAHAHAHAHAHAH....

Those are really great pictures! Good job mom

Tammy said...

I think my old rebel is down there. I may need one in the fall when I take my photography class since they are requiring a 35mm film camera

Grandma Labrum said...

I have a rebel digital, with the lens still there. I know you stole my other lense.

Grandma Labrum said...

Tammy, you are welcome to my old Rebel and Nancy will just have to give up the lense.

nancy said...

BOO .. Ok . That is fine. I don't love it anyway.... I didnt' know you have a rebel digital one.. WOW.. you should use it more

Grandma Labrum said...

I've had the rebel digital for a few years. But I like my new small one. I needed one that would fit in my purse to be kept for those special spur-of-the-moment shots. It sure comes in handy.