Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July in the Mountains

This is several weeks late, but I thought I would take a minute this morning and post another great memory. In my younger days, our family would spend the July 4th holiday in our beautiful mountains. As I look back, there were many different places we camped during that time. I remember being in the pretty meadows jut before Grassy Lake. We were there with the Lukes, Rasmussens, Olsens, Huntingtons, and Peacocks, as well as others, I believe. There was a big group. Maybe it was a ward outing. I remember the adults playing softball together and the kids just playing around. I remember Dad taking some in the yellow truck to go get snow in the higher elevation, then they would return and we made homemade ice-cream.
I also remember being at Blue Lake with many of the same people, including the Curtises. We would walk down to the lake to go fishing, or just watch others as they fished. I remember the spring that bubbled up near our campsites. We had a big pot-luck dinner one night.
Most of us remember the times at Indian Creek with Olsens, Peacocks, Wares, Huntingtons, Curtises. I am sure there were others depending on the year. We would celebrate with our own parade around the loop. We decorated up bikes with weeds and wildflowers. This went on for many years. Happy memories.


Nicky said...

growing up, 4th of july was just going up to Indian Creek and camping with the Olsens, Peacocks and Wares. I don't remember ever going to a 4th of July parade. We always made our own parade around the loop, with our bikes decorated. I even messaged Mark this year on facebook to decorate his bike while he went camping for me :)

mom o said...

Paul and I were just up to Grassy and memories flooded my mind. I wish that Blue or Jewkes Lake was the same. Dad loved taking us on hikes and showing us the places of the old saw mill. Indian Creek is also full of memories spent with both family and girls camp.
What would we do without our memories to keep those gone with us.

By the way I do like the background. Maybe in a month they will have things fixed and we can find a background that we really like.

Carol said...

I think we have been doing the 4th of July Campout for over 45 years. The 4th means family and camping. We had some great times together. My dad's home videos of the waterfight will go down in history. Who knew our parents could have so much fun. Love the Memories! Cousin Carol