Monday, February 6, 2012

Changes are Great

It has been very difficult for Garth and I to do things around the house that have needed to be done.  Our children realized that, and helped us do some long needed repairs and cleaning.  We are so thankful for their help.  I wish I could keep up with Chantel and her speed and thoroughness in cleaning.  What a Ever-ready battery she is!  Her handy steamer and constant energy makes me tired just watching her.  She saw me at  my worst and still kept on.  She learned my vise (pens and pencils) and still laughed at me.  I love her for helping me out.  My den and extra bedroom look wonderful, not to mention the organization in my pantry! More about that later.

A few weeks later they returned to redo our kitchen.  Barrett and Josh worked so hard to put down a new laminate floor in our kitchen.  It is beautiful and makes the kitchen look so much better.  We love it so much.  A special 'extra' was watching them working together.  It was just what we needed.  Tammy and Chantel worked to deep-clean the kitchen as they stepped around the guys doing the floor.  Nicky helped out when she wasn't running with the kids or doing errands and odd-jobs for us.  Our house was bursting with everyone helping us out, and we so love them for it.

Our cute grandkids played all day.  We hardly saw them because they were so busy having fun. I don't even know what they were doing or playing with, but I knew they were having fun from the laughing that came from the basement.  Tammy and Morgan played with every craft and doll they could find.  We saw them with little wedding reception aprons on, with crete paper, pens and markers, decorating everything they could find.  It was music to our ears.  

(Editing note!!) Ok, so it wasn't Tammy and Morgan that played, it was Lexi  and Morgan.....

During all their work, Garth and I got to keep the kids fed and busy.  We also got to spend time with our cute Isaac.  It was a dream-come-true.  How cute that little guy is!  We love him so much and are happy he is in our family.

The last thing they did was put together a new table and chairs.  It looks so nice on that new floor.  We can't thank you all enough for what you have done for us.

We missed the Browns here, but they have been sick with bad colds, so they will come down another time to help us clean up other rooms.  We so much appreciate all our kids helping us out.  

We also picked up a new stove! Our old stove was the stove we got when we moved into our new house in Cornish!  It is as old as Barrett, which is old for a stove.  Is that 32 years? We were down to two working burners, but who needs more than that?  It worked for us!  With the new floor and table, we needed to change that stove.  The kitchen looks wonderful!  We didn't think of getting 'before' pictures, but here are the 'after' pics.

Beautiful!  Every time I walk in love my kids even more.  I hope they know that.  

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