Saturday, February 11, 2012

Temple Experience

We went to the temple last night for our Stake Temple Night.  Or was it Ward Temple Night?  It was the "Getting ready for Orangeville Ward Conferences  Temple Night.  February is the month for all the Orangeville Ward Conferences so the members are invited to attend the temple together in preparation for the conferences.

I had received a phone call from Brother Bott earlier in the week asking if I would play the organ for the chapel session, which I was very happy to do.  I've learned that when "Brother Bott" calls you have to expect him to ask you to do something. Since I have known "Brother Bott" all of my life as David B. I really have to think about taking him seriously, which is one of the problems of living in a small community.  He is David B because we had 4 David's in our one little classroom, David B, David R. David F, and David J.....But I digress......

Brother Bott asked that we be to the temple so I could start playing at about 5:45.  In typical Labrum style, we got there at 5:00, which was fine because there is a long hallway, then up the stairs, then changing clothes, then walking back down the stairs and half-way back down the hallway to enter the chapel.  I started playing at about 5:30.  Very simply said "I love to play the organ in the temple."

It was a good sized session, but VERY hot and stuffy.  Because we were one of the last couples out of the chapel, I was not sitting with anyone I knew, which helped me keep my attention on the session.  I really enjoyed the session and before I knew it, we were walking out of the temple.

It was a very good night for us to be together.  I love times like that.

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