Friday, December 7, 2007

Let It Snow

We went to bed last night with a light taste of winter falling. When we got up we had about 4 inches of beautiful wet, heavy snow. It has snowed off and on most of the day. I had morning recess duty and worried about the weather, but it was beautiful. The students were having a blast playing in the snow. It is great for making forts and snowmen because it is so wet. We came in with soaking hair and red cheeks, but it was a wonderful morning. We probably have about 7 inches now with promise of more overnight.

We are so lucky to live in an area where we feel safe during a snowstorm. We look forward to the moisture and the fun in the snow.

Tomorrow will be Joy Lyn's funeral so all this snow might put a damper on the events, but she loved winter because of Christmas. I was honored to be asked to play the post- and pre-lude music. It is the least I can do for the family.

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