Monday, December 22, 2008


"The storm seems to be getting worse, Ed."........Where is that quote from? If you know, then you know what the third grade at Cottonwood Elementary is doing this afternoon. Very appropriate because it is snowing outside! The students are crazy to be outside making snowforts. We made wrapping paper, wrapped up our poem books, recipe books, and Christmas traditions book into one package.
I am happy for some snow for the Christmas spirit, but wish I had all my kids here. We are still kind of up in the air about what we want to do for Christmas, stay home by ourselves, go to SLC in the snow, just what. It just doesn't seem like Christmas without kids.

I am going to the doctor today. My peak flow meter just isn't getting up there. The past two weeks I am down to 200, way into my red zone, so it will probably be back to the prednisone. But then, I will feel better. I am sick of coughing and the pain in my chest after walking down the hallway. Breathing is important

Have a happy Christmas!


Nicky said...

I just watched it last night and I was going to post quotes from it!! THE NIGHT THEY SAVED CHRISTMAS!!!

Tammy said...

of course the best movie in the whole world. I love it! Let us know what you decide. Lexi has been out of school since Friday so we are up in arms around here with so many kids.