Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year in Review

I am typing this at my daughters on her laptop so I am not responsible for any typographical errors!

1.What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before? We watched our son graduate from medical school. Never did that before and never will again. Watching him receive his doctoral hood was quite exciting. Actually brought tears to my eyes if you can imagine that.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't remember any new year's resolutions from last year so I don't know if I kept them. But knowing my personality, I am sure did I didn't think about them after making them. Will I make more for next year? Probably not. But I did read a good suggestion.....Make one word resolutations like.... patience, forgiving, kindness.....service This makes the resolution more flexible while still accomplishing the same goal.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? A few neices and nephews had babies, but no "close" babies in this family.
4. Did anyone close to you die? My good friend and family member Connie Ware died this past year. I have missed her so much, especially when I am at school and need someone to talk to. Another person to leave this life was my cousin, Leslie. It is difficult to think of someone that young just dying one morning. Her passing showed me that we need to take our life serious and live to the fullest. Other people who passed away include a life-long girlfriend's father, several people in town, and parents of acquaintances who played important parts in the lives of our family members. I can't forget the passing of President Hinckley, who was such a strong example of what is good.
5. What countries did you visit? I didn't visit any countries at all. But we did take three trips out of the state of Utah, which is almost unthinkable for us, who never leave the state. We took two trips to Missouri, one for graduation and one to move Barrett and Chantel back to Kansas City. And we took one trip to Arizona to spend Tyler's birthday with him. I almost feel like I might be able to go through airport security and the whole airport scene myself, if the need ever arrises, which I pray it won't.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More time with my family. Better health. More self-control to get things done.
7. What date from 2008 will be etched in your memory and why? I can't think of any certain date that was so important during the past year.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? I finished Maxwell's Christmas stocking! And I was asked to crochet some altar cloths for the temple. In my "education life" I was asked by the teachers to organize a workshop and teach them how to use their smartboards. They were so kind to tell me that the things I taught them were more beneficial than other workshop. Sometimes our peers are our hardest critics.
9. What was your biggest failure? I don't feel that I am doing enough for some of my students. I wish I could get more done during the day at school and see more improvement in my teaching.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Last winter was the worst ever for my asthma. I suffered all winter long and most of the spring with a horrible cough and difficulty moving because of constricted lungs. My lung capacity was down to extremely low numbers. My leg was also having a hard time healing from the three surgeries the past year. My husband had two shoulder surgeries and a knee replacement, so we really did spend a year trying to recouperate.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My husband's truck! I am so happy that he enjoys his truck. It makes pulling our trailer so much easier. I just hope we can use the trailer more this next year. Is that a resolution?
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? We are extremely happy that Josh is doing so well. Everyone in our closest family seems to be getting along quite well. (Long distance relations seems to work well :) We are so proud of our all children and love them all so much.
13. Whose behavior made you appaled or depressed? I wish everyone had the chance to get to church each week, but that isn't appalling, just something that I pray for each night. I don't get depressed about it because it is a personal decision. I just see the gospel as an important part of my life and which it could be for all my family. But I love them all unconditionally.
14. Where did most of your money go? To fill up my gas tank! Seriously, to others: the grocery store, family, utilities, mortgage, name it, it took my money.
15. What did you get really, really excited about? Having 5 of our 6 grandchildren at the zoo, and see the other grandchild in Arizona.
16. What song will remind you of 2008? "We Thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet" You might think that is a dumb choice, but I can't think of any songs!
17.Compared to this time last year are you much happier,richer, nicer? I hope I am nicer. I know I am not richer with money but with blessings I feel my bank is overflowing.
18. What do you wish you had done more of? Spend time with my children, grandchildren, and sisters.
19. What do you wish you had done less of? Worrying about things I have no control over.
20. How did you spend Christmas? Very quietly at home with just my husband and myself. We watched the kids on the webcam, but didn't leave the house for two days.
21. Did you fall in love in 2008? I fell in love with my husband, children, and grandchildren all over again.
22. What was your favorite tv program? We enjoyed watching Survivor, Celebrity Apprentist, The Amazing Race, and we learned to like watching Cold Case. And I still Tivo Dr. Phil and Oprah.
23. What was the best book you read? Reading the Book of Mormon for Sunday School is always a must. But for my enjoyment I read several books from Deseret Book that I can't remember the exact titles, but Gerald Lund's book about Hearing the Voice of the Lord, Tadd Christensen (?) The Ultimate Atonement, James Ferrell The Holy Secret,
the last book in the Great and Terrible Series by Chris Stewert. Andrew Skinners Gethsemany (how do you spell that?)/ I also fell in love with Jodi Piccoult books especially Nineteen Minutes, Plain Truth, and I am almost done with Change of Heart. Looking back on that list, for someone who doesn't have time to read, when did I read all of these books?
23. What did you want and get? To see my kids and for them to be happy.
24. What was your favorite movie? I don't think we rented a movie all year, and I know we didn't go to the theatre. If I didn't see a movie on TV I didn't see one. I can't remember any movie except a few Lifetime movies I might have watched on Saturday afternoon.
25. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? I don't think we did anything on our birthdays (we share birthdays one day apart.) I know we went to Moab the first weekend in May, but it didn't fall on our birthdays. We spent our fifty-second birthdays at home working. Aren't we romantic and sentimental?
26. What one thing would have made your life immeasurably more satisfying? I would love to be able to attend the temple more often. I would love to sit in a temple session with each of my children, either one at a time or all together. I would also love to see all of my sisters in a temple session together. Of course, just going to the temple with my husband is wonderful, and I would love to be able to do so more often this next year.
27. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? I started out the school year down two pants sizes and I was so excited about that. Then after being on the prednisone for a few months, went right back up in sizes again. Now I wear what I can get on. I need to invest in some better fitting clothes, but I hate to go shopping for myself. I would like to feel like I look like I have clothes to wear.
28. What kept you sane? My husband. He keeps me grounded when I feel like running away and when I feel my world exploding in on me.
29. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy most this year? I appreciated all Mitt Romney did to show his morality during the presidential campagne. I think he did a great job of showing what a man of the priesthood represents. Even if others didn't feel the same way about him, I think that he represented our church very well.
30. What political issue stirred you the most? I got most upset about the things people said about our church. They are so misinformed but think they know so much. Some of them wouldn't listen to reason, only believed what fit their preconceived image of Mormons. I wondered how so many people said they didn't know anything about the Mormons when we have so many missionaries and members out there. Are there really people who have never met a missionary or a member? Are we that transparent that people don't know who we are, yet they know all about us? How can that be?
31. Who did you miss? I miss my grandchildren. I miss visiting with my dad and my sisters. I miss my children. I miss my mom. I miss my grandma. I miss my husband's parents. Professional...I miss Jill Pappas, who made me feel like I was a good teacher. I miss her stopping in my classroom just to visit. I miss her beautiful smile and kind words.
32. Who was the best new person you met? I am not sure I have personally met any new person this year. I have crossed paths with a few people I didn't know, but not anyone I would say is the best new person of the year.
33. Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2008? I learned that it is a very fine, undefined line between being caring and concerned, and being nosey. And that line can only be decided by someone else. It is from the other persons view, so my caring is at the mercy of what the other person thinks. So it is sometimes easier to just care from a long distance. But I learned that for me, when it comes to others showing they care about me, I want them to talk with me, visit with me, ask me questions, tell me that care. I have learned that accepting their concern helps me really see that people do care and that they aren't always judging. For those that want to talk to get the gossip to spread to others, they don't matter anyway. Hiding my head and saying it doesn't exist doesn't make the trial go away. I need my support from my friends, family, and ones to love and care about me. I have learned that actions do speak louder than words, and louder than words not spoken. Unspoken words, and no actions are worse than negative words or negative actions. When no one speaks and no one shows any love, concern, or caring, feelings just become dead. I wish I knew what I could do to repair some of these dead feelings in people I care for. That is one thing I pray for direction with this coming year.

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