Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm Hopeless

I woke up this morning remembering to take my weekly fosamax pill which requires me to take on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, with 8 ounces of water, then sit up for one hour. So I followed all the instructions as required. As I went into the kitchen to actually get the pill, my first thoughts were, "Oh, no. We didn't get anything out of the freezer for dinner today. Why didn't we think about Sunday dinner yesterday?" Then I read a few posts on facebook, specifically where Nicky wrote about it being the weekend and such, and I'm thinking "she wrote this a few days ago." I was up for over an hour before I realized it is only Saturday! I think it has something to do with us going to the temple on Friday, which we usually do on a Saturday. Boy are my days mixed up!
This has been a month filled with busy. I know busy isn't a noun but I think it should be, because busy is a thing. I was excited about the end of the school year, as usual. Testing was difficult this year because the lucky third grade got to take one more test than any of the other classes. The great state of Utah decided we needed to take the spring IOWA test, which added one more day of testing to our already 5 day schedule. The CRP (state core tests) took 5 days to complete. We do the tests on the computer now, so I don't even get to see the questions at all. In fact, if I don't stand behind one student and read the questions as they come up, I don't even see all the questions. So I have no idea what questions are asked on which concept, which makes it difficult to know exactly how to teach the concepts so the kids are familar with the questions. The kids said there was a questions about flips or turns, but I didn't see it! I also don't know if there was a questions on pints and quarts. I don't like this form of testing.
The weather was good for our field trip to the desert. We went with Castle Dale, which I am not sure I liked. It was just too crowded and busy. The kids loved playing in the river, so it turned out to be a good day.
Closing up the room for the summer was more difficult this year. My room is one of five that is getting torn up for asbestos removal, which meant that all the stuff had to be packed up and stored off the floor. We were told we could put things as high as we could on the stationary shelves, as long as it could be covered by plastic or sheets, so we crammed as much as we could on the few counters and shelves in the room. The rest of the stuff was going to be moved to the gym for storage. I left thinking we had done a pretty good job.
We had reservations at Joes Valley for the Memorial Day weekend, and I was really excited about our time there to just get away. It turned out to be a rainy weekend and not at all what we had planned. Our plan was to get up early on Sunday morning and head to town for church. Because of the rain on Saturday night, we were in the trailer and sleepy by 8:30 so we went to bed. It was a good thing because we were awaken at 10:30 by Gail Jensen knocking on the door to tell us that Dad was being taken to the hospital. So we threw on clothes and headed to town. We jumped in the shower because we smelled like the campfire, then headed to Price. Dad was transferred to Provo again, so we followed. We spent the night trying to catch a few winks of sleep in the waiting room. After things settled down a bit we decided we would return to EC, get the trailer and Nicky's car off the mountain, then make plans for the rest of the week.
It was decided I would return to Provo for Tuesday and Wednesday with Dad. Tuesday was a little hard on him, but Wednesday was great. It was the best I had seen him in months. He was very cooperative and talkative. We had good conversation and a great time. He felt bad that he couldn't remember the past few days, but his long-term memory was right up there. He remembered little details about so many things. He had lots of questions about why he was in the hosptial and how he got there, but he could tell me about building my cedar chest and how he got the heart in the top upside down. I am glad I had that good day with him.
Thursday morning I got a phone call from Dennis, the principal, begging me to please come back to school because there was a problem. The district maintenance had made a mistake in their packing instructions and we now needed to move EVERYTHING out of the classroom, all the books from the bookshelves, all the boxes, everything needed to be out. So I spend the day boxing and moving. When I got to my room the district had already moved out the big stuff, including my desk and the long supply shelves. I had to pack up all my library books, the stuff on the south wall, the things in my cubbies, carry all the stuff up to the gym. It was a full day of work. I have such a great husband who helped me or I would still be there working.
We decided we needs a good break for us on Friday so we headed off to the temple, but not until two hours after I took my water pills. It took stops in Emery, Salina, and Manti before we walked into the temple. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through the session without a bathroom break, but a heartfelt prayer helped. We did have to wait for a little old lady to have a bathroom break, but not me. The session was so small with only 5 men so we had to participate more than usual, but that was fine. There were two other couples from our stake there, Wayne and Kelly Olsen, and the Miners from our ward. We had a nice drive home and a quiet evening.
And then I woke up thinking it was Sunday. I'm glad to have today to maybe at least call the sisters I am to visit for Relief Society. I've been very slothful the past three months and haven't made it out and I am feeling guilty.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Morgan!

We just had to run home and try to call Morgan on her birthday. Grandma and Grandpa were feeling so guilty about not calling her and wishing her a happy birthday. When we tried on the phone no one was home, and no one ever answers the cell phone. Since Mommy doesn't know how to get to the voice mail there was no use in leaving a message.:) We understand from Aunt Nicky that the family is on a picnic. We hope you had a wonderful birthday picnic. Sure wish we could be there with you. We will see you in a little more than a month. Missouri in July should be nice and warm. We are so glad to have Miss Morgan in our family. She is such a beautiful girl and so fun to play with. Quite the polite talker on the phone and so grown up. We miss having her close by, but marvel at the many things she is learning. What a fun girl. Hope you have a very happy birthday, Morgan. We love you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Fun Photo

My niece, Chelsie, has been posting some old family pictures for all of us to see. I was looking through some this morning and came across this really cute picture. I wanted to share it, especially with Sandra. Sandra and I both know we have been friends since forever, and this just goes to show it is true. I remember the summers our families went camping together. It might have lasted only a few years, probably less than 5-7 years, if even that much. I really liked these camps because with the Rasmussens and the Lukes I have girl friends. When we went camping with the Olsen family, everyone had girl cousins their age but me (Julie, but she was the baby and only crawled around). I only had boy cousins my age. But with the Rasmussens and Luke I had Sandra and Kaye, as well as Tami Sorry, Tami, I don't recall how you spell your name. I guess my age is showing. So here is a picture of all the girls camping. Notice how much Sandra and I like each other! We are holding hands. How cute!

(Click on the picture to enlarge.)
Left to right:
Tami Rasmussen, Ruanne Ware, LaNean Luke being held by Kaye Luke, Lori (me!), Sandra Rasmussen, Linda Ware
Aren't we all so cute!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day............
I read back through my post for last year and decided it says it best so here it is again.

Happy Mothers Day

I want to wish all the Mothers in my world a very happy Mothers Day. Everyone in my world knows my feelings towards Mothers Day, and I am learning that other women share my opinion for many different reasons. But today I want to say how special the moms in my life are.
My mom was just beginning to see the "fruits of her labor" when our Heavenly Father called her home to him. But in my hosrt time as a mother while she was here, she helped me immensely. Her example of a home-maker and friend was priceless. I know I will never able to keep my home as beautiful as she did, or make cookies the way she did. But I hope to be able to love my children as much as she did.......So much for that before I ruin my makeup!

Another special Mom is the mother of my husband. She, too, has left this earthly life, but I was so lucky to know her. There was a time in her life she wondered if she would ever be a mother because her first three children died soon after she gave them birth. But she was blessed with 4 sons and a daughter, and extra-blessed to add 3 more to her family, another daughter and 2 sons, that she helped raise. She is a great example of a hard worker, and very spiritual. I love her for raising such a good son who treats me with the same respect he had for her.

Other special moms are the mothers of my grandchildren. These moms are so special to me. They have all gone through so many trials and difficult times, but the Lord is blessing them with such wonderful children. They each have different parenting styles, talents, and experiences, but they each make it work for their families. I love you all, Tammy, Nancy, and Chantel. Thanks for raising my grandchildren.

I also want to acknowledge the mothering that Nicky does for all these kids. Although she doesn't have her own children YET, she is a mom to all her nieces and nephews and loves them just as much. They come to her for her love, and I know she would give them the world.

Other moms that I look up to are my sisters. They have each gone through so many trials lately, as well. And although we sometimes wonder when it will end, I am amazed that we can all do what we have. I admire them so much and want them to know that I think they are wonderful women. All three of them. Linda is there to love our children, just as much as we all do. I hope you know I love you all.

And my sisters-in-laws...Thanks for your example and love. I am a better person because you are all teaching me how to keep going, even when everything seems stacked against me. I see your examples of what spirituality, love and devotion and I admire you so much. Thanks for accepting me into the family 31 years ago. I love you all.

So, Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Hope you all have a great Mother's Day. Mine will be quiet, with Dad and I here. I'll finish reading my book and work on the temple cloth that is almost done. This will be my fourth one since I started making them. Then I will work on Koy's Christmas stocking, whichis coming along nicely. Maybe we will take a 4-wheeler ride, or drive to the mountains. It will be just the two of us. Maybe the lilacs will be blooming today and it will smell nice outside. The lilacs remind me of Grandma Olsen. My peonies are almost opening up, and I look forward to their beautiful, big blossoms. They remind me of Aunt Maree, so I will be surrounded by memories of other mothers in my life. All is good.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tammy

Another birthday this week! My first little girl turns.........a year older. I remember that well like it was yesterday. Called the hospital to see if they had a room available. That's the best way to do it. Don't wait for those labor pains, make an appointment in advance. We had the best doctor in the world. Dr. Ed as he was kindly known, a big burley guy who was so kind and gentle with kids. We were so happy to get our sweet little girl in our family. As parents, we all know you really don't know how much we ourselves are loved until we become parents. Your life totally changes once the kids come along.
Tammy, we love you and pray for you always. We know you are a great mom and are doing what is needed for your family. I hope you are a great day today because you certainly deserve it. We wish we could be there to tell you in person, but this will have to suffice, along with a phone call. And "The check will be in the mail!" Use it for something you want.
Love ya so much, sweetie.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Garth told me a funny one!

Today when we were walking into the hospital to visit with my dad, Garth told me a joke that I actually laughed at, so I thought I would pass it along.
"Remember when someone would ask if you thought we would ever have a black president? The typical answer might have been "When pigs fly!" Well, after 100 days in office the "SWINE FLU!".
OK, maybe it really isn't funny, but I laughed! And I am still laughing. And you know how I get stuck on laughing and can't stop. I need to go to bed!

Happy Birthday, Garth

Happy birthday to the best guy in my world! I love you, dear.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Lifetime Award

This have been very hectic this past week, but we were able to take a much needed break to go on one of our favorite weekends. For the past 20 years (more or less), we have spent the first weekend in May at USEA conference. Garth was on the state board for 13 years of that time. We have always enjoyed our association with the great people who work for the classified employees of the school districts in our state. Our children grew up with the monthly meetings in Salt Lake and we have many memories of fun times with all the people from the staff and the boards. We have made life-time friends that are always there for us. We have greats memories of that fun time in Park City when we were about the only people in the building and had the hot tub all to ourselves. Remember when Mom stepped up and told the people at McDonald's that we were in line before the breakfast time ended and that we wanted our breakfast biscuits? You kids were so proud of Mom speaking up for you. It wasn't our fault the cashier couldn't get the order in front of us right and we had to wait for him.
We were reminded many times this weekend about the time Barrett beat Rick in golf. Everyone is still laughing at that one. And of course, we all remember the big "administration" problems and the changing of the chief in command. But after all these memories it is the people we have learned to love that we remember the most.
In the past, Garth has nominated four people for employee awards and all four people have received the awards: Zora Fielder (instructional aide),Connie Ware (instructional aide),Carol Stilson (secreatary), and Sid Lancaster (administrator). This year we nominated another person but they were not chosen so we will try again next year. But the best of all was the award Garth got this year.
USEA has a Lifetime Member award which is not given out very often. In fact, there are only 6 who have received this award. A lifetime member is given the honor to attend every USEA meeting and a vote in all delegate meetings for his/her lifetime. They do not have to be in attendance as a delegate from their local association. In order to qualify for this lifetime membership, the nominee must have served for 10 years on the local or state board (13 counts) and be an example of a great classified employee, (got that one, too!) The executive board must first vote that this person qualifies and give their approval for the nomination. The board member for the area then reads the nomination form to the members, who them must vote for their acceptance. Marie Leonard from Carbon read the nomination for Garth, and the delegates agreed with her by giving him a standing ovation and a loud, long round of applause. There were many new people there, but a good number of the old faithful delegates who have come to Garth for advice for many years. Of course, the vote still needed to be taken, so we had to wait until the end of the business and speeches to learn the results. In the meantime, we were told by Mike Hepner to be sure to stay around for the results, and I got a thumbs up from him in the hallway. When the results of the vote were given, the new president said that the standing ovation said it all, the vote was 100% in the affirmative to accept Garth as a Lifetime member.
It was kind of strange to see that all of the executive board members were "new" since Garth served, except one, and the president and president-elect. But they still came to Garth for advice about some of the procedures, etc that needed to be followed. It was very humbling to see the respect they all have for him. This is definately an honor that he deserved. Now we can look forward to our "vacation" every year and allow someone else the opportunity to attend as a delegate. He was given a very nice plaque from the board, and Mike said it is great to know that Garth will be around to always keep him in line.
So I want my husband to know that I am very proud of him for being the kind of many that helps so many people. They all look up to him and know that he is an advocate for the working people of the associations.
And also, it is his birthday on Monday, so Happy birthday dear!