Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm Hopeless

I woke up this morning remembering to take my weekly fosamax pill which requires me to take on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, with 8 ounces of water, then sit up for one hour. So I followed all the instructions as required. As I went into the kitchen to actually get the pill, my first thoughts were, "Oh, no. We didn't get anything out of the freezer for dinner today. Why didn't we think about Sunday dinner yesterday?" Then I read a few posts on facebook, specifically where Nicky wrote about it being the weekend and such, and I'm thinking "she wrote this a few days ago." I was up for over an hour before I realized it is only Saturday! I think it has something to do with us going to the temple on Friday, which we usually do on a Saturday. Boy are my days mixed up!
This has been a month filled with busy. I know busy isn't a noun but I think it should be, because busy is a thing. I was excited about the end of the school year, as usual. Testing was difficult this year because the lucky third grade got to take one more test than any of the other classes. The great state of Utah decided we needed to take the spring IOWA test, which added one more day of testing to our already 5 day schedule. The CRP (state core tests) took 5 days to complete. We do the tests on the computer now, so I don't even get to see the questions at all. In fact, if I don't stand behind one student and read the questions as they come up, I don't even see all the questions. So I have no idea what questions are asked on which concept, which makes it difficult to know exactly how to teach the concepts so the kids are familar with the questions. The kids said there was a questions about flips or turns, but I didn't see it! I also don't know if there was a questions on pints and quarts. I don't like this form of testing.
The weather was good for our field trip to the desert. We went with Castle Dale, which I am not sure I liked. It was just too crowded and busy. The kids loved playing in the river, so it turned out to be a good day.
Closing up the room for the summer was more difficult this year. My room is one of five that is getting torn up for asbestos removal, which meant that all the stuff had to be packed up and stored off the floor. We were told we could put things as high as we could on the stationary shelves, as long as it could be covered by plastic or sheets, so we crammed as much as we could on the few counters and shelves in the room. The rest of the stuff was going to be moved to the gym for storage. I left thinking we had done a pretty good job.
We had reservations at Joes Valley for the Memorial Day weekend, and I was really excited about our time there to just get away. It turned out to be a rainy weekend and not at all what we had planned. Our plan was to get up early on Sunday morning and head to town for church. Because of the rain on Saturday night, we were in the trailer and sleepy by 8:30 so we went to bed. It was a good thing because we were awaken at 10:30 by Gail Jensen knocking on the door to tell us that Dad was being taken to the hospital. So we threw on clothes and headed to town. We jumped in the shower because we smelled like the campfire, then headed to Price. Dad was transferred to Provo again, so we followed. We spent the night trying to catch a few winks of sleep in the waiting room. After things settled down a bit we decided we would return to EC, get the trailer and Nicky's car off the mountain, then make plans for the rest of the week.
It was decided I would return to Provo for Tuesday and Wednesday with Dad. Tuesday was a little hard on him, but Wednesday was great. It was the best I had seen him in months. He was very cooperative and talkative. We had good conversation and a great time. He felt bad that he couldn't remember the past few days, but his long-term memory was right up there. He remembered little details about so many things. He had lots of questions about why he was in the hosptial and how he got there, but he could tell me about building my cedar chest and how he got the heart in the top upside down. I am glad I had that good day with him.
Thursday morning I got a phone call from Dennis, the principal, begging me to please come back to school because there was a problem. The district maintenance had made a mistake in their packing instructions and we now needed to move EVERYTHING out of the classroom, all the books from the bookshelves, all the boxes, everything needed to be out. So I spend the day boxing and moving. When I got to my room the district had already moved out the big stuff, including my desk and the long supply shelves. I had to pack up all my library books, the stuff on the south wall, the things in my cubbies, carry all the stuff up to the gym. It was a full day of work. I have such a great husband who helped me or I would still be there working.
We decided we needs a good break for us on Friday so we headed off to the temple, but not until two hours after I took my water pills. It took stops in Emery, Salina, and Manti before we walked into the temple. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through the session without a bathroom break, but a heartfelt prayer helped. We did have to wait for a little old lady to have a bathroom break, but not me. The session was so small with only 5 men so we had to participate more than usual, but that was fine. There were two other couples from our stake there, Wayne and Kelly Olsen, and the Miners from our ward. We had a nice drive home and a quiet evening.
And then I woke up thinking it was Sunday. I'm glad to have today to maybe at least call the sisters I am to visit for Relief Society. I've been very slothful the past three months and haven't made it out and I am feeling guilty.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

mom o said...

Didn't you receive the meno that the first week out of school you were to put your feet up and relax, sleeping in each morning until 10:00, have another nap at 2:00 and go out to eat for supper. It sounds like your life is a little crazy right now. I'm glad that your Dad is doing better and it sounds like this is going to be how your summer is going to go. If you ever need to talk I'm here. Hang in there and maybe one day this summer you can put your feet up and enjoy!