Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tammy

Another birthday this week! My first little girl turns.........a year older. I remember that well like it was yesterday. Called the hospital to see if they had a room available. That's the best way to do it. Don't wait for those labor pains, make an appointment in advance. We had the best doctor in the world. Dr. Ed as he was kindly known, a big burley guy who was so kind and gentle with kids. We were so happy to get our sweet little girl in our family. As parents, we all know you really don't know how much we ourselves are loved until we become parents. Your life totally changes once the kids come along.
Tammy, we love you and pray for you always. We know you are a great mom and are doing what is needed for your family. I hope you are a great day today because you certainly deserve it. We wish we could be there to tell you in person, but this will have to suffice, along with a phone call. And "The check will be in the mail!" Use it for something you want.
Love ya so much, sweetie.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Me and the kids went to Wheeler Farm today and I got some pics of the kids on an old John Deere tractor. I am going to get them edited and then sent them down to the photo lab in price and you guys can pick them up.