Monday, May 4, 2009

Garth told me a funny one!

Today when we were walking into the hospital to visit with my dad, Garth told me a joke that I actually laughed at, so I thought I would pass it along.
"Remember when someone would ask if you thought we would ever have a black president? The typical answer might have been "When pigs fly!" Well, after 100 days in office the "SWINE FLU!".
OK, maybe it really isn't funny, but I laughed! And I am still laughing. And you know how I get stuck on laughing and can't stop. I need to go to bed!


Anonymous said...


mom o said...

I heard that one the other day and it is a good one. I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday and I hope that you have a great day. That your students give you the best present ever by being the best they can be today. Also I have heard about your Dad being sick, you will have to let me know just how he is doing. It is tough going through what you are enduring right now. The only way to stay strong is to ask for that help from above. Hang in there and love you.