Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day............
I read back through my post for last year and decided it says it best so here it is again.

Happy Mothers Day

I want to wish all the Mothers in my world a very happy Mothers Day. Everyone in my world knows my feelings towards Mothers Day, and I am learning that other women share my opinion for many different reasons. But today I want to say how special the moms in my life are.
My mom was just beginning to see the "fruits of her labor" when our Heavenly Father called her home to him. But in my hosrt time as a mother while she was here, she helped me immensely. Her example of a home-maker and friend was priceless. I know I will never able to keep my home as beautiful as she did, or make cookies the way she did. But I hope to be able to love my children as much as she did.......So much for that before I ruin my makeup!

Another special Mom is the mother of my husband. She, too, has left this earthly life, but I was so lucky to know her. There was a time in her life she wondered if she would ever be a mother because her first three children died soon after she gave them birth. But she was blessed with 4 sons and a daughter, and extra-blessed to add 3 more to her family, another daughter and 2 sons, that she helped raise. She is a great example of a hard worker, and very spiritual. I love her for raising such a good son who treats me with the same respect he had for her.

Other special moms are the mothers of my grandchildren. These moms are so special to me. They have all gone through so many trials and difficult times, but the Lord is blessing them with such wonderful children. They each have different parenting styles, talents, and experiences, but they each make it work for their families. I love you all, Tammy, Nancy, and Chantel. Thanks for raising my grandchildren.

I also want to acknowledge the mothering that Nicky does for all these kids. Although she doesn't have her own children YET, she is a mom to all her nieces and nephews and loves them just as much. They come to her for her love, and I know she would give them the world.

Other moms that I look up to are my sisters. They have each gone through so many trials lately, as well. And although we sometimes wonder when it will end, I am amazed that we can all do what we have. I admire them so much and want them to know that I think they are wonderful women. All three of them. Linda is there to love our children, just as much as we all do. I hope you know I love you all.

And my sisters-in-laws...Thanks for your example and love. I am a better person because you are all teaching me how to keep going, even when everything seems stacked against me. I see your examples of what spirituality, love and devotion and I admire you so much. Thanks for accepting me into the family 31 years ago. I love you all.

So, Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Hope you all have a great Mother's Day. Mine will be quiet, with Dad and I here. I'll finish reading my book and work on the temple cloth that is almost done. This will be my fourth one since I started making them. Then I will work on Koy's Christmas stocking, whichis coming along nicely. Maybe we will take a 4-wheeler ride, or drive to the mountains. It will be just the two of us. Maybe the lilacs will be blooming today and it will smell nice outside. The lilacs remind me of Grandma Olsen. My peonies are almost opening up, and I look forward to their beautiful, big blossoms. They remind me of Aunt Maree, so I will be surrounded by memories of other mothers in my life. All is good.


mom o said...

What a beautiful tribute! Happy Mother's day to you.

Nicky said...

Happy Mothers Day Mom! I love you! I already made the call to you. Since I couldn't sleep this morning, I knew I could call you bright and early :)

nancy said...

I love peonies.. they remind me of aunt maree to... happy mothers day