Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Day

I woke up early today, Sunday. Without my glasses on, it is very difficult to see any details, but I could see there was a glowing light outside. I knew immediately. Here it is, the 7th of March, and it is snowing again. The light was from the reflection of the street light on the snow in the air. It is coming down hard and heavy. What a winter this has been. There is still snow on the ground from all the storms this eyar. The front lawn was finally cleared of all but the big piles. The north side of the house won't be snow-free for several more months. The pile off the deck is still up as high as the bottom of the deck. That pile was created from the snow that was pushed off the roof so we couldn't have any more water damage. The bottom of the slide was finally showing, but now it is covered up again. Will spring ever arrive?

Last week I was on lunch recess duty. A few days I even just wore a sweater outside. It was nice and warm, the snow was melting some. The problem was that the kids are tired of playingi n the snow so all the school was confined to the little area of the basketball courts. There were lots of arguing, pushing, and fighting for control of the hoops. Usually at this time of year the kids are out playing baseball, running on the grass and spread out all over the playground. They are also getting tired of all the snow and nowhere to play.

So here it is, Sunday morning, snow is falling, and it is cold. I really need to get out of here and enjoy something fun. Last week's lunch with my sisters was great, but I need more time with my husband, just the two of us. We had to stay here this weekend because he had to be to the junior prom since everyone else was going away. So we stayed home, again. I'm just tired of sitting here in the snow and watching everyone else leave for a get-away. Wish he didn't get "chosen" to cover all the school activities, or that someone else was "volunteered" to do other people's church jobs. I am just waiting for the phone call asking me to "do me a favor" for someone else. Do I sound a bit bitter? Don't mean to. I just need a Pick-Me-Up. Help!!!!

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