Thursday, March 25, 2010

I thought it was about time to write down another memory. These two pictures show a year in the life of the Ware girls. (I think it is probably a year, maybe two.) I'm not sure the exact year the pictures were taken, but the first one was probably the year we moved into our house. It doesn't look like there is much landscape except for the small shrub on the corner. But the girls are sure cute! Left to right, that is me (Lori), Linda, and Ruanne. Julie isn't there as you can see. I suppose this is a true "pre-Julie" picture because I was almost 7 when she was born and I don't look that old in this picture.

The second picture we finally have Julie there with us! You can see the shrub on the corner has grown a little bit. I remember those jackets so well. They were fluffy but not really too soft. You will see these jackets in many pictures through the next few years, as they were passed down until there was no one left to wear them. I wonder what happened to them? I remember the dress I am wearing. It was a wool jumper that Mom made, of course. I remember it well because it itched so bad! It was scratchy and bothered me lots. I don't know why I wanted to wear it, probably because Mom made it. We always wore little white anklets with our black shoes. We look like tin soldiers standing there! Notice there is no sidewalk and no driveway yet. Can anyone tell me when we built the driveway and had the sidewalk put in? I know the carport came in when Ruanne was in high school, but what about the driveway? The pole fence isn't even there yet. Oh the memories of that fence. I will write about that another time. I just wanted to put up this picture to remind us all how cute we really were and still are. My three favorite sisters!

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