Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life Changes

Our neighborhood has been blessed by having two children with Downs Syndrome. Our friend, Jay Mark, just lost his wife to cancer in December and was left with his two young men to continue raising. Jared is over 30 and Justin is around 24. Jared has taken care of Justin all of his life. On Thursday Justin had a fall that resulted in a shattered femur. The last thing I heard he is in UofU hospital. His heart has always been very bad and the doctors don't know if he would survive an operation to repair his leg. The choices aren't very good for him. I know this is hard on both Jared and Jay, as well as all of the rest of the family. They need all our faith and prayers.

Another change of life has happened to our good home teacher, Ted. At our home he has been known simply as Ted, not Bro. Thomas, just Ted. He has been such a faithful home teacher. When Bro. Law was on his missions, Ted came with his wife, or Al Lemons, or Dixon Peacock to complete his home teaching every month. There hasn't been many months in the past 18 years that Ted hasn't been in our home. You have to know Ted to understand how dedicated he is to our family. Ted just doesn't to people. He is not a crowd person. He prefers to be alone and not bothered. Ted is a gruff, hard man and I know he would smile when I say that. He is an old sailor with tattos on his arms. He can't talk because years ago he had throat cancer and has a trach hole. He does talk with us by covering the hole and whispering a few words at a time. He laughs and he cries with us. He loves our children so much and enjoyed watching them grow up and all of their accomplishments. He is truly a great friend to us. The change in his life is that he has reached the point that his family needs to have him in a retirement, extended care facility. His memory is going, he can't take care of himself any more. He doesn't eat properly and doesn't remember his personal care. He is moving to Turnquist Center in Elmo today. His daughter-in-law asked Garth if Ted had come home teaching the other night because when she went to get him ready for bed he was dressed in his suit and said he had to go home teaching. It is so touching to know that he cares about us so much that his few memories are coming to visit us. We all love him so much and we will miss his visits. We will be visiting him now, and hope to be able to make his life as happy as he has made ours.


Olsen Family said...

Thank you so much for leaving me a little note. That is so crazy that your son knows Dr. Overy. In logan right? He is the best! Your blog is beautiful, I love it. How do you know dan and wendy olsen?

Nicky said...

That is so sad about Ted! What is Kayden going to do at church? That is his highlight, he runs in and has to go say hi to Ted! Why are they putting him in the Elmo one? Ted has always been a part of the family, it won't be the same without Ted.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help the Humphrey's out. Since I am up by the U of U, let Jay know I can help them out by staying with Justin for a few hours if needed or for dinner or something.