Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Time

Reasons I love spring.
I love watching the trees get their first tint of green.
I love hearing the birds returning to our pretty little town.
I love watching my peonies jump up out of the ground and get big red buds, then count the days and weeks until the ants come out to chew open the tight leaves so they can finally pop open. (I learned that ants eat the peonies from my Grandmother Olsen, so don't put out ant killer until AFTER the peonies have fully blossomed.)
I love the smell of burning leaves and grass (but my lungs don't).
I love watching my roses start to get green.
I love seeing the water rising in the creek, knowing the water is being let out of the reservior.
I love seeing the grass being watered so it will green up.
I love standing in the warm sunshine at recess.
I love watching the popcorn popping on the apricot trees, and apple trees, and bushes, etc.

I love going outside without a coat or sweater.
Seeing my family coming to visit.
Time to read.
Quiet time.

Reasons I don't like spring:
The wind, which never seems to stop blowing (Why don't we invest in those big windmillsThe wind, which dries out my eyes.
The wind, which makes standing on the playground at recess almost unbearable.
The wind, which dries out the trees and grass.?)

The wind, which blows the water over to my neighbor's lawn instead of staying on my lawn.
The wind, which blows the branches of the rose bushes against my house.
The wind, which brings my allergies to my nose and eyes.

Enough about the wind:

Other reasons I don't like spring:
My students get ready to leave me. (Some I am happy they are growing up and leaving me, some I am happy they are leaving me. Read it as you wish):)
State testing at school.
Cleaning up my classroom for the summer.
Trying to get everything back in place.
Scheduling summer workshops (Reminds me that I really DON"T have the summer off, like so many people think teachers do.)
Seeing my own kids plan on moving away.
No time to read.
Too much quiet time, not enough quiet time.

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