Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

My computer is down so I am slow in posting this. I am borrowing my daughter's computer and waited until after church. I wanted to wish all the fathers in my life a very happy Father's Day. First of all, my husband, because he is the father of my children. He has always been a wonderful father and example to them all. They reach out to him for advice and comfort. He has provided for us well, even creating jobs for the children while they were in school. He has taught them the honor of hard work by working along side them. He expected them to always do better than their best. He has helped them move so many times we can't count them anymore, but he has done it willingly and with pride at their accomplishments as they go to the next part of their lives. He is a great example of a priesthood holder, one who honors his priesthood and tries to do what the Lord expects him to do. He was instrumental in having scripture study every morning at 6:00 before he went to work. Our children grew up knowing they were expected to be with us to read the scriptures every morning, to have family prayers, and to attend their church meetings. They call on him to give them Father's blessings and he is so honored when they do so. He honores his own father by following his example.
My own father is also a great father. I remember riding to high school with him and hearing him sing "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date." (From Alice in Wonderland)He taught his four daughters to respect our mother and to exercise good stewardship over our possessions. He was a great teacher in our public school system, back when teachers were able to really talk with students and get to know them. He spent many hours in the driver's education car talking with students and helping them with their problems. He encouraged me to go to college, and then to finally finish my education and become a teacher. He was there to encourage me to get my Masters degree a few years ago. He let us live with him for several months while looking for employment and housing. He loved my mother and stayed by her side throughout her illness until she was called home to live with Heavenly Father.
My own son is a great father to his two sweet children. He follows his father's example by helping at home. He doesn't expect his wife to do more than he is willing to do. They make a great team as they work together to teach their children. He has spent countless hours of study to reach his dream of being a doctor. We were so proud of him when he graduated from medical school and now as he begins his residency at Childrens Mercy. He will continue to be a great dad and will be a great doctor.
My daugher's husband, Josh, is a great father to their three childen. The kids look up to him and love when he is around. He is working so hard on teaching his children to read the scriptures and have family prayer. He is willing to sacrifice for them as he looks for employment that will allow them to begin a new part of their lives. When Kayden was in the hospital Josh was there to help out and relieve Tammy of the burden of his daily care. He is much more confident with giving Kayden his medications than I am. When I am asked to babysit in the evenings, (which isn't very often)I rely on Josh to get the medications ready, or to give them to him. We appreciate his help around the house. Yesterday he helped Garth get the new roof on the deck, and he mows the lawn for us.
Nancy's husband, Dallas, loves her and Tyler so much. He is a good provider for them, and loves to spend time with them. He is so kind to help Nancy as she works at night, to watch Tyler and be there for him, to allow Nancy her sleep time while he plays with Tyler. I am a little worried about that motorcycle Nancy wants him to drive to work, but........We are proud of the work he does, even if we don't understand computer programming languages! We know he is brilliant in that area.
I have great brothers-in-laws who are so kind to us and who help us when needed. Each one is special to us for so many reasons.
My father-in-law was a great man, great in stature and honor. His example helped to mold my husband into the father he is. His legacy will live on through his children and grandchildren, and the many great-grandchildren.
And most of all, I love my Father in Heaven. To Him I give all my love and thanks for everything for which I have been blessed. I pray that I can honor his name and live my life so I can feel His spirit and direction in all I do. That some day I will be able to see that He is proud of me.


Nicky said...

Happy Fathers Day!

nancy said...

And not to leave out Nicky. her future husband will have to be pretty cool and put up with a lot ( just kidding nicky) thanks for the wishes.Dallas is amazing. I love him and can't wait for forever!