Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Ready

This week has been so busy at school. I was put on another committee which just means more things to do with my little bit of time. I went to a training on Tuesday afternoon. I am getting ready for a substitute for Friday. We are so looking forward to flying to Arizona. It has been eleven months since we saw Tyler! (okay, Nancy and Dallas as well.) We are so excited to see him (them) again. I will take lots of pictures for myself and maybe share them with you.

For some reason it just seems like we don't have the energy to do what needs to be done any more. We get home so tired at the end of the day. Dad leaves at 4:45am and gets home at 6:20pm. Last night he was mowing the lawn and looked so tired and sore from being on his feet all day. Well, really he mowed all day but that really jars his knee. And mowing our lawn afterward wasn't a help. He was just "plum tuckered out" as Grandma Olsen would say.

I am up at 4:30 and try to get to school by 7:00am. (It takes me longer to get beautiful.) And I never leave until 6:00, or when Dad comes knocking on my door. Then dinner and all that stuff, including checking and recording more assignments. I don't even seem to get to my handwork. All I need to do on Maxwell's Christmas stocking is sew on his name, but it is taking me forever to get to that! I will get it done in the next few weeks, then add the backing and send it off! I had so much time until school started. I must be doing something wrong. I just can't get it all done. Could it be this new math program is taking so long to prepare each night? Thank heavens for Sara who helps me with reading, and Cindy who comes in for math. Suzette Roberts also comes in and volunteers during math. I am so blessed to have such wonderful helpers.

As for now, I think I will go home and cry myself to sleep, I am so tired!


Nicky said...

i know how you feel! i cried myself to sleep last night but mine wasn't because i was tired. i wasn't tired, i had so much going on in my mind, i actually ended up taking an ativan to calm down. it's been SOO long since i had an anxiety attack. but i am feeling A LOT better today.. wish i was going on vacation with ya!

nancy said...

Who says you are going to get rest here!! Just kidding. We are excited that you get to see him. 11 months is a long time. Don't be surprised to see a big boy at the airport instead of a little baby! Get ready for a weekend of relaxing, the park and throwing balls.

Oh and I forgot to mention... Ty's cake JOHN DEERE!! He loves farms ( must not be MY kid) and is so glad grandpa likes em to!