Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Good Analogy

I saw this in a message today and thought I would share it.

A five year old came home from kindergarten and told her dad they were going to have a class presidential election. The dad asked who she was thinking about voting for. She answered Obama. Her dad told her he would explain the difference between the candidates. He said, you are going trick or treating on Friday. If you go out early and work hard and hustle to all the houses in the neighborhood and you get a lot of candy you would have more than a little girl who sat and watched TV instead of ogingo ut, and also youw ould have more than a little crippled boy who couldn't go trick or treating. McCain believes that youshould be able to keep all your candy if you want, or you could go and share some with either of the kids who didn't get any if you want to. obama would make me take away half your candy even if you didn't want me to, and I would have to give it to the kids who didn't go get any, and I would have to say the candy came from obama and not you. Do you want to share your candy or have it taken away?

Have a Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nicky

Today is my baby's birthday. Yes, she will always be my little girl, the youngest of four children. Happy birthday to you, Nicky! Nicky kept up the tradition of being born on a Tuesday, just like the other three before her. She was also born on the 26th, just like Barrett and Nancy. But she is the only one born outside of Cache Valley. Nicky was our little "deer hunting" baby, which is why she was almost named Bambi. (Not really, Dad wouldn't have that at all!) Her dad had gone deer hunting earlier in the day. I started having stronger contractions during the day but I didn't think she would come for a while. My dear Aunt Maree (step-grandmother) came down for a drop-in visit and she told me to go rest for a while and she would watch after the little children. The rest helped for a while, but after Dad came home from hunting and the kids were in bed asleep the contractions started again. We called my dad to come and sit with the kids and headed to Price. I spent the night resting in bed there, then in the morning we had a cute little baby girl! It really wasn't that easy, but time helps you forget. My doctor was busy at the time delivering his own baby, so his partner delivered Nicky. We were happy to have another baby in our family. We love you Nicky! Happy birthday!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Many years ago in a talk, someone spoke about a little known woman in the scriptures, and it impressed me so much that I remembered the story very well. This woman made things with her hands that must have been very beautiful because her friends valued their beauty. Her friends also valued their friendship with this woman, named Dorcas, or Tabitha. When Peter was shown the beautiful things which she had made, he was so impressed that he raised her from the dead. Her story is found in Acts 9:36-42.

36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.
37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber.
38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them.
39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.
40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.
41 And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.
42 And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord.

For some reason I always have remembered this story. Maybe it reminded me of the beautiful things my mom would make. She made our clothes, quilts, all kinds of crafts, afghans, pillowcases, tablecloths, so many beautiful things. I learned to work with my hands from the example of my mom and I enjoy keeping my hands busy each night and for a few minutes each morning. I still have one more Christmas stocking to get done by next Christmas and I will work on it constantly to get it done. But I will need to divide my time with doing something else because of a phone call I received yesterday.

The woman who called me was a worker at the Manti Temple. She said she had been told by people in our ward that I crochet and do work with fine thread, which means the thin thread for tableclothes, edgings, etc. She is looking for someone to help make altar cloths for the temple. She said the coverings on the sealing rooms get washed regularly and so they get worn out. Sometimes they get snagged from buttons, etc. They also need doillies and coverings for the arms of chairs, the tables, everywhere that hands might rest. She also said that with all the new temples going in and the need for replacements at other tables, the church is in need of many items. She was asking me to help make these alter cloths.
This is such an honor for me. I enjoy doing this work so much anyway, but to know that something I create might be good enough to be in the temple is so humbling. I am so excited about this chance. I understand you need to be an endowed member with a current temple recommend, which means that there aren't very many women in the world with the credientials to do this work. A lost art I suppose. She will send me the patterns and dimensions and all instructions I might need. She emphasized that I might have to change the size of needle depending on how I crochet.
For those of you who don't know, if you crochet tighter the items will end up smaller so you might need to larger needle to get the same measurements. I crochet close to the required gauge, relatively speaking, so I usually match the same requirements as the patterns. I just know it will have to be done perfectly, no cheating to get the required stitches.
So, you will probably be seeing me crocheting a lot in the future. Along with at least one more Christmas stocking!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Linda

Today is another family birthday. My sister Linda is .... a year older today than she was last year on this day, but only a day older than yesterday. Hope you have a very happy birthday. Do something fun for yourself, and then let me know what you do because I can never think of anything fun to do and I need suggestions. Happy birthday!

A Pleasant Surprise

As I was working in my classroom yesterday, I looked up to see a student coming in the doorway a just before recess. I also noticed this cute curly haired little girl standing beside her. My immediate thought was "There is Daphne" then, "I guess the Oldroyd's are babysitting a little girl that looks like Daphnie." But low-and-behold, it WAS Daphne. She came to visit Aunt Lori at school. It was so fun to see her, and her mother, too. We had a nice visit with an out-of-control classroom. For the record, we got a new girl enrolled in our class, so the day turned into a "show-off" day, with everyone trying to impress the new student.
I enjoyed watching Daphne walking up and down the stairs, looking at all the fun things a school has to offer, and visiting with Chelsie. Thanks for stopping in!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great and Terrible: Clear as the Moon

I wrote that I was reading the newest (and last) volumn of this great series. We picked it up in Logan on Friday, Oct. 3 and read it all the way home that night, until it got too dark to see. I couldn't sleep on Sunday morning, so I got up early, about 4:00 and read to the end of the book. And cried again. What a surprise ending! When we drove up to SLC Saturday for the boys birthday, I read it aloud both up and back. When I wasn't sleeping, of course. For some reason I get tired when we drive and there were a few times I just needed to rest my eyes. We still read about 150 pages in all.
I won't give away the story, but it you like intense drama about the last days, this series is a must read. A few of the parts in a few volumns are so technical you really have to concentrate on them, but it is so "real time" it is scary.
While we were reading the first part of the book, it because clear to me that the President of the United States needs to be someone who is a true patriot. Someone who will sacrifice everything for the constitution of our country. Someone who has proved that the constitution is worth fighting for, who would volunteer to fight and lead troops wherever they need to be. He must also be someone who knows when to fight and how to fight. Someone who would not simply just try to get on the "good side" of countries who have announced their hatred against our country. Negotiating just isn't possible with someone who has no sense of right and wrong. Our leaders must be people who cannot be sweet talked into becoming friendly, not watching our backs because they are hearing the politically correct thing. It was too easy in the book for others to be sucked in by the smooth talkers, the people who ultimately wanted to bring our country down. We need leaders who know war and who believe in our military strength because that is where we will be attacked. It was easy for some to be bought out by a host of other ideas, other people who were ready to set us up for failure.
Overall, it was a very good book. I'm not sure if everyone would like this series, just like not everyone likes those "vampire" books. (I'm not enticed, but I admit I am weird.) Just so you know, Mrs. Card didn't like them either. I was hooked on this series with the first book, The Brothers, all about the pre-existence and I learned so much about the power of Satan and what his plan truly is. It helped me understand how others could actually choose to follow him and how much they want us to fail here. Anyway, I liked the series, and have learned a lot about the evil forces we see in our world today.

Happy Birthday, Kayden

A special day for a special boy! Kayden has taught us so much in his four wonderful years. What fun to see him so excited about his birthday present! He was literally jumping with joy, so excited and smiling from ear to ear over a crazy green power ranger. Do you know how hard those are to find?
Kayden has gone through so much in his short life. His mother has written his story many times on her blog. You can read the latest here. It was so hard to see him with all those tubes and hear him cry when the tube had to be replaced. I remember the day Koy was born and Tammy had an IV in her hand. Kayden was so upset about his mother having an "ouwee". He is so tender hearted. He is certainly his grandpa's little buddy. Forget about anyone else. When he has Grandpa he doesn't need anyone. He will even eat when Grandpa asks him to
Kayden, we love you so much! Happy birthday. Good luck at kidney clinic today. Hope you ate lots of chocolate cake so you can gain weight. (I wish I had the problem of trying to gain weight!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I love Sundays. I love going to church and knowing I enjoy being there. Even though some Sundays I feel ignored or un-needed, I love knowing that is where I should be and I am doing what I should do. I love coming home to a warm house and spending time with my husband. I love the comfort I feel at home. I love how church lessons get me to think about what I need to improve myself, or that I am doing okay in some areas. I like the comfort I feel knowing that I can look at myself and decide what areas I need to work on, not needing to depend on someone else to tell me what they think I should do.
I am thankful for the Lord helping me get through some tough feelings today, helping me to see what I need to do to get over these feelings.
I have always suffered from low self-esteem and have craved acceptance from others and never felt that people I valued valued me. In the past when I allowed the actions or words of others to hurt me, I would want them to hurt as badly as I did. The past day I have been struggling with those old feelings again and I didn't want them. I wanted some people to know that their inability to forgive and forget was hurting me again, or should I say "still". And then I realized that it doesn't matter. That is something they will need to work on. At church I was taught that my tials are to help me and that perhaps the lessons I learn will enable me to be there to help them. I read back through my posts on Agency in the Balance and Judgement or Opinion and remembered all those feelings of the past years. I am sorry if you don't like me, or my children, or my family, or whatever. I am sorry for whatever has been said that offended you. I don't want you to hurt the way I am and I don't want anything to come between our friendship and family. I would hope and pray that we can get over things in the past, recognizing the difficult times we have all gone through and realizing that some things are more important than past words or actions.
One way I get out of my pity-party is to make a list of SOME of the things I am thankful for. So here goes:
1. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who loves me and my family, even in our weakest times.
2. I am thankful for free agency that allows us to make wrong choices because without this agency we can't make right choices.
3. I am thankful for trials because without trials we wouldn't recognize blessings.
4. I am thankful for weaknesses so I can appreciate strengths.
5. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who stands near during our joyous times, allowing me to be thankful for everything I have.
6. I am thankful for my children who keep me strong, who allow me to make mistakes so I can grow.
7. I am thankful for a husband who honors his priesthood and uses it to bless his family.
8. I am thankful for parents who taught me to think for myself and speak up for what I believe, for my dad who would try to get me to debate him each morning on our ride to school. He wanted me to make valid arguments so I would be strong and be able to speak my own mind, even if he didn't agree with me.
9. I am thankful for a mother who didn't pass judgement when I didn't keep my room as clean as she thought I should, and who still invited all my friends over for fun around the piano.
10. I am thankful for my sisters who have been such good examples to me. They have each had such great trials of their own, and I am sure we will all have more. But they keep on going, doing what is needed for the time.
11. I am thankful for my husband's extended family, my wonderful in-laws. They are such strong and loving people. I love the hugs they give. They have shown me it is okay to show you care about people by putting your arms around them. I didn't have that growing up and I am glad my children can see that other people besides mom and dad can show that public love.
12. I am thankful for hugs and kisses on the check. I love giving and getting hugs with my children and grandchildren. And of course my husband.
13. I love hugs from my school children. I love walking down the halls at church and having them come up for a hug. Today one of my students from last year came to me and threw his arms around me. Walking behind him was an older former student who did the same thing. Right behind him was an "older" former students (28-29) who said he wanted a hug, too! We laughed together about how special people are in our lives.
14. I love hugs from my neices and nephews. I love how Scott (42) and Devon (43) still give us hugs. And Traci (17) and Aubrey (12?). And all the others inbetween. And I even get hugs from Landon still, that I enjoy so much! And Chelsie who hugs my head because she is so much taller than me.
15. I love living in my small town. I love the comfort of knowing my neighbors.
16. I love my job and the people I work with.
17. I love coming home at night and spending time with my husband. I love the comfort I feel with him, that he is my best friend.
18. I love reading to my husband when we travel. I love that he lets me take a break and sleep for a few minutes!
19. I love the squeal of my grandsons when they open their birthday presents!
20. I love my family.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Strange Day

I was a bit late getting to school this morning. I didn't make it until about 7:25, just too lazy to get going I guess. I noticed the lights were on, so thought Cory or Mavorene had already been in to check the heaters or something, not unusual when I am late. I went straight to my desk and noticed my set of cheap reading glasses on top of the papers on my desk. They were snapped in half and just sitting on the papers. I haven't used them for a while, and my first thought was that Cory had found them under the heater or desk and had picked them up, just some random thought. Maybe they were on the floor and I had rolled my chair over them without knowing. Very likely. Then Cory came in and said to check everything very closely because we had a break-in last night.
The first one to notice was Edna, the lunch lady. She got here around 6:30 and found glass all over the kitchen floor. The window had been broken in. She found Mavorene and they started looking through the building and found every teachers' desk had all the drawers pulled out. Of course the cops were called. They were here in just a few minutes, taking pictures and doing cop stuff.
So far we haven't found a thing missing; no money gone, no electronics, calculators or anything. Just every room having little strange things done. In my room there were my glasses sitting there broken, the monitor on the student computer was turned off, and the speaker box for my microphone was unplugged. But my candy was in my desk, my palm pilot sitting on the shelf plugged in, my pills still in the same drawer where the glasses were.
We noticed a footprint on top of the copy machine. It looks like someone climbed through the faculty room window to the copy room, then out into the office. The door from the faculty room to the office is always locked so the only way to get to the office is through the window (or with a key!). No one is missing anything. Just really strange. It feels like someone is spying on you, watching every move.
Just a strange day.

Happy Birthday, Koy

Happy birthday, big boy. Who would have thought your special day would bring cold and snow? Well, we haven't seen the snow yet, but I hear it is coming soon.
Our Koy is such a cutie! A big teddy-bear of a boy. He is so busy he just can't stop. He gets into mischief because he wants to experience everything he can. Why slow down when there is so much to do? He has the sweetest grin and touble-making eyes. You just melt into them. He is a tease and will giggle at the simplest things. He loves his grandpa, tickles from grandma, playing with Kayden, and running. Happy birthday, Koy Boy!

Friday, October 3, 2008

It Was a Great Day

We just got back home from Logan where we went to Kandis's wedding. As all temple wedding are, it was beautiful. She was a beautiful bride and he is very handsome. They looked so happy together. It was beautiful weather for pictures afterward. I could have sat around the temple grounds all morning. The flowers were still blooming, the water running, the grass green, with clear blue sky. It was very nice. It was nice to see all the family again. It seems like we usually miss one or the other each time we have family events. We did miss seeing Lee and his family and hope that we will soon be able to meet up with them again. But we really enjoyed visiting and see all the others. Of course Mary and Cleve were busy with their position as parents of the bride, so it is understandable that we didn't get to visit too much with them. However, we did talk with them while we were waiting for the dinner and we had a nice visit. Did I was it was a beautiful, nice day?

We had a few hours to fill between the temple and the dinner and we put them to good use. We went to Deseret Book! Nicky had given me a gift certificate for Christmas and I haven't had time to go to the bookstore yet, and I was dying to go and pick up my next book. Chris Stewart came out with the last volumn of The Great and Terrible series. I had no idea it was coming out so quickly after the previous volumn! Dad and I listened to all the tapes for the 5 books on our way to Missouri and back in June, so he was also anxious to get the book. (Not really. He is waiting for the CDs.) I couldn't wait to get started so when we left the dinner I started reading it outloud to him. I figured he could listen to me as well as the CDs. After all, I read aloud all the time and kind of know what I am doing. Well, it was a big mistake! I can't read through a choked up voice and tears in eyes kind of make it difficult to see the words. I never cried in the other books, but boy this one hit some tender spots. I won't give away any "secrets" but when Bono talked with his little girl and she didn't want him to go back to the war, I teared up. No, I wept. And when Sam and the family realized it was a Sunday and they wanted the sacrament, so he found some bread and water and they had a Sunday service I cried again. And when........and then.......So far it is very touching how the Spirit touches each of them. And so scary how much like today's world the evil part plays out. Tomorrow I will post about how this book is influencing me to think about my vote come November. I don't think the author intended to influence anyone, but he said a few things that got me thinking. But that will be another post. We read 120 pages but had to stop near Price because of darkness. Maybe I will become a professional book reader! If I can just control my emotions.

In all, it was a great day: nice wedding, nice weather, nice family, nice ride home, great book. What more could we ask for? Oh yeah, BYU football at USU. BYU beat. Emery football....Emery lost. Oh, well. It was a nice day.