Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nicky

Today is my baby's birthday. Yes, she will always be my little girl, the youngest of four children. Happy birthday to you, Nicky! Nicky kept up the tradition of being born on a Tuesday, just like the other three before her. She was also born on the 26th, just like Barrett and Nancy. But she is the only one born outside of Cache Valley. Nicky was our little "deer hunting" baby, which is why she was almost named Bambi. (Not really, Dad wouldn't have that at all!) Her dad had gone deer hunting earlier in the day. I started having stronger contractions during the day but I didn't think she would come for a while. My dear Aunt Maree (step-grandmother) came down for a drop-in visit and she told me to go rest for a while and she would watch after the little children. The rest helped for a while, but after Dad came home from hunting and the kids were in bed asleep the contractions started again. We called my dad to come and sit with the kids and headed to Price. I spent the night resting in bed there, then in the morning we had a cute little baby girl! It really wasn't that easy, but time helps you forget. My doctor was busy at the time delivering his own baby, so his partner delivered Nicky. We were happy to have another baby in our family. We love you Nicky! Happy birthday!


Nicky said...

Thanks mom!! I love you guys too! I know I didn't come out a boy like the dr said but I came out even better! And you and dad kept he tradition of calling me a 7 this morning! :)

nancy said...

aww how cute. Little Bambi Nicky Melva the girl Peanut sticky Labrum