Friday, October 10, 2008

A Strange Day

I was a bit late getting to school this morning. I didn't make it until about 7:25, just too lazy to get going I guess. I noticed the lights were on, so thought Cory or Mavorene had already been in to check the heaters or something, not unusual when I am late. I went straight to my desk and noticed my set of cheap reading glasses on top of the papers on my desk. They were snapped in half and just sitting on the papers. I haven't used them for a while, and my first thought was that Cory had found them under the heater or desk and had picked them up, just some random thought. Maybe they were on the floor and I had rolled my chair over them without knowing. Very likely. Then Cory came in and said to check everything very closely because we had a break-in last night.
The first one to notice was Edna, the lunch lady. She got here around 6:30 and found glass all over the kitchen floor. The window had been broken in. She found Mavorene and they started looking through the building and found every teachers' desk had all the drawers pulled out. Of course the cops were called. They were here in just a few minutes, taking pictures and doing cop stuff.
So far we haven't found a thing missing; no money gone, no electronics, calculators or anything. Just every room having little strange things done. In my room there were my glasses sitting there broken, the monitor on the student computer was turned off, and the speaker box for my microphone was unplugged. But my candy was in my desk, my palm pilot sitting on the shelf plugged in, my pills still in the same drawer where the glasses were.
We noticed a footprint on top of the copy machine. It looks like someone climbed through the faculty room window to the copy room, then out into the office. The door from the faculty room to the office is always locked so the only way to get to the office is through the window (or with a key!). No one is missing anything. Just really strange. It feels like someone is spying on you, watching every move.
Just a strange day.


Nicky said...

That is weird, wonder what they after! Obviously not a sugar high or your pills or even wanting to get smarter! :) Glad that nothing was taken, but looks like your going to have to get another pair of "cheap glasses". REALLY glad they didn't take your palm pilot since that is what carries the addresses and phone numbers of all your kids :)

Chantel said...

That is a super strange thing. That is a creepy feeling too. It makes you wonder why they did it.
As for my blog.. No, I didn't have to give a urine sample, but I really did fill out paper work and had to have a "badge" saying who I was and show a phone ID!
I am watching a little boy named Caden. He is super cute and VERY sweet.
And I think I am driving on all those lanes right now :) OK, just one, but I think I need more!