Friday, October 3, 2008

It Was a Great Day

We just got back home from Logan where we went to Kandis's wedding. As all temple wedding are, it was beautiful. She was a beautiful bride and he is very handsome. They looked so happy together. It was beautiful weather for pictures afterward. I could have sat around the temple grounds all morning. The flowers were still blooming, the water running, the grass green, with clear blue sky. It was very nice. It was nice to see all the family again. It seems like we usually miss one or the other each time we have family events. We did miss seeing Lee and his family and hope that we will soon be able to meet up with them again. But we really enjoyed visiting and see all the others. Of course Mary and Cleve were busy with their position as parents of the bride, so it is understandable that we didn't get to visit too much with them. However, we did talk with them while we were waiting for the dinner and we had a nice visit. Did I was it was a beautiful, nice day?

We had a few hours to fill between the temple and the dinner and we put them to good use. We went to Deseret Book! Nicky had given me a gift certificate for Christmas and I haven't had time to go to the bookstore yet, and I was dying to go and pick up my next book. Chris Stewart came out with the last volumn of The Great and Terrible series. I had no idea it was coming out so quickly after the previous volumn! Dad and I listened to all the tapes for the 5 books on our way to Missouri and back in June, so he was also anxious to get the book. (Not really. He is waiting for the CDs.) I couldn't wait to get started so when we left the dinner I started reading it outloud to him. I figured he could listen to me as well as the CDs. After all, I read aloud all the time and kind of know what I am doing. Well, it was a big mistake! I can't read through a choked up voice and tears in eyes kind of make it difficult to see the words. I never cried in the other books, but boy this one hit some tender spots. I won't give away any "secrets" but when Bono talked with his little girl and she didn't want him to go back to the war, I teared up. No, I wept. And when Sam and the family realized it was a Sunday and they wanted the sacrament, so he found some bread and water and they had a Sunday service I cried again. And when........and then.......So far it is very touching how the Spirit touches each of them. And so scary how much like today's world the evil part plays out. Tomorrow I will post about how this book is influencing me to think about my vote come November. I don't think the author intended to influence anyone, but he said a few things that got me thinking. But that will be another post. We read 120 pages but had to stop near Price because of darkness. Maybe I will become a professional book reader! If I can just control my emotions.

In all, it was a great day: nice wedding, nice weather, nice family, nice ride home, great book. What more could we ask for? Oh yeah, BYU football at USU. BYU beat. Emery football....Emery lost. Oh, well. It was a nice day.

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