Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Weekend

I spent Saturday getting my supply of chili sauce for the year all bottled and ready for winter. Nicky was here and helped me by putting the tomatoes into the hot water and fishing them out and into the cold water. I peeled tomatoes, and peeled tomatoes, cut them and measured. Yes, I got all the salt and sugar in this year. It should be a good patch. All that cooking and stirring got us 11 1/2 pints of chili sauce. And Nicky got a good laugh at me trying to fish out the hot lids from the water. It was a quiet day because we didn't even have a BYU football game to watch.

Sunday morning I was very slow getting ready for church. The time just passed away and before I knew it, it was already 8:10 and I didn't have make-up or hair done, and was still in my robe. I hurried to get a sice of toast so I could take my medicine, then rushed to get thrown together and out the door. And we were still the first ones there! It was my turn to play the organ this month so I had to start by 8:45 (My rules, no one else's.) I just can't handle it when I walk into a meeting and there is no prelude music. It really sets the mood of the meeting IF someone is playing and someone else is listening. Lately, no one but Dad listens.

We were planning on rushing on up to SLC to listen to Lexi in her Primary program. She called Saturday night and really wanted us to come see her. I said we might not be able to get there, and I could hear the tears in her voice and it just broke my heart. I can't stand to hear my little ones cry! Big kids, cry all you want, but little one's can't. So, after a LONG meeting (overtime, no 'practice song'), we made it to their church just before it started. Man were Koy and Kayden excited to see Grandpa! Lexie was so good with her part and sang all the songs so well. We were glad to be able to be there.

We went to IHOP for lunch so Josh didn't need to cook dinner. Not that he isn't a good cook, but we were rushed to get back and wanted to have time to visit with the kids and.....just an excuse. I know Lexi loves IHOP, even if she didn't have a really great experience there. The one good thing was that Kayden at a whole pancake and 1/2 of another one! He was so proud of himself! He had to show us his empty mouth. He can stuff as much in his mouth as Barrett could at that age. But he chewed it and swallowed it all. We were so proud of him!

Dad and I got home in time for The Amazing Race and time to rest a little bit. It as a very busy weekend after a busy week.

This morning I finished Maxwell's name on his Christmas stocking! Now all I have to do is get the fabric for the back and get it sewn together and sent off. Making any bets about getting it all done by Christmas?

Now I am going to bed. I wrote two three page papers and I am tired.


nancy said...

what happened at Ihop that made lexi have a bad experience. She loves that joint!

Nicky said...

Lexi couldn't get a toy, and she got her funny face pancake but SHE said the bananas were rotten.. and so we said that if she ate everything that she ordered MAYBE she will be able to get an ice cream (because she said she wanted an ice cream) well, we ended up getting extra pancakes somehow (of course) and so she ate one of those so she thought she could get ice cream because she ate a pancake.. so she threw a fit in IHOP...

I don't think it's very nice that when the little ones cry they get what they want! :) I wanted my mommy to come up when I didn't feel good but NOOOOO.. :) Of course Kayden and Koy were glad to see Grandpa, Grandpa is Kayden's bestest buddy (ask him, he will tell you)

About the chili sauce, it was HILARIOUS watching you try to fish the lids out of the hot water. Even better when you were laughing so hard so you really couldn't get it out! :) So then you started telling me "why don't YOU try and get it out!!!" like yeah mom, pick a fight with me.. you might be my mom, but I'm taller!! :) Hey, can you guys bring up my white long sleeved shirt that I left down there. I had to hang dry it and I left it in the laundry room!

Chantel said...

That is great about Maxwell's Christmas stocking!! We would LOVE it if you could have it done by Christmas. Barrett is sad about the chili sauce, is there a way you can stick some of that in the mail?!?!