Sunday, July 27, 2008

Experimenting With a Video.

We had such a great weekend with some of our grandchildren. We really missed having Tyler there with us and hope that we can all be together one of these days. It was great that Max and Morgan were in the area, so we took them, along with Lexi, Kayden, and Koy to the zoo. Aunt Nicky was so generous to come along and help us keep track of the kids. It was fun and everyone was so nice. It did get hot the last hour and that push up the hill was hard. I was so glad to have good lungs again, and so proud of myself for being able to walk and push the strollers up and down the hills. I only got winded because of hard work, not tight with lung problems. I was able to breathe deeply and not suffer from the bad asthma. Dad and I were able to walk all day without sore knees. We are so thankful for our good health again. Artificial knees, lungs and all the other problems were forgotten when we laughed with the kids. In the evening we went to Chuck E. Cheese's and had a great time there. Poor little Morgan cried so hard when it was time to go. She broke our hearts. It made up for the laughing we did when she just couldn't decide which animal to ride on the carousel. Kayden was content with riding on a bench, the only thing he would get on. And at dinner he actually took a piece of pizza and ate it! We were so proud of this little man for eating something. He had to be pumped full of fluid during the night, but he ate food, not just bread sticks. In all, it was a great day with those who were there. Thanks kids, for letting Grandma and Grandpa have such a great time! We love you! Tyler, we are looking foward to coming to Arizona and spending time with you. So here is my experiment with adding a video.


Nicky said...

I like the videos and pics mom! Friday wore me out! it was TOO hot and I think that is why I had a migraine.. Well, I'm off to lay down again. Medicine is still in my body. Just had to eat a piece of toast and get COLD WATER!

nancy said...

I find it so funny that my kid is the total black sheep of all of all of them. He doesn't look like any of them. I am surprised at how much Max looks like Koy ( at least in pitcures)