Monday, July 7, 2008

What is a Friend?

My daughter wrote a great post about ordinary miracles. She talked about Charolette's Web, a book I always read to my third graders. We always discuss what a true friend does for others, and talk about what each character in the story does to show what kind of a friend they are. Most people believe that Charolette is a greatest friend in the world because she will give Wilbur something that eventually takes her life. She is a friend to the end. But after 23 years of reading Charlotte I have learned many lessons. (Along with lessons learned from The Wizard of Oz, but that is another post.)

Yes, Charlotte worked hard to help save Wilbur. What she did was amazing. But what is the life expectany of a spider. anyway? She knew she was going to die. Was it the work that caused her death? Or did she do something when she knew she was dying?

My biggest question to my students is, "What about Templeton, the rat?" Who thinks the rat can be a friend? One of my favorite quotes from the story is something like this: Templeton speaking: "And what about 'old Templeton'? Who has been running after words? Who caused Avery to break the rotten egg so he wouldn't kill Charlotte? Who carried Charlotte in his mouth? Who did all the leg work?" Now, granted, these aren't direct quotes, but who did all that? Isn't that a friend? Everyone complained about Templeton, and Templeton complained about everything. What did he get in return for his work? Not a book written about him! Sometimes we overlook some people who might not be as pretty, those not able to do fancy things like write in webs, but who trudge along and do the leg work so others can take the glory. Should we really blame them for grumbling as they do it?

What about Wilbur? What did he do for anyone? Yes, he took care of Charlotte's children, but did he really? And what did they give him in return? What happened to Templeton after he returned to the farm? What makes a true friend?


nancy said...

You can link it. Its not private so its no big deal.

I personally don't think a friend should just be someone who personally "helps" the other person.

A wise person once said that a friend is anyone you feel a closeness with. That would let you use the term losely.

I feel that I claim those as friends if they have a memory or have played a special part in my life. Not just "given" me something. ( at least not in tangible terms of something)

I hope that makes since.. And I think Templeton is on of the kids who were "not cool" in school but still make an impact and live a more rich life ;) You know. the geek. I am sure he became super succesful to.

Grandma Labrum said...

I agree with your thoughts about friends. In Templeton's case, was he just being used by the others? They kept asking him to run to the dump for a new word, come with them to the fair for their own purposes, do everything for them. Were they friends? Should he have bowed to their desires after they called him a pack-rat? Why did he do everything he did for them? There was one time when Wilbur left him the best morsels in the trough, and that seemed to please to please Templeton. But I don't think he did it just to get that reward. It is all just a good conversation for kids about friends.

nancy said...

I still did the stuff you asked me even when you called me a PACK RAT!!! HA ha! And I loved how you put 2 please' in there. How ever you should have left the to out ( sorry it was just a typo and it was the goose not templeton)

I think sometimes we are just pleasers in a sense. A girl at my work asked if I had ever done anything wrong. She of course asked this because I looked so young and she couldn't believe that i was 28. When I realzied it was because i was taught to be a certain way that I was sort of taught to be a pleaser. It isn't a bad thing but we do things to please others. Even though he was self serving he also had a need for friends.

Ultimately everyone has a need for friends. As I get older my "need" is different but the desire to be liked is the same.

Maybe templeton just had a need to be wanted and needed.